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Ogre xcode build error: Reference to 'FileInfo' is ambiguous

程序员文章站 2022-07-12 09:18:48

When update Ogre source to the stable version 1.9 with Mac osx 10.7,Xcode 4.6.3, CMake, I get  this error


Reference to 'FileInfo' is ambiguous



/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.8.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Headers/Finder.h:236:8: Candidate found by name lookup is 'FileInfo'


Ogre-1.9-mercurial/OgreMain/include/OgreArchive.h:53:12: Candidate found by name lookup is 'Ogre::FileInfo'






it is about include the Ogre.h or OgreWindowEentUtilities.h in the source code, but it is strange because it had never occured before.

I had googled and tried a lot, but all failed to solve it.

but finally, I got it.

remove any defination of  using namespace Ogre;   in any header file that is not limited its scope.

I had added the this line of code in a header file, and the defination is not limited in that class, then I include it in some other header files, then included those header files in some more header files ..

so at the end, I had included a header has a defination of using namespace Ogre;  and then I include a Ogre.h

the Ogre.h include OgreWindowEventUtilities.h, the OgreWindowEventUtilities.h, then include a Carbon.h, and include to the FInder.h,  in this header file, there is a defination struct FileInfo, while the Ogre name space has a defination FileInfo too,. And there is a defination using namespace Ogre;   ,so these two defination are coflicted.


experience I get from this class.


1. whenever use this command: using namespace, limits its active scope 

2. Don't jump to on googling and googling  before think deeply first.