2022-07-09 20:40:58
可以看出,在实体类里一共有三个方法,其它有两个名字, 一个是中文名字,一个是英文名字,你可以在页面当中截取本地语言并显示其中一个语言就行。
package com.antbee; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * <p> * </p> * * <p> * Copyright: 版权所有 (c) 2002 - 2006 * </p> * <p> * Company: Antbee * </p> * * @author @家军 * @version 1.0 */ public class Config { /** * 客户状态 */ Object vec[][] = { { new Integer(1), new String("申请"),new String("apply")}, { new Integer(2), new String("待审核"),new String("auditing") }, { new Integer(3), new String("签约"),new String("sign up") }, { new Integer(4), new String("续签中"),new String("nominator") }, { new Integer(5), new String("过期"),new String("overdue") } }; public List Stutas = GetConfigEntity(vec); public List GetConfigEntity(Object allconfig[][]) { List ConfigList = new ArrayList(); ConfigEntity first = new ConfigEntity(); first.setTypeSeri(Integer.valueOf("0")); first.setTypeCnName("请选择"); first.setTypeEnName("Pls Select"); ConfigList.add(first); for(int i=0;i<allconfig.length;i++){ ConfigEntity configEntity = new ConfigEntity(); configEntity.setTypeSeri(Integer.valueOf(allconfig[i][0].toString())); configEntity.setTypeCnName(allconfig[i][1].toString()); configEntity.setTypeEnName(allconfig[i][2].toString()); ConfigList.add(configEntity); } return ConfigList; } }
package com.antbee; import java.io.Serializable; public class ConfigEntity implements Serializable { /** The cached hash code value for this instance. Settting to 0 triggers re-calculation. */ private int hashValue = 0; /** The composite primary key value. */ private java.lang.Integer typeSeri; /** The value of the simple typeName property. */ private java.lang.String typeCnName; /** The value of the simple typeName property. */ private java.lang.String typeEnName; /** * Simple constructor of AbstractDicType instances. */ public ConfigEntity() { } /** * Constructor of AbstractDicType instances given a simple primary key. * @param typeSeri */ public ConfigEntity(java.lang.Integer typeSeri) { this.setTypeSeri(typeSeri); } /** * Return the simple primary key value that identifies this object. * @return java.lang.Integer */ public java.lang.Integer getTypeSeri() { return typeSeri; } /** * Set the simple primary key value that identifies this object. * @param typeSeri */ public void setTypeSeri(java.lang.Integer typeSeri) { this.hashValue = 0; this.typeSeri = typeSeri; } /** * Return the value of the TYPE_NAME column. * @return java.lang.String */ public java.lang.String getTypeCnName() { return this.typeCnName; } /** * Set the value of the TYPE_NAME column. * @param typeName */ public void setTypeCnName(java.lang.String typeCnName) { this.typeCnName = typeCnName; } /** * Return the value of the TYPE_NAME column. * @return java.lang.String */ public java.lang.String getTypeEnName() { return this.typeEnName; } /** * Set the value of the TYPE_NAME column. * @param typeName */ public void setTypeEnName(java.lang.String typeEnName) { this.typeEnName = typeEnName; } /** * Implementation of the equals comparison on the basis of equality of the primary key values. * @param rhs * @return boolean */ public boolean equals(Object rhs) { if (rhs == null) return false; if (! (rhs instanceof ConfigEntity)) return false; ConfigEntity that = (ConfigEntity) rhs; if (this.getTypeSeri() == null || that.getTypeSeri() == null) return false; return (this.getTypeSeri().equals(that.getTypeSeri())); } /** * Implementation of the hashCode method conforming to the Bloch pattern with * the exception of array properties (these are very unlikely primary key types). * @return int */ public int hashCode() { if (this.hashValue == 0) { int result = 17; int typeSeriValue = this.getTypeSeri() == null ? 0 : this.getTypeSeri().hashCode(); result = result * 37 + typeSeriValue; this.hashValue = result; } return this.hashValue; } }
/*Antbee @家军 */ Config n = new Config(); List View_Stutas = n.Stutas; request.setAttribute("View_Stutas", View_Stutas);
<c:forEach items="${View_Stutas}" var="View_Stutas"> <option value="<c:out value="${View_Stutas.typeSeri }" />"><c:out value="${View_Stutas.typeEnName}"/></option> </c:forEach>
可以看出,在实体类里一共有三个方法,其它有两个名字, 一个是中文名字,一个是英文名字,你可以在页面当中截取本地语言并显示其中一个语言就行。