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struts2 2.3版本 action不能提交?参数的原因是源码中截取了?后的

程序员文章站 2022-07-12 16:14:37


struts2 2.3版本  action不能提交?参数的原因是源码中截取了?后的














fromtag 调用form构造函数


Form extends ClosingUIBean

ClosingUIBean extends UIBean





 public boolean start(Writer writer) {

        boolean result = super.start(writer);

        try {



            mergeTemplate(writer, buildTemplateName(openTemplate, getDefaultOpenTemplate()));

        } catch (Exception e) {

            LOG.error("Could not open template", e);



        return result;

















    protected void populateComponentHtmlId(Form form) {

        if (id != null) {

            addParameter("id", escape(id));



        // if no id given, it will be tried to generate it from the action attribute

        // by the urlRenderer implementation







public void renderFormUrl(Form formComponent) {

String namespace = formComponent.determineNamespace(formComponent.namespace, formComponent.getStack(), formComponent.request);

String action;


if(formComponent.action != null) {

action = formComponent.findString(formComponent.action);

} else {

// no action supplied? ok, then default to the current request

// (action or general URL)

ActionInvocation ai = (ActionInvocation) formComponent.getStack().getContext().get(


if (ai != null) {

action = ai.getProxy().getActionName();

namespace = ai.getProxy().getNamespace();

} else {

// hmm, ok, we need to just assume the current URL cut down

String uri = formComponent.request.getRequestURI();

action = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf('/'));




        Map actionParams = null;

        if (action != null && action.indexOf("?") > 0) {

            String queryString = action.substring(action.indexOf("?") + 1);

            actionParams = urlHelper.parseQueryString(queryString, false);

            action = action.substring(0, action.indexOf("?"));



        ActionMapping nameMapping = actionMapper.getMappingFromActionName(action);

        String actionName = nameMapping.getName();

        String actionMethod = nameMapping.getMethod();


final ActionConfig actionConfig = formComponent.configuration.getRuntimeConfiguration().getActionConfig(

namespace, actionName);

if (actionConfig != null) {


ActionMapping mapping = new ActionMapping(actionName, namespace, actionMethod, formComponent.parameters);

String result = urlHelper.buildUrl(formComponent.actionMapper.getUriFromActionMapping(mapping),

                    formComponent.request, formComponent.response, actionParams, null, formComponent.includeContext, true);

formComponent.addParameter("action", result);


// let's try to get the actual action class and name

// this can be used for getting the list of validators

formComponent.addParameter("actionName", actionName);

try {

Class clazz = formComponent.objectFactory.getClassInstance(actionConfig.getClassName());

formComponent.addParameter("actionClass", clazz);

} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

// this is OK, we'll just move on



formComponent.addParameter("namespace", namespace);


// if the name isn't specified, use the action name

if (formComponent.name == null) {

formComponent.addParameter("name", actionName);



// if the id isn't specified, use the action name

if (formComponent.getId() == null  && actionName!=null ) {

formComponent.addParameter("id", formComponent.escape(actionName));


} else if (action != null) {

// Since we can't find an action alias in the configuration, we just

// assume the action attribute supplied is the path to be used as

// the URI this form is submitting to.


            // Warn user that the specified namespace/action combo

            // was not found in the configuration.

            if (namespace != null && LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {

              LOG.warn("No configuration found for the specified action: '" + actionName + "' in namespace: '" + namespace + "'. Form action defaulting to 'action' attribute's literal value.");



String result = urlHelper.buildUrl(action, formComponent.request, formComponent.response, null, null, formComponent.includeContext, true);

formComponent.addParameter("action", result);


// namespace: cut out anything between the start and the last /

int slash = result.lastIndexOf('/');

if (slash != -1) {

formComponent.addParameter("namespace", result.substring(0, slash));

} else {

formComponent.addParameter("namespace", "");



// name/id: cut out anything between / and . should be the id and

// name

String id = formComponent.getId();

if (id == null) {

slash = result.lastIndexOf('/');

int dot = result.indexOf('.', slash);

if (dot != -1) {

id = result.substring(slash + 1, dot);

} else {

id = result.substring(slash + 1);


formComponent.addParameter("id", formComponent.escape(id));




// WW-1284

// evaluate if client-side js is to be enabled. (if validation

// interceptor does allow validation eg. method is not filtered out)

formComponent.evaluateClientSideJsEnablement(actionName, namespace, actionMethod);




  • struts2 2.3版本  action不能提交?参数的原因是源码中截取了?后的
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