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关于Spring Boot你不得不知道的事--Spring Boot的基本操作

程序员文章站 2022-07-10 22:40:40
1 Pom文件 1.1 spring-boot-starter-parent 表示当前pom文件从spring-boot-starter-parent继承下来,在spring-boot-starter-parent中提供了很多默认配置,可以简化我们的开发。 Java版本和编码方式 依赖管理sprin ......

1 pom文件

1.1 spring-boot-starter-parent


    <relativepath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
  • java版本和编码方式
  • 依赖管理spring-boot-dependencies


  • 使用自己的parent项目


官网说明文档见:13.2.2 using spring boot without the parent pom


1.2 打包管理

使用mvn package打包的plugin。


1.3 starters

官网见:13.5 starters

starters are a set of convenient dependency descriptors that you can include in your application. you get a one-stop shop for all the spring and related technologies that you need without having to hunt through sample code and copy-paste loads of dependency descriptors. for example, if you want to get started using spring and jpa for database access, include the spring-boot-starter-data-jpa dependency in your project.
  • 官方starter命名


  • 自定义starter命名


  • spring-boot-web-starter



2 xxxapplication

2.1 @springbootapplication

官网见:18. using the @springbootapplication annotation


2.2 springapplication.run

官网见:23. springapplication

3 配置文件

3.1 初步感受


3.2 yml文件


3.3 给属性注入值

  • 实体类person和idcard
public class person {
    private string name;
    private int age;
    private date birthday;
    private string[] hobbies;
    private idcard idcard;
public class idcard {
    private int id;
    private string number;
  • yml注入写法
	name: jack
	age: 17
	birthday: 1997/06/01
	hobbies: [code,sing,share]
		id: 1
		number: 111
  • person类增加注解
  • 测试
private person person;



4 处理动静态资源

4.1 动态资源

官网见:90.2 reload templates without restarting the container

  • templates


  • 引入thymeleaf
  • templates下新建test.html文件
<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
    <span style="color:red; font-size:30pt" th:text="${str}"></span>
  • controller中return test
public class gupaocontroller {
    public string hello(model model){
        string str="hello spring boot";
        return "test";

4.2 静态资源

  • static文件夹


  • 静态资源其他存放文件夹
  • webmvcautoconfiguration源码分析


return this.staticlocations;
private string[] staticlocations = classpath_resource_locations;
private static final string[] classpath_resource_locations = {
      "classpath:/meta-inf/resources/", "classpath:/resources/",
      "classpath:/static/", "classpath:/public/" };
  • 自定义静态资源文件夹


@configurationproperties(prefix = "spring.resources", ignoreunknownfields = false)
public class resourceproperties {



5 整合mybatis

5.1 需求

通过spring boot web项目api接口的方式,整合mybatis实现crud的操作。

5.2 创建spring boot web项目


5.3 引入项目中需要的starter依赖


5.4 创建数据库表


5.5 创建domain/user对象

public class user {
    private int id;
    private string username;
    private string password;
    private string number;

5.6 开发dao层

public interface usermapper {
    user find(string username);
    list<user> list();
    int insert(user user);
    int delete(int id);
    int update(user user);

5.7 开发service层

public class userservice {
    public usermapper usermapper;
    public user findbyusername(string username){
        return usermapper.find(username);
    public list<user> listuser(){
        return usermapper.list();
    public int insertuser(user user){
        return usermapper.insert(user);
    public int updateuser(user user){
        return usermapper.update(user);
    public int delete(int id){
        return usermapper.delete(id);

5.8 开发controller层

@requestmapping(value="/user",method = {requestmethod.get,requestmethod.post})
public class usercontroller {
    private userservice userservice;
    public user listone(string username){
        return userservice.findbyusername(username);
    public list<user> listall(){
        return userservice.listuser();

    @requestmapping(value="/add",method= requestmethod.post)
    public string add(user user){
        int result=userservice.insertuser(user);
        if(result>=1) {
            return "添加成功";
            return "添加失败";
    @requestmapping(value="/update",method= requestmethod.post)
    public string update(user user){
        int result=userservice.updateuser(user);
        if(result>=1) {
            return "修改成功";
            return "修改失败";
    @requestmapping(value="/delete",method= requestmethod.get)
    public string delete(int id){
        int result=userservice.delete(id);
        if(result>=1) {
            return "删除成功";
            return "删除失败";

