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程序员文章站 2022-07-13 11:02:00





1.1 作者描述




1.2 代码信息






2.1 参数

2.2 运用

2.3 加载网络


3.1 训练

3.2 测试



1.1 作者描述



Images can be resized and cropped in different ways using --preprocess option. 训练时,根据预处理选项 --preprocess的选项,图片会被采用不同的方式resize与crop。

  • The default option 'resize_and_crop' resizes the image to be of size (opt.load_size, opt.load_size) and does a random crop of size (opt.crop_size, opt.crop_size). 默认的选项是resize_and_crop, resize为 (opt.load_size, opt.load_size) 大小,并且随机裁剪为(opt.crop_size, opt.crop_size)
  • 'crop' skips the resizing step and only performs random cropping. crop跳过resize直接对图像进行随机裁剪。
  • 'scale_width' resizes the image to have width opt.crop_size while keeping the aspect ratio. 'scale_width_and_crop' first resizes the image to have width opt.load_size and then does random cropping of size (opt.crop_size, opt.crop_size). scale_width选项将图像resize为 opt.crop_size大小,同时保持相应的宽高比,'scale_width_and_crop'先按上面方法裁剪,然后再进行随机裁剪。
  • 'none' tries to skip all these preprocessing steps. 不进行处理。

However, if the image size is not a multiple of some number depending on the number of downsamplings of the generator, you will get an error because the size of the output image may be different from the size of the input image. Therefore, 'none' option still tries to adjust the image size to be a multiple of 4. You might need a bigger adjustment if you change the generator architecture. Please see data/base_datset.py do see how all these were implemented.




Since the generator architecture in CycleGAN involves a series of downsampling / upsampling operations, the size of the input and output image may not match if the input image size is not a multiple of 4. As a result, you may get a runtime error because the L1 identity loss cannot be enforced with images of different size. Therefore, we slightly resize the image to become multiples of 4 even with --preprocess none option. For the same reason, --crop_size needs to be a multiple of 4.


  • 网络经历了下采样和上采样的过程,因此输入与输出的图像尺寸必须匹配。如果尺寸不匹配,则L1 loss就不能成功。
  • 同理,--crop_size必须为4的倍数

Training/Testing with high res images高分辨率图像的处理方法。简而言之就是加载resize成1024,crop成360训练,测试时加载resize到1024即可。

CycleGAN is quite memory-intensive as four networks (two generators and two discriminators) need to be loaded on one GPU, so a large image cannot be entirely loaded. In this case, we recommend training with cropped images. For example, to generate 1024px results, you can train with --preprocess scale_width_and_crop --load_size 1024 --crop_size 360, and test with --preprocess scale_width --load_size 1024. This way makes sure the training and test will be at the same scale. At test time, you can afford higher resolution because you don’t need to load all networks.



简而言之,输入进网络的图像尺寸必须为4的倍数,比如如果最后一步是crop,则crop size必须为4的倍数。若最后一步为resize,则resize之后必须为4的倍数,若none,则原始图像必须为4的倍数

1.2 代码信息



        parser.add_argument('--load_size', type=int, default=286, help='scale images to this size')
        parser.add_argument('--crop_size', type=int, default=256, help='then crop to this size')
        parser.add_argument('--max_dataset_size', type=int, default=float("inf"), help='Maximum number of samples allowed per dataset. If the dataset directory contains more than max_dataset_size, only a subset is loaded.')
        parser.add_argument('--preprocess', type=str, default='resize_and_crop', help='scaling and cropping of images at load time [resize_and_crop | crop | scale_width | scale_width_and_crop | none]')



为了方便训练,且不损失精度,我们就在所有代码后面加 --preprocess none




def get_transform(opt, params=None, grayscale=False, method=Image.BICUBIC, convert=True):
    transform_list = []
    if grayscale:
    if 'resize' in opt.preprocess:
        osize = [opt.load_size, opt.load_size]
        transform_list.append(transforms.Resize(osize, method))
    elif 'scale_width' in opt.preprocess:
        transform_list.append(transforms.Lambda(lambda img: __scale_width(img, opt.load_size, method)))

    if 'crop' in opt.preprocess:
        if params is None:
            transform_list.append(transforms.Lambda(lambda img: __crop(img, params['crop_pos'], opt.crop_size)))

    if opt.preprocess == 'none':
        transform_list.append(transforms.Lambda(lambda img: __make_power_2(img, base=4, method=method)))

    if not opt.no_flip:
        if params is None:
        elif params['flip']:
            transform_list.append(transforms.Lambda(lambda img: __flip(img, params['flip'])))

    if convert:
        transform_list += [transforms.ToTensor(),
                           transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
                                                (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))]
    return transforms.Compose(transform_list)

