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程序员文章站 2022-03-13 21:45:53


 * Finds all of the keywords (words that appear most) on param $str 
 * and return them in order of most occurrences to less occurrences.
 * @param string $str The string to search for the keywords.
 * @param int $minWordLen[optional] The minimun length (number of chars) of a word to be considered a keyword.
 * @param int $minWordOccurrences[optional] The minimun number of times a word has to appear 
 * on param $str to be considered a keyword.
 * @param boolean $asArray[optional] Specifies if the function returns a string with the 
 * keywords separated by a comma ($asArray = false) or a keywords array ($asArray = true).
 * @return mixed A string with keywords separated with commas if param $asArray is true, 
 * an array with the keywords otherwise.
function extract_keywords($str, $minWordLen = 3, $minWordOccurrences = 2, $asArray = false)
  function keyword_count_sort($first, $sec)
    return $sec[1] - $first[1];
  $str = preg_replace('/[^\\w0-9 ]/', ' ', $str);
  $str = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $str));
  $words = explode(' ', $str);
  $keywords = array();
  while(($c_word = array_shift($words)) !== null)
