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Install post-review tool in Windows

程序员文章站 2022-07-12 15:35:41

1 Python 

(0) install python 2.X
(1) add %PYTHON_HOME% to PATH;
(2) add  %PYTHON_HOME%,%PYTHON_HOME%\scripts to PATH
(3) download ez_setup.py ,and python ez_setup.py
2 subversion
(1)install subversion client (http://www.collab.net/downloads/subversion)
(2)add to PATH
(3)try svn in cmd
3 DiffUtils
(1)download http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/diffutils.htm
(2)add to PATH
(3)try diff --version in cmd
4 RBTools
easy_install - U RBTools
5 go to svn folder,set review-board server website
svn propset reviewboard:url http://reviewboard.xx.com/dashboard/
then try 
it shoule be:
Review request #1928 posted.