其中,用到的就是pytorch的transforms包。 import torchvision.transforms as transforms


官方文档: https://pytorch.org/docs/master/torchvision/transforms.html

class torchvision.transforms.Lambda(lambd)即用用户自定义的变形函数。进行transfrom




    transform_list = []
    if grayscale:
    if 'resize' in opt.preprocess:
        osize = [opt.load_size, opt.load_size]
        transform_list.append(transforms.Resize(osize, method))
    elif 'scale_width' in opt.preprocess:
        transform_list.append(transforms.Lambda(lambda img: __scale_width(img, opt.load_size, method)))
def __scale_width(img, target_width, method=Image.BICUBIC):
    ow, oh = img.size
    if (ow == target_width):
        return img
    w = target_width
    h = int(target_width * oh / ow)
    return img.resize((w, h), method)



    if 'crop' in opt.preprocess:
        if params is None:
            transform_list.append(transforms.Lambda(lambda img: __crop(img, params['crop_pos'], opt.crop_size)))
def get_params(opt, size):
    w, h = size
    new_h = h
    new_w = w
    if opt.preprocess == 'resize_and_crop':
        new_h = new_w = opt.load_size
    elif opt.preprocess == 'scale_width_and_crop':
        new_w = opt.load_size
        new_h = opt.load_size * h // w

    x = random.randint(0, np.maximum(0, new_w - opt.crop_size))
    y = random.randint(0, np.maximum(0, new_h - opt.crop_size))

    flip = random.random() > 0.5

    return {'crop_pos': (x, y), 'flip': flip}

def __crop(img, pos, size):
    ow, oh = img.size
    x1, y1 = pos
    tw = th = size
    if (ow > tw or oh > th):
        return img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th))
    return img



CycleGAN is quite memory-intensive as four networks (two generators and two discriminators) need to be loaded on one GPU, so a large image cannot be entirely loaded.四个网络存在一张显卡上,所以多加载显卡对于加速训练没有作用?后续通过代码发现并无作用。实验中发现即使输入--gpu_ids 0,1,2,3,程序也只是占用其中一张显卡。

2.1 参数

parser.add_argument('--gpu_ids', type=str, default='0', help='gpu ids: e.g. 0  0,1,2, 0,2. use -1 for CPU')

直接加 --gpu_ids 0,1,2,3

2.2 运用


        # set gpu ids
        str_ids = opt.gpu_ids.split(',')
        opt.gpu_ids = []
        for str_id in str_ids:
            id = int(str_id)
            if id >= 0:
        if len(opt.gpu_ids) > 0:

        self.opt = opt
        return self.opt



    def __init__(self, opt):
        """Initialize the BaseModel class.

            opt (Option class)-- stores all the experiment flags; needs to be a subclass of BaseOptions

        When creating your custom class, you need to implement your own initialization.
        In this fucntion, you should first call <BaseModel.__init__(self, opt)>
        Then, you need to define four lists:
            -- self.loss_names (str list):          specify the training losses that you want to plot and save.
            -- self.model_names (str list):         specify the images that you want to display and save.
            -- self.visual_names (str list):        define networks used in our training.
            -- self.optimizers (optimizer list):    define and initialize optimizers. You can define one optimizer for each network. If two networks are updated at the same time, you can use itertools.chain to group them. See cycle_gan_model.py for an example.
        self.opt = opt
        self.gpu_ids = opt.gpu_ids
        self.isTrain = opt.isTrain
        self.device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(self.gpu_ids[0])) if self.gpu_ids else torch.device('cpu')  # get device name: CPU or GPU


2.3 加载网络




3.1 训练

读图如果不进行crop则CUDA out of memory,必须load为496,即原图,裁剪为256*256大小才可以。

python train.py --dataroot datasets/single2poly-OK-dataset --name single2poly_OK_cyclegan --model cycle_gan --no_html --max_dataset_size 1000 --preprocess scale_width_and_crop --load_size 496 --crop_size 256 --gpu_ids 0

