TreapDB 2.0 RC1 版发布
2022-07-10 10:45:56
TreapDB 是一个基于 Treap 算法(一种随机二叉搜索树)开发的 Key/Value 数据存储的数据库。兼容 memcached 协议。
TreapDB 2.0 RC1改进内容:
- 新增操作:"bulkPrefix", "removePrefix"(批量按前缀索取,按前缀删除)
- 删除的节点的磁盘空间可以复用
- 体积大的Value用QuickLZ算法压缩后存储
- 新的操作: "optimize",可以将顶层节点置换到内存映射区域(当内存比索引文件小时有用)
- 操作"prefix"可以自定义排序是正序还是倒序
- 一个分页的bug被修复
- 一个批量写的bug被修复
- 更易使用的python客户端
Version2.0 RC1
- new operations: "bulkPrefix", "removePrefix"
- the space of deleted nodes can be reused
- huge values are compressed with QuickLZ
- new operation: "optimize", which can swap top-level nodes to memory-map region
- "prefix" has new parameter to specify pairs' order
- a paging bug fixed.
- a bug of "bulkPut" fixed.
- a more easy to use python-client
- 2010-12-23
Version2.0 Beta2
- support bulk operations: bulkPut and bulkGet (pretty fast)
- value less than 4Bytes(e.g. Integer) has a copy in index file, no file seek needed.
- a bug in x64 architecture fixed.
- 2010-12-12
(therefore, the performance of "prefix","range",etc. is improved very much)
Version2.0 Beta1
- master-slave replication supported.
- unit test added
- a client shell to learn TerapDB easily.
- two new operations: "before" & "after"
- the performance of these operations improved: "kmin","kmax","range","prefix".
- many thanks to Ma Qiang
- 2010-12-10
Version2.0 Alpha1
- merge two servers to one TreapDB server, which can talk both thrfit and memcache at the same time.
- use XML to configure server parameters
- memcache server performance improved 30%
- DiskTreap? performance improved 12%
- Note, the data format changed to support memcache flag, therefore, data generated by early version can not be used
- 2010-12-8
Version1.1 RC
- more API operations added,such as: "remove"(remove a item by key);"length"
- improve concurrent reading peformance
- 2010-12-4
Version 1.0
- 2010-12-1
下一篇: Navicat远程连接Mysql