cjson 是一个超轻巧,携带方便,单文件,可以作为 ansi-c 标准的 json 解析器,是一个用c语言编写的简单好用的json解析器;它只包含一个c文件和一个头文件,可以非常容易集成到自己工程项目中。
并且cjson是用ansi c(c89)编写的,可以兼容所有支持c语言的平台和编译器。
2.1 json是什么?
json是javascript object notation(javascript对象表示法),是一种轻量级的数据交换格式。
json是基于ecmascript (欧洲计算机协会制定的js规范)的一个子集,采用完全独立于编程语言的文本格式来存储和表示数据。
简洁和清晰的层次结构使得 json 成为理想的数据交换语言。 易于人阅读和编写,同时也易于机器解析和生成,并有效地提升网络传输效率。 比如: web服务器接口基本都是采用json反馈数据,采用json格式字符串来描述符信息。 json文件的后缀一般是.json,这个只是为了方便辨识。
json格式的数据示例: 这是表示当前时间的json字符串
{ "success": "1", "result": { "timestamp": "1631849514", "datetime_1": "2021-09-17 20:31:54", "datetime_2": "2021年09月17日 20时31分54秒", "week_1": "5", "week_2": "星期五", "week_3": "周五", "week_4": "friday" } }
json格式的数据示例: 这是表示未来几天天气预报的json字符串
{ "success": "1", "result": [ { "weaid": "1", "days": "2021-09-17", "week": "星期五", "cityno": "beijing", "citynm": "北京", "cityid": "101010100", "temperature": "26℃/17℃", "humidity": "0%/0%", "weather": "晴", "weather_icon": "http://api.k780.com/upload/weather/d/0.gif", "weather_icon1": "http://api.k780.com/upload/weather/n/0.gif", "wind": "北风转西南风", "winp": "小于3级", "temp_high": "26", "temp_low": "17", "humi_high": "0", "humi_low": "0", "weatid": "1", "weatid1": "1", "windid": "8", "winpid": "0", "weather_iconid": "0", "weather_iconid1": "0" }, { "weaid": "1", "days": "2021-09-18", "week": "星期六", "cityno": "beijing", "citynm": "北京", "cityid": "101010100", "temperature": "25℃/17℃", "humidity": "0%/0%", "weather": "多云", "weather_icon": "http://api.k780.com/upload/weather/d/1.gif", "weather_icon1": "http://api.k780.com/upload/weather/n/1.gif", "wind": "西南风", "winp": "小于3级", "temp_high": "25", "temp_low": "17", "humi_high": "0", "humi_low": "0", "weatid": "2", "weatid1": "2", "windid": "5", "winpid": "0", "weather_iconid": "1", "weather_iconid1": "1" }, { "weaid": "1", "days": "2021-09-19", "week": "星期日", "cityno": "beijing", "citynm": "北京", "cityid": "101010100", "temperature": "19℃/15℃", "humidity": "0%/0%", "weather": "小雨转中雨", "weather_icon": "http://api.k780.com/upload/weather/d/7.gif", "weather_icon1": "http://api.k780.com/upload/weather/n/8.gif", "wind": "西南风转北风", "winp": "小于3级转小于3级", "temp_high": "19", "temp_low": "15", "humi_high": "0", "humi_low": "0", "weatid": "8", "weatid1": "9", "windid": "5", "winpid": "0", "weather_iconid": "7", "weather_iconid1": "8" }, { "weaid": "1", "days": "2021-09-20", "week": "星期一", "cityno": "beijing", "citynm": "北京", "cityid": "101010100", "temperature": "26℃/16℃", "humidity": "0%/0%", "weather": "多云转晴", "weather_icon": "http://api.k780.com/upload/weather/d/1.gif", "weather_icon1": "http://api.k780.com/upload/weather/n/0.gif", "wind": "北风", "winp": "3-4级转3-4级", "temp_high": "26", "temp_low": "16", "humi_high": "0", "humi_low": "0", "weatid": "2", "weatid1": "1", "windid": "8", "winpid": "1", "weather_iconid": "1", "weather_iconid1": "0" }, { "weaid": "1", "days": "2021-09-21", "week": "星期二", "cityno": "beijing", "citynm": "北京", "cityid": "101010100", "temperature": "27℃/16℃", "humidity": "0%/0%", "weather": "晴", "weather_icon": "http://api.k780.com/upload/weather/d/0.gif", "weather_icon1": "http://api.k780.com/upload/weather/n/0.gif", "wind": "西北风转北风", "winp": "小于3级", "temp_high": "27", "temp_low": "16", "humi_high": "0", "humi_low": "0", "weatid": "1", "weatid1": "1", "windid": "7", "winpid": "0", "weather_iconid": "0", "weather_iconid1": "0" }, { "weaid": "1", "days": "2021-09-22", "week": "星期三", "cityno": "beijing", "citynm": "北京", "cityid": "101010100", "temperature": "26℃/18℃", "humidity": "0%/0%", "weather": "多云", "weather_icon": "http://api.k780.com/upload/weather/d/1.gif", "weather_icon1": "http://api.k780.com/upload/weather/n/1.gif", "wind": "北风转东北风", "winp": "小于3级", "temp_high": "26", "temp_low": "18", "humi_high": "0", "humi_low": "0", "weatid": "2", "weatid1": "2", "windid": "8", "winpid": "0", "weather_iconid": "1", "weather_iconid1": "1" }, { "weaid": "1", "days": "2021-09-23", "week": "星期四", "cityno": "beijing", "citynm": "北京", "cityid": "101010100", "temperature": "24℃/16℃", "humidity": "0%/0%", "weather": "多云", "weather_icon": "http://api.k780.com/upload/weather/d/1.gif", "weather_icon1": "http://api.k780.com/upload/weather/n/1.gif", "wind": "东北风", "winp": "小于3级", "temp_high": "24", "temp_low": "16", "humi_high": "0", "humi_low": "0", "weatid": "2", "weatid1": "2", "windid": "1", "winpid": "0", "weather_iconid": "1", "weather_iconid1": "1" } ] }