5.9 resources目录下创建mapper文件夹---usermapper.xml

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<!doctype mapper public
        "-//mybatis.org//dtd com.example.mapper 3.0//en"
<mapper namespace="com.csdn.springbootmybatis.dao.usermapper">
    <resultmap id="result" type="com.gupao.springbootmybatis.domain.user">
        <result property="username" column="username"/>
        <result property="password" column="password"/>
        <result property="number" column="number"/>

    <select id="find" resultmap="result">
      select * from t_user where username=#{username}
    <select id="list" resultmap="result">
      select * from t_user
    <insert id="insert" parametertype="com.gupao.springbootmybatis.domain.user"
            keyproperty="id" usegeneratedkeys="true">
      insert into t_user
      values (
      #{username, jdbctype=varchar},
      #{password, jdbctype=varchar},
    <delete id="delete" parametertype="int">
      delete from t_user where id=#{id}
    <update id="update" parametertype="com.gupao.springbootmybatis.domain.user">
   update t_user set user.username=#{username},user.password=#{password},user.number=#{number} where user.id=#{id}

5.10 application.properties文件配置

    url: jdbc:mysql://
    username: root
    password: 123456
    driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.driver
  mapper-locations: classpath:mapper/*.xml

5.11 启动项目测试

  • 查询


  • 全部查询

  • 增加


  • 更新


  • 删除

6 项目打包

  • jar包

mvn -dmaven.test.skip -u clean install

java -jar xxx.jar

  • war包

7 spring boot in less than 10 minutes


build anything with spring boot

spring boot is the starting point for building all spring-based applications. spring boot is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible, with minimal upfront configuration of spring.
- get started in seconds using spring initializr
- build anything: rest api, websocket, web, streaming, tasks, and more
- simplified security
- rich support for sql and nosql
- embedded runtime support: tomcat, jetty, and undertow
- developer productivity tools such as livereload and auto restart
- curated dependencies that just work
- production-ready features such as tracing, metrics, and health status
- works in your favorite ide: spring tool suite, intellij idea, and netbeans

7.1 idea创建工程



dependencies:reactive web,reactive mongodb,lombok,actuator,security

7.2 data drive

spring data integrates seamlessly with sql and nosql persistence stores. spring data supports reactive data access,too!

class datawriter implements applicationrunner {
    private final customerrepository customerrepository;

    datawriter(customerrepository customerrepository) {
        this.customerrepository = customerrepository;

    public void run(applicationarguments args) throws exception {
        flux.just("jack", "rechal", "richard", "jobs")
                .flatmap(name -> customerrepository.save(new customer(null, name)))
interface customerrepository extends reactivemongorepository<customer, string> {
class customer {
    private string id,name;

    public customer(string id, string name) {
        this.id = id;
        this.name = name;

7.3 rest

on the web,nobody knows you're a reactive microservice.

public class bootifulapplication {

    routerfunction<serverresponse> routes(customerrepository cr){
        return routerfunctions.route(get("/customers"),serverrequest -> ok().body(cr.findall(),customer.class));

    public static void main(string[] args) {
        springapplication.run(bootifulapplication.class, args);


7.4 observability

how's your app's health?who better to articulate that then the application itself?

spring boot featurese strong opinions,loosely held.

it's easy to change any of them with properties or pluggable implementations

healthindicator healthindicator(){
return () -> health.status("i <3 production").build();

访问:curl  | jq

7.5 security

effortlessly plugin authentication and authorization in a traditional or reactive application with spring security

mapreactiveuserdetailsservice users(){
    return new mapreactiveuserdetailsservice(user.withdefaultpasswordencoder().username("user").password("pw").roles("user").build());

访问:curl -vu user:pw  | jq

7.6 to production

let's provision a mongodb instance,configure our application's route and mongodb binding,and then push our application to production with cloud foundry.


cf services


  • 复制对应文件,修改和观察

关于Spring Boot你不得不知道的事--Spring Boot的基本操作关于Spring Boot你不得不知道的事--Spring Boot的基本操作

关于Spring Boot你不得不知道的事--Spring Boot的基本操作

关于Spring Boot你不得不知道的事--Spring Boot的基本操作


关于Spring Boot你不得不知道的事--Spring Boot的基本操作