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程序员文章站 2022-07-10 20:06:52
1. JSON概述 JSON: JavaScript 对象表示法( JavaScript Object Notation) 。是一种轻量级的数据交换格式。 它基于ECMAScript的一个子集。许多编程语言都很容易找到JSON 解析器和 JSON 库。 JSON 文本格式在语法上与创建 JavaSc ......

1. JSON概述

       JSON: JavaScript 对象表示法( JavaScript Object Notation) 。是一种轻量级的数据交换格式。 它基于ECMAScript的一个子集。许多编程语言都很容易找到JSON 解析器和 JSON 库。 JSON 文本格式在语法上与创建 JavaScript 对象的代码相同。不同语言的不同json库对json标准的支持不尽相同,为了能让尽可能多的json库都能正常解析和生成json,定义JSON的规范很重要,推荐一个JSON规范《》。


2. 常用C&C++ JSON库


3. 非常简单易用的CJsonObject




#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "../CJsonObject.hpp"

int main()
    int iValue;
    std::string strValue;
    neb::CJsonObject oJson("{\"refresh_interval\":60,"
                                "\"so_path\":\"plugins/User.so\", \"load\":false, \"version\":1,"
                                     "{\"cmd\":2001, \"class\":\"neb::CmdUserLogin\"},"
                                     "{\"cmd\":2003, \"class\":\"neb::CmdUserLogout\"}"
                                     "{\"path\":\"im/user/login\", \"class\":\"neb::ModuleLogin\"},"
                                     "{\"path\":\"im/user/logout\", \"class\":\"neb::ModuleLogout\"}"
                             "\"so_path\":\"plugins/ChatMsg.so\", \"load\":false, \"version\":1,"
                                      "{\"cmd\":2001, \"class\":\"neb::CmdChat\"}"
     std::cout << oJson.ToString() << std::endl;
     std::cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
     std::cout << oJson["dynamic_loading"][0]["cmd"][1]("class") << std::endl;
     oJson["dynamic_loading"][0]["cmd"][0].Get("cmd", iValue);
     std::cout << "iValue = " << iValue << std::endl;
     oJson["dynamic_loading"][0]["module"][0].Get("path", strValue);
     std::cout << "strValue = " << strValue << std::endl;
     std::cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
     oJson["depend"].Add("nebula", "https://github.com/Bwar/Nebula");
     std::cout << oJson.ToString() << std::endl;
     std::cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
     std::cout << oJson.ToFormattedString() << std::endl;


[bwar@nebula demo]$ ./CJsonObjectTest 
iValue = 2001
strValue = im/user/login
	"refresh_interval":	60,
	"dynamic_loading":	[{
			"so_path":	"plugins/User.so",
			"load":	false,
			"version":	1,
			"cmd":	[{
					"cmd":	2001,
					"class":	"neb::CmdUserLogin"
				}, {
					"cmd":	2003,
					"class":	"neb::CmdUserLogout"
			"module":	[{
					"path":	"im/user/login",
					"class":	"neb::ModuleLogin"
				}, {
					"path":	"im/user/logout",
					"class":	"neb::ModuleLogout"
		}, {
			"so_path":	"plugins/ChatMsg.so",
			"load":	false,
			"version":	1,
			"cmd":	[{
					"cmd":	2001,
					"class":	"neb::CmdChat"
			"module":	[]
	"depend":	{
		"nebula":	"https://github.com/Bwar/Nebula",
		"bootstrap":	["BEACON", "LOGIC", "LOGGER", "INTERFACE", "ACCESS"]



 * Project:  neb
 * @file     CJsonObject.hpp
 * @brief    Json
 * @author   bwarliao
 * @date:    2014-7-16
 * @note
 * Modify history:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "cJSON.h"

namespace neb

class CJsonObject
public:     // method of ordinary json object or json array
    CJsonObject(const std::string& strJson);
    CJsonObject(const CJsonObject* pJsonObject);
    CJsonObject(const CJsonObject& oJsonObject);
    virtual ~CJsonObject();

