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程序员文章站 2022-07-09 13:02:51
网络-05-端口号-F5-负载均衡设-linux端口详解大全--TCP注册端口号大全备 ......

[root@test1:standby] config #
[root@test1:standby] config #
[root@test1:standby] config #
[root@test1:standby] config # cd /etc
[root@test1:standby] etc # pwd
[root@test1:standby] etc # ls
adjtime depmod.d inputrc mke2fs.conf radvd.conf.example securetty
alertd dev.d iproute2 modprobe.d rc security
aliases dir_colors issue motd rc0.d selinux
alternatives dir_colors.xterm issue.net mtab rc1.d sensors.conf
anacrontab environment java mtools.conf rc2.d services
audisp eventd krb5.conf multipath.conf rc3.d sestatus.conf
audit exports ldap.conf netplug rc4.d shadow
bashrc filesystems ld.so.cache netplug.d rc5.d shadow-
bigstart fsinfo.xml ld.so.conf nsswitch.conf rc6.d shells
blkid fstab ld.so.conf.d ntp rc.d skel
cbr geoip.conf libaudit.conf ntp.conf rc.local smartd.conf
confpp.dat geoip.conf.default libuser.conf openldap rc.sysinit sysconfig
cron.d group localtime opt rc.sysinit.f5 sysctl.conf
cron.daily group- login.defs pam.d redhat-release sysctl_i686.conf
cron.deny hal logrotate_common.conf passwd request-key.conf syslog-ng
cron.hourly hal.names.directory logrotate.conf passwd- resolv.conf termcap
cron.monthly ha_table logrotate.d pki resource.info.xml tomcat
cron.statsd host.conf logstatd postfix rpc udev
cron.system_check hosts lvm ppp rpm version_date
crontab hosts.allow mailcap printcap rsyncd.conf vimrc
cron.weekly hosts.deny mail.rc product rwtab virc
csh.cshrc httpd makedev.d profile rwtab.d vmware-tools
csh.login init.d man.config profile.d samba x11
csyncd.conf initlog.conf mdadm.conf protocols sasl2 xinetd.d
default inittab mime.types raddb scsi_id.config
[root@test1:standby] etc # cat services
# /etc/services:
# $id: services,v 1.42 2006/02/23 13:09:23 pknirsch exp $
# network services, internet style
# note that it is presently the policy of iana to assign a single well-known
# port number for both tcp and udp; hence, most entries here have two entries
# even if the protocol doesn't support udp operations.
# updated from rfc 1700, ``assigned numbers'' (october 1994). not all ports
# are included, only the more common ones.
# the latest iana port assignments can be gotten from
# http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers
# the well known ports are those from 0 through 1023.
# the registered ports are those from 1024 through 49151
# the dynamic and/or private ports are those from 49152 through 65535
# each line describes one service, and is of the form:
# service-name port/protocol [aliases ...] [# comment]

tcpmux 1/tcp # tcp port service multiplexer
tcpmux 1/udp # tcp port service multiplexer
rje 5/tcp # remote job entry
rje 5/udp # remote job entry
echo 7/tcp
echo 7/udp
discard 9/tcp sink null
discard 9/udp sink null
systat 11/tcp users
systat 11/udp users
daytime 13/tcp
daytime 13/udp
qotd 17/tcp quote
qotd 17/udp quote
msp 18/tcp # message send protocol
msp 18/udp # message send protocol
chargen 19/tcp ttytst source
chargen 19/udp ttytst source
ftp-data 20/tcp
ftp-data 20/udp
# 21 is registered to ftp, but also used by fsp
ftp 21/tcp
ftp 21/udp fsp fspd
ssh 22/tcp # ssh remote login protocol
ssh 22/udp # ssh remote login protocol
telnet 23/tcp
telnet 23/udp
# 24 - private mail system
lmtp 24/tcp # lmtp mail delivery
lmtp 24/udp # lmtp mail delivery
smtp 25/tcp mail
smtp 25/udp mail
time 37/tcp timserver
time 37/udp timserver
rlp 39/tcp resource # resource location
rlp 39/udp resource # resource location
nameserver 42/tcp name # ien 116
nameserver 42/udp name # ien 116
nicname 43/tcp whois
nicname 43/udp whois
tacacs 49/tcp # login host protocol (tacacs)
tacacs 49/udp # login host protocol (tacacs)
re-mail-ck 50/tcp # remote mail checking protocol
re-mail-ck 50/udp # remote mail checking protocol
domain 53/tcp # name-domain server
domain 53/udp
whois++ 63/tcp
whois++ 63/udp
bootps 67/tcp # bootp server
bootps 67/udp
bootpc 68/tcp dhcpc # bootp client
bootpc 68/udp dhcpc
tftp 69/tcp
tftp 69/udp
gopher 70/tcp # internet gopher
gopher 70/udp
netrjs-1 71/tcp # remote job service
netrjs-1 71/udp # remote job service
netrjs-2 72/tcp # remote job service
netrjs-2 72/udp # remote job service
netrjs-3 73/tcp # remote job service
netrjs-3 73/udp # remote job service
netrjs-4 74/tcp # remote job service
netrjs-4 74/udp # remote job service
finger 79/tcp
finger 79/udp
http 80/tcp www www-http # worldwideweb http
http 80/udp www www-http # hypertext transfer protocol
kerberos 88/tcp kerberos5 krb5 # kerberos v5
kerberos 88/udp kerberos5 krb5 # kerberos v5
supdup 95/tcp
supdup 95/udp
hostname 101/tcp hostnames # usually from sri-nic
hostname 101/udp hostnames # usually from sri-nic
iso-tsap 102/tcp tsap # part of isode.