(torch) [aaa@qq.com cyclegan_pix2pix]$ python train.py 
--dataroot datasets/single2poly-OK-dataset --name single2poly_OK_cyclegan 
--model cycle_gan --no_html --max_dataset_size 1000 
--preprocess scale_width_and_crop --load_size 496 --crop_size 256 
--gpu_ids 0,1,2,3
----------------- Options ---------------
               batch_size: 1
                    beta1: 0.5
          checkpoints_dir: ./checkpoints
           continue_train: False
                crop_size: 256
                 dataroot: datasets/single2poly-OK-dataset	[default: None]
             dataset_mode: unaligned
                direction: AtoB
              display_env: main
             display_freq: 400
               display_id: 1
            display_ncols: 4
             display_port: 8097
           display_server: http://localhost
          display_winsize: 256
                    epoch: latest
              epoch_count: 1
                 gan_mode: lsgan
                  gpu_ids: 0,1,2,3                       	[default: 0]
                init_gain: 0.02
                init_type: normal
                 input_nc: 3
                  isTrain: True                          	[default: None]
                 lambda_A: 10.0
                 lambda_B: 10.0
          lambda_identity: 0.5
                load_iter: 0                             	[default: 0]
                load_size: 496                           	[default: 286]
                       lr: 0.0002
           lr_decay_iters: 50
                lr_policy: linear
         max_dataset_size: 1000                          	[default: inf]
                    model: cycle_gan
               n_layers_D: 3
                     name: single2poly_OK_cyclegan       	[default: experiment_name]
                      ndf: 64
                     netD: basic
                     netG: resnet_9blocks
                      ngf: 64
                    niter: 100
              niter_decay: 100
               no_dropout: True
                  no_flip: False
                  no_html: True                          	[default: False]
                     norm: instance
              num_threads: 4
                output_nc: 3
                    phase: train
                pool_size: 50
               preprocess: scale_width_and_crop          	[default: resize_and_crop]
               print_freq: 100
             save_by_iter: False
          save_epoch_freq: 5
         save_latest_freq: 5000
           serial_batches: False
         update_html_freq: 1000
                  verbose: False
----------------- End -------------------
dataset [UnalignedDataset] was created
The number of training images = 1000

3.2 测试

测试的时候,需要保证加载进去的是--preprocess scale_width --load_size 496

python test.py --dataroot datasets/single2poly-OK-dataset --name single2poly_OK_cyclegan --model cycle_gan --num_test 200 --preprocess scale_width --load_size 496 --gpu_ids 1

(torch) [aaa@qq.com cyclegan_pix2pix]$ python test.py --dataroot datasets/single2poly-OK-dataset --name single2poly_OK_cyclegan --model cycle_gan --num_test 200 --preprocess scale_width --load_size 496 --gpu_ids 1
----------------- Options ---------------
             aspect_ratio: 1.0
               batch_size: 1
          checkpoints_dir: ./checkpoints
                crop_size: 256
                 dataroot: datasets/single2poly-OK-dataset	[default: None]
             dataset_mode: unaligned
                direction: AtoB
          display_winsize: 256
                    epoch: latest
                     eval: False
                  gpu_ids: 1                             	[default: 0]
                init_gain: 0.02
                init_type: normal
                 input_nc: 3
                  isTrain: False                         	[default: None]
                load_iter: 0                             	[default: 0]
                load_size: 496                           	[default: 256]
         max_dataset_size: inf
                    model: cycle_gan                     	[default: test]
               n_layers_D: 3
                     name: single2poly_OK_cyclegan       	[default: experiment_name]
                      ndf: 64
                     netD: basic
                     netG: resnet_9blocks
                      ngf: 64
               no_dropout: True
                  no_flip: False
                     norm: instance
                    ntest: inf
                 num_test: 200                           	[default: 50]
              num_threads: 4
                output_nc: 3
                    phase: test
               preprocess: scale_width                   	[default: resize_and_crop]
              results_dir: ./results/
           serial_batches: False
                  verbose: False
----------------- End -------------------
dataset [UnalignedDataset] was created
initialize network with normal
initialize network with normal
model [CycleGANModel] was created
loading the model from ./checkpoints/single2poly_OK_cyclegan/latest_net_G_A.pth
loading the model from ./checkpoints/single2poly_OK_cyclegan/latest_net_G_B.pth
---------- Networks initialized -------------
[Network G_A] Total number of parameters : 11.378 M
[Network G_B] Total number of parameters : 11.378 M