2022-07-12 09:37:24
输入一个矩阵,按照从外向里以顺时针的顺序依次打印出每一个数字,例如,如果输入如下4 X 4矩阵: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 则依次打印出数字1,2,3,4,8,12,16,15,14,13,9,5,6,7,11,10.
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
class Solution:
# matrix类型为二维列表,需要返回列表
def printMatrixCore(self, matrix, row, col, mode, visited):
result = []
visited[row][col] = 1
if mode == 1:
if row < len(matrix) and col + 1 < len(matrix[0]) and visited[row][col + 1] == 0:
result += self.printMatrixCore(matrix, row, col + 1, 1, visited)
elif row + 1 < len(matrix) and col < len(matrix[0]) and visited[row + 1][col] == 0:
result += self.printMatrixCore(matrix, row + 1, col, 2, visited)
elif mode == 2:
if row + 1 < len(matrix) and col < len(matrix[0]) and visited[row + 1][col] == 0:
result += self.printMatrixCore(matrix, row + 1, col, 2, visited)
elif row >= 0 and col - 1 >= 0 and visited[row][col - 1] == 0:
result += self.printMatrixCore(matrix, row, col - 1, 3, visited)
elif mode == 3:
if row >= 0 and col - 1 >= 0 and visited[row][col - 1] == 0:
result += self.printMatrixCore(matrix, row, col - 1, 3, visited)
elif row - 1 >= 0 and col >= 0 and visited[row - 1][col] == 0:
result += self.printMatrixCore(matrix, row - 1, col, 4, visited)
elif mode == 4:
if row - 1 >= 0 and col >= 0 and visited[row - 1][col] == 0:
result += self.printMatrixCore(matrix, row - 1, col, 4, visited)
elif row < len(matrix) and col + 1 < len(matrix[0]) and visited[row][col + 1] == 0:
result += self.printMatrixCore(matrix, row, col + 1, 1, visited)
return result
def printMatrix(self, matrix):
# write code here
cols = len(matrix[0])
raise Exception('输入矩阵必须为二维矩阵')
visited = [([0] * cols) for i in range(len(matrix))]
return self.printMatrixCore(matrix, 0, 0, 1, visited)
matrix = [1,2,3,4]
上一篇: 卡尔曼滤波