adventnet trap
2022-07-12 19:33:30
研究了adventnet 的API接口应用,走了很多弯路,为了给大家做指导,特此记录。
首先,adventnet分为高版本和低版本的API。以trap为例:高版本Using High-Level API,是在低版本的基础上在封装了一层,对于底版本我必须知道agent的upd端口号和地址,而高版本不需要知道,它会自动分发到agent端。
Using Low-Level API
Using High-Level API
首先,adventnet分为高版本和低版本的API。以trap为例:高版本Using High-Level API,是在低版本的基础上在封装了一层,对于底版本我必须知道agent的upd端口号和地址,而高版本不需要知道,它会自动分发到agent端。
Using Low-Level API
public class Sendv2cTrap { public static void main(String args[]) { if( args.length == 0) { System.out.println("Usage : java SnmpSendTrap hostname"); System.exit(0); } // 需要发给哪个主机的IP地址 String remoteHost = args[0]; // Start SNMP API SnmpAPI api = new SnmpAPI(); api.setDebug(true); SnmpSession session = new SnmpSession(api); // set remote Host UDPProtocolOptions option = new UDPProtocolOptions(hostname); SnmpPDU pdu = new SnmpPDU(); pdu.setProtocolOptions(option); // 需要发给哪个主机的端口号 option.setRemotePort(8001); //open the session try {; } catch (SnmpException e ) { System.err.println("Error opening socket: "+e); } // Build SNMPv2c Trap PDU pdu.setCommand(SnmpAPI.TRP2_REQ_MSG ); //参数一 SnmpVar var = null; SnmpOID oid = new SnmpOID("."); try { //create SnmpVar instance var = SnmpVar.createVariable(systemuptime, SnmpAPI.TIMETICKS); } catch(SnmpException e) { System.err.println("Cannot create variable: " + oid + " with value: " + systemuptime); return; } //create varbind SnmpVarBind varbind = new SnmpVarBind(oid,var); // add variable binding pdu.addVariableBinding(varbind); //参数二 oid = new SnmpOID("."); try { //create SnmpVar instance var = SnmpVar.createVariable(trapoidvalue,SnmpAPI.OBJID); } catch(SnmpException e) { System.err.println("Cannot create variable: " + oid + " with value: " + trapoidvalue); return; } //create varbind SnmpVarBind varbind = new SnmpVarBind(oid,var); // add variable binding pdu.addVariableBinding(varbind); // send PDU try { session.send(pdu); } catch (SnmpException e) { System.err.println("Sending PDU"+e.getMessage()); } System.exit(0); }
Using High-Level API
public class Sendv2Trap { private static final String OID = ""; public static void main(String args[]) { // instantiate SNMP target bean SnmpTarget target = new SnmpTarget(); //本机主机地址 target.settargetHost("hostname"); //端口号 target.setTargetPort(162); //Set the SNMP version. target.setSnmpVersion(target.VERSION2C); //值为public target.setCommunity(community); //测试值 String values[] = {"testing"}; try { //创建snmpoid SnmpOID snmpOID = new SnmpOID(OID); //通过oid绑定参数和变量 SnmpVar snmpVar = SnmpVar.createVariable("test Trap", SnmpAPI.STRING); //发送trap this.eventAPI.snmpSendNotification(1000, snmpOID, new SnmpVar[] { snmpVar }); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error Sending Trap: "+e.getMessage()); } System.exit(0); }
public class SnmpTrapd implements TrapListener { public static void main(String args[]) { // instantiate SNMP Trap Receiver bean SnmpTrapReceiver trapreceiver = new SnmpTrapReceiver(); // set the port in which the trap is received trapreceiver.setPort(162); // register the listener for trap events trapreceiver.addTrapListener(new SnmpTrapd()); System.out.println("Waiting to receive traps ......."); } @Override public void receivedTrap(TrapEvent trap) { System.out.println("Got a trap from: " + trap.getRemoteHost()); // print PDU details System.out.println(((SnmpTrapReceiver) trap.getSource()).getMibOperations().toString(trap.getTrapPDU())); if (trap.getTrapPDU().getCommand() == SnmpAPI.TRP_REQ_MSG) { com.adventnet.snmp.mibs.MibTrap trapDefn = trap.getTrapDefinition(); if (trapDefn != null) // print name and description System.out.println("Trap Name: " + trapDefn.getName() + "\nDescr: " + trapDefn.getDescription()); } } }
上一篇: OpenNMS数据采集配置