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程序员文章站 2022-07-12 23:48:57

0. 功能:实现当前目录及子目录中文件名末尾字符的添加与删除

1. 提示:脚本仅供参考,已优化一版,应该仍有bug,谨慎使用!

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
goto start

::**********help start**********
echo **********************************Help************************************** 
echo Lpaper		2021/08/29		v1.1		fixed bugs for file name space
echo Lpaper		2021/08/29		v1.0		created
echo this bat if for the postfix name of file (include which in subfolder.) handel
echo arg1 for cmd, arg2 for add or del postfix name
echo eg. 	there has a file named "example.txt" 
echo     	arg1=add, arg2=_copy will change the file name to "example.txt_copy"
echo any wrong format input will show this help, enjoy^^!
echo **************************************************************************** 
goto start
::**********help end**********

set /p cmd=command(add/del):
set /p tail_name=name(add/del):
set myName=%~f0
::set myName=!myName:~1,-1!
if %cmd%==add (
	goto add
) else (
	if %cmd%==del (
		goto delete
	) else (
		goto help

::**********add start**********
	for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /s /b /a-d') do (
		if not %%i==!myName! (
			set str=%%i%tail_name%
			move /y "%%i" "!str!"

goto end
::**********add end**********

::**********delete start**********
::count the lenth of %tail_name%
		set /a len+=1
		if not "!tail_name:~%len%!"=="" goto :length

	for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /s /b /a-d') do (
		set str=%%i
		if not %%i==!myName! (
			set tail=!str:~-%len%,%len%!
			if !tail!==!tail_name! (
				set str=!str:~0,-%len%!
				move /y "%%i" "!str!"
::**********delete end**********


相关标签: littleTools batch