    CJsonObject& operator=(const CJsonObject& oJsonObject);
    bool operator==(const CJsonObject& oJsonObject) const;
    bool Parse(const std::string& strJson);
    void Clear();
    bool IsEmpty() const;
    bool IsArray() const;
    std::string ToString() const;
    std::string ToFormattedString() const;
    const std::string& GetErrMsg() const

public:     // method of ordinary json object
    bool AddEmptySubObject(const std::string& strKey);
    bool AddEmptySubArray(const std::string& strKey);
    CJsonObject& operator[](const std::string& strKey);
    std::string operator()(const std::string& strKey) const;
    bool Get(const std::string& strKey, CJsonObject& oJsonObject) const;
    bool Get(const std::string& strKey, std::string& strValue) const;
    bool Get(const std::string& strKey, int32& iValue) const;
    bool Get(const std::string& strKey, uint32& uiValue) const;
    bool Get(const std::string& strKey, int64& llValue) const;
    bool Get(const std::string& strKey, uint64& ullValue) const;
    bool Get(const std::string& strKey, bool& bValue) const;
    bool Get(const std::string& strKey, float& fValue) const;
    bool Get(const std::string& strKey, double& dValue) const;
    bool Add(const std::string& strKey, const CJsonObject& oJsonObject);
    bool Add(const std::string& strKey, const std::string& strValue);
    bool Add(const std::string& strKey, int32 iValue);
    bool Add(const std::string& strKey, uint32 uiValue);
    bool Add(const std::string& strKey, int64 llValue);
    bool Add(const std::string& strKey, uint64 ullValue);
    bool Add(const std::string& strKey, bool bValue, bool bValueAgain);
    bool Add(const std::string& strKey, float fValue);
    bool Add(const std::string& strKey, double dValue);
    bool Delete(const std::string& strKey);
    bool Replace(const std::string& strKey, const CJsonObject& oJsonObject);
    bool Replace(const std::string& strKey, const std::string& strValue);
    bool Replace(const std::string& strKey, int32 iValue);
    bool Replace(const std::string& strKey, uint32 uiValue);
    bool Replace(const std::string& strKey, int64 llValue);
    bool Replace(const std::string& strKey, uint64 ullValue);
    bool Replace(const std::string& strKey, bool bValue, bool bValueAgain);
    bool Replace(const std::string& strKey, float fValue);
    bool Replace(const std::string& strKey, double dValue);

public:     // method of json array
    int GetArraySize();
    CJsonObject& operator[](unsigned int uiWhich);
    std::string operator()(unsigned int uiWhich) const;
    bool Get(int iWhich, CJsonObject& oJsonObject) const;
    bool Get(int iWhich, std::string& strValue) const;
    bool Get(int iWhich, int32& iValue) const;
    bool Get(int iWhich, uint32& uiValue) const;
    bool Get(int iWhich, int64& llValue) const;
    bool Get(int iWhich, uint64& ullValue) const;
    bool Get(int iWhich, bool& bValue) const;
    bool Get(int iWhich, float& fValue) const;
    bool Get(int iWhich, double& dValue) const;
    bool Add(const CJsonObject& oJsonObject);
    bool Add(const std::string& strValue);
    bool Add(int32 iValue);
    bool Add(uint32 uiValue);
    bool Add(int64 llValue);
    bool Add(uint64 ullValue);
    bool Add(int iAnywhere, bool bValue);
    bool Add(float fValue);
    bool Add(double dValue);
    bool AddAsFirst(const CJsonObject& oJsonObject);
    bool AddAsFirst(const std::string& strValue);
    bool AddAsFirst(int32 iValue);
    bool AddAsFirst(uint32 uiValue);
    bool AddAsFirst(int64 llValue);
    bool AddAsFirst(uint64 ullValue);
    bool AddAsFirst(int iAnywhere, bool bValue);
    bool AddAsFirst(float fValue);
    bool AddAsFirst(double dValue);
    bool Delete(int iWhich);
    bool Replace(int iWhich, const CJsonObject& oJsonObject);
    bool Replace(int iWhich, const std::string& strValue);
    bool Replace(int iWhich, int32 iValue);
    bool Replace(int iWhich, uint32 uiValue);
    bool Replace(int iWhich, int64 llValue);
    bool Replace(int iWhich, uint64 ullValue);
    bool Replace(int iWhich, bool bValue, bool bValueAgain);
    bool Replace(int iWhich, float fValue);
    bool Replace(int iWhich, double dValue);

    CJsonObject(cJSON* pJsonData);

    cJSON* m_pJsonData;
    cJSON* m_pExternJsonDataRef;
    std::string m_strErrMsg;
    std::map<unsigned int, CJsonObject*> m_mapJsonArrayRef;
    std::map<std::string, CJsonObject*> m_mapJsonObjectRef;


#endif /* CJSONHELPER_HPP_ */