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aunps2.dll 手动删除方法

程序员文章站 2022-07-10 10:02:48
部分的寄生虫/恶意软件。这里给出手动删除方法,如何解决问题... 13-03-09...

this file is not available for download, we only provide information on how to fix the specific .dll problem.

aunps2.dll is a alwaysupdatednews.com related parasite or malware.

# instructions:

1. 点击 开始 > 运行
2. 输入regedit(打开注册表)
3. 定位到 hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run
4. 在右边的框中删除如下内容:
"aunps2" = "rundll32 aunps2.dll,_run@16"
5. 关闭注册表
6. 重启电脑即可

相关标签: aunps2.dll