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【内核原理与实现 009】句柄结构体,PspCidTable,PID/CID的由来

程序员文章站 2022-07-13 10:52:06


typedef struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY {
	union {
		PVOID Object;                          // 指向句柄所代表的对象
		ULONG ObAttributes;                    // 最低三位有特别含义,参见
		                                       // OBJ_HANDLE_ATTRIBUTES 宏定义
		PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO InfoTable;    // 各个句柄表页面的第一个表项
		                                       // 使用此成员指向一张表
		ULONG_PTR Value;
	union {
		union {
			ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess;         // 访问掩码
			struct {                           // 当NtGlobalFlag 中包含
			                                   // FLG_KERNEL_STACK_TRACE_DB 标记时使用
				USHORT GrantedAccessIndex;
				USHORT CreatorBackTraceIndex;
		LONG NextFreeTableEntry;               // 空闲时表示下一个空闲句柄索引


Object & ~7 是句柄对应的内核对象的地址,Object 的低3位有特殊用途:第0位 OBJ_PROTECT_CLOSE 表示是否允许关闭句柄,但通过宏 ObpEncodeProtectClose 和 ObpGetHandleAttributes 将此位转移到 GrantedAccess 成员中,然后第0位被用作表示句柄表项锁,置1表示此句柄表项被锁住;第1位 OBJ_INHERIT 表示是否拷贝父进程的句柄表;第2位 OBJ_AUDIT_OBJECT_CLOSE 表示关闭该对象时是否产生审计事件。


当句柄不指向内核对象时,NextFreeTableEntry 表示句柄表中下一个空闲句柄位置,也可以理解为该进程创建新句柄时的句柄值;当句柄指向内核对象时,GrantedAccess 表示该句柄的访问掩码。

上一篇博客研究句柄表初始化时,已经分析过 ExpAllocateHandleTable 函数,最低层句柄表第0项是特殊项,其 NextFreeTableEntry 成员的值是 EX_ADDITIONAL_INFO_SIGNATURE,即−2,而在wrk源码中,第0项的 InfoTable 成员初始化为0(书上说第0项的 InfoTable 指向 HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO,我没找到依据).




  • -1,表示当前进程
  • -2,表示当前线程
  • 负值,其绝对值为 System 进程的句柄表(ObpKernelHandleTable)中的索引
  • 不超过 226 的正值,表示在进程句柄表中的索引

解释下第四种(书上错印成226),为什么是2的26次方?因为一个进程最多只能有 224 个句柄,而句柄值需要乘以4,所以最大的句柄值就是 226 了。

解析句柄的函数是 ObReferenceObjectByHandle ,它可能会调用我在上一篇博客分析过的 ExpLookupHandleTableEntry 函数。


ObReferenceObjectByHandle (
    __in HANDLE Handle,
    __in ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
    __in_opt POBJECT_TYPE ObjectType,
    __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode,
    __out PVOID *Object,
    __out_opt POBJECT_HANDLE_INFORMATION HandleInformation


Routine Description:

    Given a handle to an object this routine returns a pointer
    to the body of the object with proper ref counts


    Handle - Supplies a handle to the object being referenced.  It can
        also be the result of NtCurrentProcess or NtCurrentThread

    DesiredAccess - Supplies the access being requested by the caller

    ObjectType - Optionally supplies the type of the object we
        are expecting

    AccessMode - Supplies the processor mode of the access

    Object - Receives a pointer to the object body if the operation
        is successful

    HandleInformation - Optionally receives information regarding the
        input handle.

Return Value:

    An appropriate NTSTATUS value


    ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess;
    PHANDLE_TABLE HandleTable;
    POBJECT_HEADER ObjectHeader;
    PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY ObjectTableEntry;
    PEPROCESS Process;
    NTSTATUS Status;
    PETHREAD Thread;


    Thread = PsGetCurrentThread ();
    *Object = NULL;

    // Check is this handle is a kernel handle or one of the two builtin pseudo handles
    // 检查是不是-1或-2
    if ((LONG)(ULONG_PTR) Handle < 0) {
        //  If the handle is equal to the current process handle and the object
        //  type is NULL or type process, then attempt to translate a handle to
        //  the current process. Otherwise, check if the handle is the current
        //  thread handle.
        if (Handle == NtCurrentProcess()) {
            // 如果句柄值是-1,即当前进程

