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c语言中的i/o_C语言中的基本I / O概念

程序员文章站 2022-07-14 08:14:26


C is a small language, and the “core” of C does not include any Input/Output (I/O) functionality.

C是一个小的语言和“核心” Ç不包括任何输入/输出(I / O)功能。

This is not something unique to C, of course. It’s common for the language core to be agnostic of I/O.

当然,这不是C独有的。 语言核心通常与I / O无关。

In the case of C, Input/Output is provided to us by the C Standard Library via a set of functions defined in the stdio.h header file.


You can import this library using:


#include <stdio.h>

on top of your C file.


This library provides us, among many other functions:


  • printf()


  • scanf()


  • sscanf()


  • fgets()


  • fprintf()


Before describing what those functions do, I want to take a minute to talk about I/O streams.

在描述这些功能之前,我想花一点时间讨论一下I / O流

We have 3 kinds of I/O streams in C:

我们在C中有3种I / O流:

  • stdin (standard input)

    stdin (标准输入)

  • stdout (standard output)

    stdout (标准输出)

  • stderr (standard error)

    stderr (标准错误)

With I/O functions we always work with streams. A stream is a high level interface that can represent a device or a file. From the C standpoint, we don’t have any difference in reading from a file or reading from the command line: it’s an I/O stream in any case.

使用I / O功能,我们始终可以处理流。 流是可以代表设备或文件的高级接口。 从C的角度来看,从文件读取或从命令行读取没有任何区别:无论如何,它都是I / O流。

That’s one thing to keep in mind.


Some functions are designed to work with a specific stream, like printf(), which we use to print characters to stdout. Using its more general counterpart fprintf(), we can specify the stream to write to.

一些函数被设计为与特定的流一起使用,例如printf() ,我们将其用于将字符打印到stdout 。 使用更通用的对应fprintf() ,我们可以指定要写入的流。

Since I started talking about printf(), let’s introduce it now.


printf() (printf())

printf() is one of the first functions you’ll use when learning C programming.


In its simplest usage form, you pass it a string literal:



and the program will print the content of the string to the screen.


You can print the value of a variable, and it’s a bit tricky because you need to add a special character, a placeholder, which changes depending on the type of the variable. For example we use %d for a signed decimal integer digit:

您可以打印变量的值,这有点棘手,因为您需要添加一个特殊字符(占位符),该字符会根据变量的类型而变化。 例如,我们将%d用于带符号的十进制整数:

int age = 37;

printf("My age is %d", age);

We can print more than one variable by using commas:


int age_yesterday = 37;
int age_today = 36;

printf("Yesterday my age was %d and today is %d", age_yesterday, age_today);

There are other format specifiers like %d:


  • %c for a char


  • %s for a char


  • %f for floating point numbers


  • %p for pointers


and many more.


We can use escape characters in printf(), like \n which we can use to make the output create a new line.

我们可以在printf()使用转义字符,例如\n ,以便使输出创建新行。

scanf() (scanf())

printf() is used as an output function. I want to introduce an input function now, so we can say we can do all the I/O thing: scanf().

printf()用作输出函数。 我现在想介绍一个输入函数,因此可以说我们可以完成所有I / O事情: scanf()

This function is used to get a value from the user running the program, from the command line.


We must first define a variable that will hold the value we get from the input:


int age;

Then we call scanf() with 2 arguments: the format (type) of the variable, and the address of the variable:

然后我们用两个参数调用scanf() :变量的格式(类型)和变量的地址:

scanf("%d", &age);

If we want to get a string as input, remember that a string name is a pointer to the first character, so you don’t need the & character before it:


char name[20];
scanf("%s", name);

Here’s a little program that uses both printf() and scanf():


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
  char name[20];
  printf("Enter your name: ");
  scanf("%s", name);
  printf("you entered %s", name);

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翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/c-input-output/
