2022-07-12 11:54:19
<html xmlns=""> <head> <title>完美冻结列和行 </title> <style type="text/css"> .FixedHeaderColumnsTableDiv { overflow: auto; position: relative; } .FixedCell { position: relative; top: expression(this.offsetParent.scrollTop); left: expression(this.parentElement.offsetParent.scrollLeft); z-index: 1800; } .FixedHeaderRow1 { position: relative; top: expression(this.offsetParent.scrollTop); background-color: #ccc; z-index: 300; } .FixedHeaderRow2 { position: relative; top: expression(this.offsetParent.scrollTop); z-index: 290; background-color:#ffccff; } .FixedDataColumn { position: relative; left: expression(this.parentElement.offsetParent.parentElement.scrollLeft); z-index: 200; background-color: Aqua; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="FixedHeaderColumnsTableDiv" style="width: 1000px; height: 100px"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="1200px"> <tr class="FixedHeaderRow1"> <td class="FixedCell" style="width: 80px"> header1 </td> <td class="FixedCell" style="width: 80px"> header2 </td> <td class="FixedCell" style="width: 80px"> header3 </td> <td class="FixedCell" style="width: 80px"> header4 </td> <td style="width: 80px"> header5 </td> <td style="width: 80px"> header6 </td> <td style="width: 80px"> header7 </td> <td style="width: 80px"> header8 </td> <td style="width: 80px"> header9 </td> <td style="width: 80px"> header10 </td> </tr> <tr class="FixedHeaderRow2"> <td class="FixedCell" style="width: 80px" align="center"> ss </td> <td class="FixedCell" style="width: 80px" align="center"> ss </td> <td class="FixedCell" style="width: 80px"> header16 </td> <td class="FixedHeaderColumn1" colspan="7" align="center"> header17dddddddddddd </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col1 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col2 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col3 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col4 </td> <td> col5 </td> <td> col6 </td> <td> col7 </td> <td> col8 </td> <td> col9 </td> <td> col10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col1 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col2 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col3 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col4 </td> <td> col5 </td> <td> col6 </td> <td> col7 </td> <td> col8 </td> <td> col9 </td> <td> col10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col1 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col2 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col3 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col4 </td> <td> col5 </td> <td> col6 </td> <td> col7 </td> <td> col8 </td> <td> col9 </td> <td> col10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col1 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col2 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col3 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col4 </td> <td> col5 </td> <td> col6 </td> <td> col7 </td> <td> col8 </td> <td> col9 </td> <td> col10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col1 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col2 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col3 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col4 </td> <td> col5 </td> <td> col6 </td> <td> col7 </td> <td> col8 </td> <td> col9 </td> <td> col10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col1 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col2 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col3 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col4 </td> <td> col5 </td> <td> col6 </td> <td> col7 </td> <td> col8 </td> <td> col9 </td> <td> col10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col1 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col2 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col3 </td> <td class="FixedDataColumn"> col4 </td> <td> col5 </td> <td> col6 </td> <td> col7 </td> <td> col8 </td> <td> col9 </td> <td> col10 </td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html>
<html> <head> <title>表格行列冻结示例</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=GBK"> <style> td { height:30px; width:180px; } </style> </head> <body> <div style="OVERFLOW: scroll;width:100%;height:140px;"> <table id="oFrozenTable" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#74c6f5" width="900" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <tr> <td nowrap>第一列</td> <td nowrap>第二列</td> <td nowrap>第三列</td> <td nowrap>第四列</td> <td nowrap>第无列</td> <td nowrap>第六列</td> <td nowrap>第七列</td> <td nowrap>第八列</td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap>第一行</td> <td nowrap>1.1</td> <td nowrap>1.2</td> <td nowrap>1.3</td> <td nowrap>1.4</td> <td nowrap>1.5</td> <td nowrap>1.6</td> <td nowrap>1.7</td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap>第二行</td> <td nowrap>2.1</td> <td nowrap>2.2</td> <td nowrap>2.3</td> <td nowrap>2.4</td> <td nowrap>2.5</td> <td nowrap>2.6</td> <td nowrap>2.7</td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap>第三行</td> <td nowrap>3.1</td> <td nowrap>3.2</td> <td nowrap>3.3</td> <td nowrap>3.4</td> <td nowrap>3.5</td> <td nowrap>3.6</td> <td nowrap>3.7</td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap>第四行</td> <td nowrap>4.1</td> <td