            // 检查类型是否合法
            if ((ObjectType == PsProcessType) || (ObjectType == NULL)) {                

                // 获取当前进程内核对象
                Process = PsGetCurrentProcessByThread(Thread);
                GrantedAccess = Process->GrantedAccess;

                // SeComputeDeniedAccesses 检查权限,返回0表示权限检查通过;
                // 如果是内核调用,则不需要检查权限
                if ((SeComputeDeniedAccesses(GrantedAccess, DesiredAccess) == 0) ||
                    (AccessMode == KernelMode)) {

                    // 获取对象头
                    ObjectHeader = OBJECT_TO_OBJECT_HEADER(Process);

                    // 如果指定了输出参数 HandleInformation ,就填入一些信息
                    if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(HandleInformation)) {

                        HandleInformation->GrantedAccess = GrantedAccess;
                        HandleInformation->HandleAttributes = 0;

                    // 指针计数加一

                    // 返回进程内核对象
                    *Object = Process;

                    ASSERT( *Object != NULL );

                    Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;

                } else {

                    Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;

            } else {

                Status = STATUS_OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH;

            return Status;

        //  If the handle is equal to the current thread handle and the object
        //  type is NULL or type thread, then attempt to translate a handle to
        //  the current thread. Otherwise, the we'll try and translate the
        //  handle

        } else if (Handle == NtCurrentThread()) {
            // 如果句柄值是-2,即当前线程,和进程的做法类似
            if ((ObjectType == PsThreadType) || (ObjectType == NULL)) {

                GrantedAccess = Thread->GrantedAccess;

                if ((SeComputeDeniedAccesses(GrantedAccess, DesiredAccess) == 0) ||
                    (AccessMode == KernelMode)) {

                    ObjectHeader = OBJECT_TO_OBJECT_HEADER(Thread);

                    if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(HandleInformation)) {

                        HandleInformation->GrantedAccess = GrantedAccess;
                        HandleInformation->HandleAttributes = 0;

                    *Object = Thread;

                    ASSERT( *Object != NULL );

                    Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;

                } else {

                    Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;

            } else {

                Status = STATUS_OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH;

            return Status;

        } else if (AccessMode == KernelMode) {
            //  Make the handle look like a regular handle

            // 如果句柄是负数且是内核模式,就取句柄绝对值
            Handle = DecodeKernelHandle( Handle );

            //  The global kernel handle table
            // 句柄值是负数,已经改成其绝对值了,从内核句柄表 ObpKernelHandleTable 里找

            HandleTable = ObpKernelHandleTable;
        } else {
            // The previous mode was user for this kernel handle value. Reject it here.

            // 用户模式不能访问系统进程句柄,返回非法句柄错误
            return STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE;

    } else {
        // 获取当前进程的句柄表
        HandleTable = PsGetCurrentProcessByThread(Thread)->ObjectTable;
    // 此时 HandleTable 可能是普通进程句柄表,也可能是系统进程句柄表(ObpKernelHandleTable)

    ASSERT(HandleTable != NULL);

    // Protect this thread from being suspended while we hold the handle table entry lock
    // 加锁的目的是防止我们操作句柄表时线程被挂起


    //  Translate the specified handle to an object table index.
    // 通过句柄表找句柄表项,ExMapHandleToPointerEx 底层调用了 ExpLookupHandleTableEntry

    ObjectTableEntry = ExMapHandleToPointerEx ( HandleTable, Handle, AccessMode );

    //  Make sure the object table entry really does exist
    // 确保句柄表项确实存在

    if (ObjectTableEntry != NULL) {

        // 获取内核对象头
        ObjectHeader = (POBJECT_HEADER)(((ULONG_PTR)(ObjectTableEntry->Object)) & ~OBJ_HANDLE_ATTRIBUTES);

        // Optimize for a successful reference by bringing the object header
        // into the cache exclusive.
        // 优化:将内核对象弄到 cache 里,在wrk里,这个宏没啥用,但在后续windows里是一种优化手段
        // 参考 _m_prefetch


        // 检查类型是否合法
        if ((ObjectHeader->Type == ObjectType) || (ObjectType == NULL)) {

            // NtGlobalFlag 和调试有关,我不懂,2020年12月8日23:32:49
#if i386 
            if (NtGlobalFlag & FLG_KERNEL_STACK_TRACE_DB) {