2.2 json语法介绍
json里就分为两种结构: 对象和数组,通过这两种结构可以表示各种复杂的结构。
1. 大括号 { } 用来保存对象
2. 中括号 [ ] 用来保存数组,数组里也可以包含多个对象,对象里又可以包含数组,可以嵌套
3. json的值表示语法: key : value --> "width": 1280
4. 多个数据由逗号分隔: {"width": 1920,"height": 1080}
1. 数字(整数或浮点数)
2. 字符串(在双引号中)
3. 逻辑值(true 或 false)
4. 数组(在中括号中)
5. 对象(在大括号中)
6. null (空值)
3.1 新建工程
1>d:\linux-share-dir\vs2017\console_cjsontest\console_cjsontest\cjson.c(155): error c4996: 'strcpy': this function or variable may be unsafe. consider using strcpy_s instead. to disable deprecation, use _crt_secure_no_warnings. see online help for details.
3.2 创建json数据
{ "text": "我是一个字符串数据", "number": 666, "state1": false, "state2": true, "state3": null }
#include <iostream> //因为当前工程使用的是cpp后缀文件,引用c语言的文件需要使用下面的这种方式 extern "c" { #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "cjson.h" } int main() { //1. 创建cjson对象 cjson* root = cjson_createobject(); //2. 创建数据 cjson_addstringtoobject(root, "text","我是一个字符串数据"); cjson_addnumbertoobject(root,"number",666); cjson_addbooltoobject(root, "state1", cjson_false); cjson_addbooltoobject(root, "state2", cjson_true); cjson_addnulltoobject(root, "state3"); //3. 打印生成的结果 char *json_data=cjson_printunformatted(root); printf("%s\n",json_data); //4. 释放空间 cjson_delete(root); return 0; }
3.3 解析json数据
#include <iostream> //因为当前工程使用的是cpp后缀文件,引用c语言的文件需要使用下面的这种方式 extern "c" { #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "cjson.h" } //将要解析的json数据. char data[] = "{" "\"text\": \"我是一个字符串数据\"," "\"number\" : 666," "\"state1\" : false," "\"state2\" : true," "\"state3\" : null" "}"; int main() { //1. 载入json数据 cjson* root = cjson_parse(data); if (root == null)return 0; //2. 解析字段 cjson* item; item=cjson_getobjectitem(root,"text"); if (item) { printf("text=%s\n",item->valuestring); } item = cjson_getobjectitem(root, "number"); if (item) { printf("text=%d\n", item->valueint); } item = cjson_getobjectitem(root, "state1"); if (item) { printf("state1=%d\n", item->valueint); } item = cjson_getobjectitem(root, "state2"); if (item) { printf("state2=%d\n", item->valueint); } item = cjson_getobjectitem(root, "state3"); if (item) { printf("state3=%d\n", item->valueint); } //3. 释放空间 cjson_delete(root); return 0; }
目标: 使用cjson创建出下面这样一个json格式数据
{ "data1": { "text": "我是一个字符串数据1", "number": 666, "state1": false, "state2": true, "state3": null }, "data2": { "text": "我是一个字符串数据2", "number": 666, "state1": false, "state2": true, "state3": null } }
4.1 创建json数据
#include <iostream> //因为当前工程使用的是cpp后缀文件,引用c语言的文件需要使用下面的这种方式 extern "c" { #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "cjson.h" } int main() { //1. 创建cjson对象 cjson* root = cjson_createobject(); //2. 创建对象数据1 cjson* item1 = cjson_createobject(); cjson_addstringtoobject(item1, "text","我是一个字符串数据1"); cjson_addnumbertoobject(item1,"number",666); cjson_addbooltoobject(item1, "state1", cjson_false); cjson_addbooltoobject(item1, "state2", cjson_true); cjson_addnulltoobject(item1, "state3"); cjson_additemtoobject(root, "data1", item1); //3. 创建对象数据2 cjson* item2 = cjson_createobject(); cjson_addstringtoobject(item2, "text", "我是一个字符串数据2"); cjson_addnumbertoobject(item2, "number", 666); cjson_addbooltoobject(item2, "state1", cjson_false); cjson_addbooltoobject(item2, "state2", cjson_true); cjson_addnulltoobject(item2, "state3"); cjson_additemtoobject(root, "data2", item2); //3. 打印生成的结果 char *json_data=cjson_printunformatted(root); printf("%s\n",json_data); //4. 释放空间 cjson_delete(root); return 0; }
4.2 解析json数据
