ORACLE分页及< 和>的区别
select *
from (select t.*, rownum rn
from (select * from t_kpi_fault order by obj_id asc) t
where rownum <= 20)
where rn > 10;
oracle 三层:
select *from (select rownum num , t1.OBJ_ID,t1.alarmcause,t1.alarmlevel,t1.remark,t1.restype,t1.position,t1.root_status
from (select * from T_KPI_FAULT_ALARM e where 1=1
<if test="alarmcause != null and alarmcause != '' ">
and alarmcause like '%'||#{alarmcause,jdbcType=VARCHAR}||'%'
<if test="alarmlevel != null and alarmlevel != '' ">
and alarmlevel like '%'||#{alarmlevel,jdbcType=VARCHAR}||'%'
<if test="remark != null and remark != '' ">
and remark like '%'||#{remark,jdbcType=VARCHAR}||'%'
<if test="restype != null and restype != '' ">
and restype like '%'||#{restype,jdbcType=VARCHAR}||'%'
<if test="position != null and position != '' ">
and position like '%'||#{position,jdbcType=VARCHAR}||'%'
<if test="root_status != null and root_status != '' ">
and root_status like '%'||#{root_status,jdbcType=VARCHAR}||'%'
order by alarmcause ,remark,restype,position,root_status desc)t1 where rownum < #{end})
where num > #{start}
上一篇: <a/>中href和onclick的区别
下一篇: 字符串的排列(全排列)