                GrantedAccess = ObpTranslateGrantedAccessIndex( ObjectTableEntry->GrantedAccessIndex );

            } else {

                GrantedAccess = ObpDecodeGrantedAccess(ObjectTableEntry->GrantedAccess);
            GrantedAccess = ObpDecodeGrantedAccess(ObjectTableEntry->GrantedAccess);

#endif // i386 

            // SeComputeDeniedAccesses 返回0表示权限检查通过
            if ((SeComputeDeniedAccesses(GrantedAccess, DesiredAccess) == 0) ||
                (AccessMode == KernelMode)) {

                PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO ObjectInfo;

                ObjectInfo = ExGetHandleInfo(HandleTable, Handle, TRUE);

                //  Access to the object is allowed. Return the handle
                //  information is requested, increment the object
                //  pointer count, unlock the handle table and return
                //  a success status.
                // 允许访问内核对象。如果需要,返回句柄信息。增加指针引用计数,
                // 解锁句柄表并返回成功。
                //  Note that this is the only successful return path
                //  out of this routine if the user did not specify
                //  the current process or current thread in the input
                //  handle.
                // 除了获取当前进程线程以外,这是唯一的成功返回执行路径。

                // 可选地返回句柄信息
                if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(HandleInformation)) {

                    HandleInformation->GrantedAccess = GrantedAccess;
                    HandleInformation->HandleAttributes = ObpGetHandleAttributes(ObjectTableEntry);

                //  If this object was audited when it was opened, it may
                //  be necessary to generate an audit now.  Check the audit
                //  mask that was saved when the handle was created.
                // 如果内核对象审计选项开启,可能需要生成审计。检查句柄创建时保存的审计掩码
                //  It is safe to do this check in a non-atomic fashion,
                //  because bits will never be added to this mask once it is
                //  created.
                // 这里无须原子操作,因为掩码从初始化后就不变了

                if ( (ObjectTableEntry->ObAttributes & OBJ_AUDIT_OBJECT_CLOSE) &&
                     (ObjectInfo != NULL) &&
                     (ObjectInfo->AuditMask != 0) &&
                     (DesiredAccess != 0)) {

                      ObpAuditObjectAccess( Handle, ObjectInfo, &ObjectHeader->Type->Name, DesiredAccess );


                ExUnlockHandleTableEntry( HandleTable, ObjectTableEntry );


                *Object = &ObjectHeader->Body;

                ASSERT( *Object != NULL );

                return STATUS_SUCCESS;

            } else {

                Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;

        } else {


        ExUnlockHandleTableEntry( HandleTable, ObjectTableEntry );

    } else {



    return Status;


obinsert.c 文件中。它首先对参数做各种检查,然后调用ObpCreateHandle 函数,为要插入
的对象创建一个句柄。ObpCreateHandle 函数又调用ExCreateHandle 来创建一个句柄表项,


另外值得一提的是对象的引用计数。正如2.5.1 节的最后部分所讲,对象的引用有两
来记录一次新的引用;第二,通过句柄来引用对象,这是由ObpIncrementHandleCount 函
一直到它被关闭,在此过程中,对象的引用计数中包含有它的一份引用。在WRK 代码中,
我们可以看到,ObpCreateHandle 调用了ObpIncrementHandleCount,标志着新创建的句柄
引用了该对象;ObpCloseHandle 函数调用了ObpCloseHandleTableEntry,而后者又进一步
个句柄上调用了ObReferenceObjectByHandle 函数以后,若该对象指针不再使用,则必须
调用ObDereferenceObject 函数。


创建进程和线程时,会调用 ExCreateHandle 在全局句柄表 PspCidTable 中创建一个句柄,句柄会指向相应的线程或进程内核对象,而句柄值就是进程ID或线程ID,这也就解释了为什么PID都是4的倍数,也确保了PID/CID的唯一性。

之前提到过,PspCidTable 是唯一一张遵循 FIFO 规则的句柄表,举例说明,PID=100的线程被杀死后,要等后续的空闲句柄项都用过一遍,它才能重新使用,就像一个队列一样。

PsLookupProcessThreadByCid、PsLookupProcessByProcessId 和PsLookupThreadByThreadId 函数可以很方便的从 PspCidTable 里找到进程/线程。