#include <iostream> //因为当前工程使用的是cpp后缀文件,引用c语言的文件需要使用下面的这种方式 extern "c" { #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "cjson.h" } //将要解析的json数据. char data[] = "{" "\"data1\": {" "\"text\": \"我是一个字符串数据1\"," "\"number\" : 666," "\"state1\" : false," "\"state2\" : true," "\"state3\" : null" "}," "\"data2\": {" "\"text\":\"我是一个字符串数据2\"," "\"number\" : 666," "\"state1\" : false," "\"state2\" : true," "\"state3\" : null" "}" "}"; int main() { //1. 载入json数据 cjson* root = cjson_parse(data); if (root == null)return 0; //2. 解析字段 cjson* item; item=cjson_getobjectitem(root,"data1"); if (item) { cjson *obj; obj=cjson_getobjectitem(item, "text"); if (obj) { printf("text=%s\n", obj->valuestring); } obj=cjson_getobjectitem(item, "number"); if (obj) { printf("number=%d\n", obj->valueint); } obj = cjson_getobjectitem(item, "state1"); if (obj) { printf("state1=%d\n", obj->valueint); } obj = cjson_getobjectitem(item, "state2"); if (obj) { printf("state2=%d\n", obj->valueint); } obj = cjson_getobjectitem(item, "state3"); if (obj) { printf("state3=%d\n", obj->valueint); } } item = cjson_getobjectitem(root, "data2"); if (item) { cjson *obj; obj = cjson_getobjectitem(item, "text"); if (obj) { printf("text=%s\n", obj->valuestring); } obj = cjson_getobjectitem(item, "number"); if (obj) { printf("number=%d\n", obj->valueint); } obj = cjson_getobjectitem(item, "state1"); if (obj) { printf("state1=%d\n", obj->valueint); } obj = cjson_getobjectitem(item, "state2"); if (obj) { printf("state2=%d\n", obj->valueint); } obj = cjson_getobjectitem(item, "state3"); if (obj) { printf("state3=%d\n", obj->valueint); } } //3. 释放空间 cjson_delete(root); return 0; }
目标: 使用cjson创建出下面这样一个json格式数据
{ "text": [ { "width": 1280, "height": 720 }, { "width": 1920, "height": 1080 }, { "width": 3840, "height": 2160 } ] }
5.1 创建json数据
#include <iostream> //因为当前工程使用的是cpp后缀文件,引用c语言的文件需要使用下面的这种方式 extern "c" { #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "cjson.h" } int main() { cjson *width = null; cjson *height = null; int i; const unsigned int resolution_numbers[3][2] = { {1280, 720}, {1920, 1080}, {3840, 2160} }; //1. 创建cjson对象 cjson* root = cjson_createobject(); //2. 创建数组对象 cjson *array = cjson_createarray(); cjson_additemtoobject(root, "text", array); for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(resolution_numbers) / (2 * sizeof(int))); ++i) { cjson *obj = cjson_createobject(); cjson_additemtoarray(array, obj); width = cjson_createnumber(resolution_numbers[i][0]); cjson_additemtoobject(obj, "width", width); height = cjson_createnumber(resolution_numbers[i][1]); cjson_additemtoobject(obj, "height", height); } //3. 打印生成的结果 char *json_data=cjson_printunformatted(root); printf("%s\n",json_data); //4. 释放空间 cjson_delete(root); return 0; }
5.2 解析json数据
#include <iostream> //因为当前工程使用的是cpp后缀文件,引用c语言的文件需要使用下面的这种方式 extern "c" { #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "cjson.h" } //将要解析的json数据. char data[] = "{" "\"text\": [" "{" "\"width\": 1280," "\"height\" : 720" "}," "{" "\"width\": 1920," "\"height\" : 1080" "}," "{" "\"width\": 3840," "\"height\" : 2160" "}" "]" "}"; int main() { //1. 载入json数据 cjson* root = cjson_parse(data); if (root == null)return 0; //2. 解析字段 cjson* item; int i; item = cjson_getobjectitem(root, "text"); if (item) { //获取数组的大小 int arraysize = cjson_getarraysize(item); //解析数组的里的每个成员 for (i = 0; i < arraysize; i++) { //取出数组下标对象 cjson *array_item = cjson_getarrayitem(item, i); if (array_item == null)continue; //解析数据 cjson *obj = cjson_getobjectitem(array_item, "width"); if (obj) { printf("width=%d\n",obj->valueint); } obj = cjson_getobjectitem(array_item, "height"); if (obj) { printf("height=%d\n", obj->valueint); } } } //3. 释放空间 cjson_delete(root); return 0; }
到此这篇关于c/c++中cjson的使用(创建与解析json数据)的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关c++ cjson使用内容请搜索以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持!
上一篇: List、Map、Set的区别与联系