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程序员文章站 2022-07-12 10:21:20
Drools - The Business Logic integration Platform


Drools 5 introduces the Business Logic integration Platform which provides a unified and integrated platform for Rules, Workflow and Event Processing. It's been designed from the ground up so that each aspect is a first class citizen, with no compromises.
Upcoming events
Devoxx 2011
Drools and jBPM consist out of several projects:

Drools Guvnor (Business Rules Manager)
Drools Expert (rule engine)
jBPM 5 (process/workflow)
Drools Fusion (event processing/temporal reasoning)
Drools Planner (automated planning)

These projects have community releases from JBoss.org that come without support. Community releases focus on fast paced innovation to give you the latest and greatest, with releases every few months that include both features and fixes. JBoss BRMS is our enterprise product from JBoss.com for mission critical releases, with a multi year commitment for backport of fixes, based off a sanitised community release of Drools. A range of support packages are available including up to mission critical 24/7, as well as training and consultancy via our Global Professional Services unit. Email sales@jboss.com for more details.

From the Drools & jBPM blog
Drools & jBPM team hiring soon
Jun 27, 2011 6:38 PM
I'll post more details when I have them, but I thought I'd let people know we'll be hiring multiple positions over the next 6 to 9 months for Drools a…
Drools 5.2 released
Jun 23, 2011 4:00 PM
We're pleased to announce the release of Drools (Expert, Fusion, Planner, Guvnor) 5.2.0.Final.This is quite an exciting release as Drools has now beco…
JBoss OneDayEvent Munich, October 13th
Jun 22, 2011 7:28 PM
I'll be speaking about jBPM5 at the JBoss OneDayEvent in Munich on October 13th, 2011.As the successor of the successful JBoss OneDayTalk 2010 confe…
Truth Maintenance over Directed Graphs using Reactive Derivation Queries
Jun 20, 2011 11:43 PM
Drools 5.2 is almost done and we have something very cool added. As previous blogs have mentioned, we recently added positoinal syntax and prolog like…
Drools Planner webinar video
Jun 20, 2011 8:51 AM
Lots of people showed up at last week's Drools Planner webinar. And I was very happy that I could show up on time too: the Chili volcano got me stuck …
What Happened to Truth Maintenance Systems?
Jun 19, 2011 6:49 PM
I saw this controversial statement in Wikipedia and thought I thought would requote it here. I would imagine there are people that would disagree with…
Drools/jBPM5 Event @ Buenos Aires – Friday, June 17
Jun 16, 2011 9:40 AM
Finally the Drools Team (except Kris V.) arrives to Argentina yesterday and we cut the Event to just one day. Thank you all for your patience.The Even…
Argentina June Workshop - Friday confirmed
Jun 15, 2011 2:50 PM
Another update on the Argentina June Workshop !Seems like the volcano issues are dying out. Mark just called me and he and Michael are finally able t…
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