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笨办法学python3 学习笔记 习题30 else和if

程序员文章站 2022-07-11 15:35:05
people = 40
cars =30
trucks = 15

if cars > people:
    print("We should take the cars.")
    print(">>>>>>>>>>after cars > people")
elif cars < people:
    print("We should not take the cars.")
    print(">>>>>>>>>>after cars < people")
    print("We can't decide.")
    print(">>>>>>>>>>after cars people else")

if trucks > cars:
    print("That's too many trucks.")
    print(">>>>>>>>>>after trucks > cars")
elif trucks < cars:
    print("Maybe we could take the trucks.")
    print(">>>>>>>>>>after trucks < cars")
    print("We still can't decide.")
    print(">>>>>>>>>>after trucks cars decide.")

if people > trucks:
    print("Alright, let's just take the trucks.")
    print(">>>>>>>>>>>after if")
    print("Fine, let's stay home then.")
    print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>after else")
PS D:\pythonp> python ex30.py
We should take the cars.
Maybe we could take the trucks.
Alright, let's just take the trucks.
相关标签: 学习笔记 python