nowrap>4.2</td> <td nowrap>4.3</td> <td nowrap>4.4</td> <td nowrap>4.5</td> <td nowrap>4.6</td> <td nowrap>4.7</td> </tr> </table> </div> <script language="javascript" src="frozenTable.js"></script> <script language="javascript"> FrozenTable(oFrozenTable, 1, 1, 1); function FrozenTable(oFrozenTable, iFrozenRowHead, iFrozenRowFoot, iFrozenColLeft) { oFrozenTable.HeadRow = iFrozenRowHead; var oDivMaster = oFrozenTable.parentElement; if(oDivMaster.tagName != 'DIV') return; if((oFrozenTable.offsetHeight > oDivMaster.offsetHeight) && (oFrozenTable.offsetWidth > oDivMaster.offsetWidth)) { //创建并克隆LeftHead表格 if((iFrozenColLeft > 0) && (iFrozenRowHead > 0)) { var oTableLH = document.createElement("TABLE"); var newTBody = document.createElement("TBODY"); oTableLH.insertBefore(newTBody); = "oTableLH"; oDivMaster.parentElement.insertBefore(oTableLH); CloneTable(oFrozenTable, oTableLH, 0, iFrozenRowHead, iFrozenColLeft) oTableLH.srcTable = oFrozenTable; with( { zIndex = 804; position = 'absolute' pixelLeft = oDivMaster.offsetLeft; pixelTop = oDivMaster.offsetTop; } } //创建并克隆LeftFoot表格 if((iFrozenColLeft > 0) && (iFrozenRowFoot > 0)) { var oTableLF = document.createElement("TABLE"); var newTBody = document.createElement("TBODY"); oTableLF.insertBefore(newTBody); = "oTableLF"; oDivMaster.parentElement.insertBefore(oTableLF); CloneTable(oFrozenTable, oTableLF,oFrozenTable.rows.length - iFrozenRowFoot, oFrozenTable.rows.length, iFrozenColLeft) oTableLF.srcTable = oFrozenTable; with( { zIndex = 803; position = 'absolute' pixelLeft = oDivMaster.offsetLeft; pixelTop = oDivMaster.offsetTop + oDivMaster.offsetHeight - oTableLF.offsetHeight - 16; } } } //创建DivHead、创建并克隆HeadTar表格 if((iFrozenRowHead > 0) && (oFrozenTable.offsetHeight > oDivMaster.offsetHeight)) { var DivHead = document.createElement("DIV"); oDivMaster.parentElement.insertBefore(DivHead); var oTableHead = document.createElement("TABLE"); var newTBody = document.createElement("TBODY"); = "HeadTar"; = "relative" oTableHead.insertBefore(newTBody); DivHead.insertBefore(oTableHead); CloneTable(oFrozenTable, oTableHead, 0, iFrozenRowHead, -1) HeadTar.srcTable = oFrozenTable; with( { overflow = "hidden"; zIndex = 802; pixelWidth = oDivMaster.offsetWidth - 16 position = 'absolute'; pixelLeft = oDivMaster.offsetLeft; pixelTop = oDivMaster.offsetTop; } } //创建DivFoot、创建并克隆FootTar表格 if((iFrozenRowFoot > 0) && (oFrozenTable.offsetHeight > oDivMaster.offsetHeight)) { var DivFoot = document.createElement("DIV"); oDivMaster.parentElement.insertBefore(DivFoot); var oTableFoot = document.createElement("TABLE"); var newTBody = document.createElement("TBODY"); oTableFoot.insertBefore(newTBody); = "FootTar"; = "relative" DivFoot.insertBefore(oTableFoot); CloneTable(oFrozenTable, oTableFoot, oFrozenTable.rows.length - iFrozenRowFoot, oFrozenTable.rows.length, -1) oTableFoot.srcTable = oFrozenTable; with( { overflow = "hidden"; zIndex = 801; pixelWidth = oDivMaster.offsetWidth - 16 position = 'absolute' pixelLeft = oDivMaster.offsetLeft; pixelTop = oDivMaster.offsetTop + oDivMaster.offsetHeight - DivFoot.offsetHeight - 16; } } //创建DivLeft、创建并克隆LeftTar表格 if((iFrozenColLeft > 0) && (oFrozenTable.offsetWidth > oDivMaster.offsetWidth)) { var DivLeft = document.createElement("DIV"); oDivMaster.parentElement.insertBefore(DivLeft); var oTableLeft = document.createElement("TABLE"); var newTBody = document.createElement("TBODY"); oTableLeft.insertBefore(newTBody); = "LeftTar"; = "relative"; DivLeft.insertBefore(oTableLeft); CloneTable(oFrozenTable, oTableLeft, 0, oFrozenTable.rows.length, iFrozenColLeft) LeftTar.srcTable = oFrozenTable; with( { overflow = "hidden"; zIndex = 800; pixelWidth = oDivMaster.offsetWidth - 16 pixelHeight = oDivMaster.offsetHeight - 16 position = 'absolute' pixelLeft = oDivMaster.offsetLeft; pixelTop = oDivMaster.offsetTop; } } //为主DIV附加onscroll事件 oDivMaster.attachEvent("onscroll", DivMasterScroll); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //功能描述:克隆表格 // //输入参数:oSrcTable 源表格 // oNewTable 新表格 // iRowStart 克隆开始行 // iRowEnd 克隆结束行 // iColumnEnd 克隆结束列 // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function CloneTable(oSrcTable, oNewTable, iRowStart, iRowEnd, iColumnEnd) { //循环控制参数 var i, j, k = 0; //新增行、列 var newTR, newTD; //新表格宽度、高度 var iWidth = 0, iHeight = 0; //拷贝Attributes、events and styles oNewTable.mergeAttributes(oSrcTable); //循环克隆指定行 for (i = iRowStart; i < iRowEnd; i++) { newTR = oNewTable.insertRow(k); //拷贝Attributes、events and styles newTR.mergeAttributes(oSrcTable.rows[i]); iHeight += oSrcTable.rows[i].offsetHeight; iWidth = 0; //循环克隆指定列 for(j = 0; j < (iColumnEnd == -1 ? oSrcTable.rows[i].cells.length: iColumnEnd); j++) { newTD = oSrcTable.rows[i].cells[j].cloneNode(true); iWidth += oSrcTable.rows[i].cells[j].offsetWidth; newTR.insertBefore(newTD); = oSrcTable.rows[i].cells[j].offsetWidth; } k++; } = iWidth; = iHeight; } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // 功能描述:主DIV的onscroll事件 // // 输入参数:无 // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function DivMasterScroll() { var oDivMaster = window.event.srcElement; if(document.getElementById('HeadTar') != null) { document.getElementById('HeadTar').style.pixelLeft = - oDivMaster.scrollLeft; 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