csnet-ns 105/tcp cso # also used by cso name server
csnet-ns 105/udp cso
# unfortunately the poppassd (eudora) uses a port which has already
# been assigned to a different service. we list the poppassd as an
# alias here. this should work for programs asking for this service.
# (due to a bug in inetd the 3com-tsmux line is disabled)
#3com-tsmux 106/tcp poppassd
#3com-tsmux 106/udp poppassd
rtelnet 107/tcp # remote telnet
rtelnet 107/udp
pop2 109/tcp pop-2 postoffice # pop version 2
pop2 109/udp pop-2
pop3 110/tcp pop-3 # pop version 3
pop3 110/udp pop-3
sunrpc 111/tcp portmapper # rpc 4.0 portmapper tcp
sunrpc 111/udp portmapper # rpc 4.0 portmapper udp
auth 113/tcp authentication tap ident
auth 113/udp authentication tap ident
sftp 115/tcp
sftp 115/udp
uucp-path 117/tcp
uucp-path 117/udp
nntp 119/tcp readnews untp # usenet news transfer protocol
nntp 119/udp readnews untp # usenet news transfer protocol
ntp 123/tcp
ntp 123/udp # network time protocol
netbios-ns 137/tcp # netbios name service
netbios-ns 137/udp
netbios-dgm 138/tcp # netbios datagram service
netbios-dgm 138/udp
netbios-ssn 139/tcp # netbios session service
netbios-ssn 139/udp
imap 143/tcp imap2 # interim mail access proto v2
imap 143/udp imap2
snmp 161/tcp # simple net mgmt proto
snmp 161/udp # simple net mgmt proto
snmptrap 162/udp snmp-trap # traps for snmp
cmip-man 163/tcp # iso mgmt over ip (cmot)
cmip-man 163/udp
cmip-agent 164/tcp
cmip-agent 164/udp
mailq 174/tcp # mailq
mailq 174/udp # mailq
xdmcp 177/tcp # x display mgr. control proto
xdmcp 177/udp
nextstep 178/tcp nextstep nextstep # nextstep window
nextstep 178/udp nextstep nextstep # server
bgp 179/tcp # border gateway proto.
bgp 179/udp
prospero 191/tcp # cliff neuman's prospero
prospero 191/udp
irc 194/tcp # internet relay chat
irc 194/udp
smux 199/tcp # snmp unix multiplexer
smux 199/udp
at-rtmp 201/tcp # appletalk routing
at-rtmp 201/udp
at-nbp 202/tcp # appletalk name binding
at-nbp 202/udp
at-echo 204/tcp # appletalk echo
at-echo 204/udp
at-zis 206/tcp # appletalk zone information
at-zis 206/udp
qmtp 209/tcp # quick mail transfer protocol
qmtp 209/udp # quick mail transfer protocol
z39.50 210/tcp z3950 wais # niso z39.50 database
z39.50 210/udp z3950 wais
ipx 213/tcp # ipx
ipx 213/udp
imap3 220/tcp # interactive mail access
imap3 220/udp # protocol v3
link 245/tcp ttylink
link 245/udp ttylink
fatserv 347/tcp # fatmen server
fatserv 347/udp # fatmen server
rsvp_tunnel 363/tcp
rsvp_tunnel 363/udp
odmr 366/tcp # odmr required by fetchmail
odmr 366/udp # odmr required by fetchmail
rpc2portmap 369/tcp
rpc2portmap 369/udp # coda portmapper
codaauth2 370/tcp
codaauth2 370/udp # coda authentication server
ulistproc 372/tcp ulistserv # unix listserv
ulistproc 372/udp ulistserv
ldap 389/tcp
ldap 389/udp
svrloc 427/tcp # server location protocl
svrloc 427/udp # server location protocl
mobileip-agent 434/tcp
mobileip-agent 434/udp
mobilip-mn 435/tcp
mobilip-mn 435/udp
https 443/tcp # mcom
https 443/udp # mcom
snpp 444/tcp # simple network paging protocol
snpp 444/udp # simple network paging protocol
microsoft-ds 445/tcp
microsoft-ds 445/udp
kpasswd 464/tcp kpwd # kerberos "passwd"
kpasswd 464/udp kpwd # kerberos "passwd"
photuris 468/tcp
photuris 468/udp
saft 487/tcp # simple asynchronous file transfer
saft 487/udp # simple asynchronous file transfer
gss-http 488/tcp
gss-http 488/udp
pim-rp-disc 496/tcp
pim-rp-disc 496/udp
isakmp 500/tcp
isakmp 500/udp
gdomap 538/tcp # gnustep distributed objects
gdomap 538/udp # gnustep distributed objects
iiop 535/tcp
iiop 535/udp
dhcpv6-client 546/tcp
dhcpv6-client 546/udp
dhcpv6-server 547/tcp
dhcpv6-server 547/udp
rtsp 554/tcp # real time stream control protocol
rtsp 554/udp # real time stream control protocol
nntps 563/tcp # nntp over ssl
nntps 563/udp # nntp over ssl
whoami 565/tcp
whoami 565/udp
submission 587/tcp msa # mail message submission
submission 587/udp msa # mail message submission
npmp-local 610/tcp dqs313_qmaster # npmp-local / dqs
npmp-local 610/udp dqs313_qmaster # npmp-local / dqs
npmp-gui 611/tcp dqs313_execd # npmp-gui / dqs
npmp-gui 611/udp dqs313_execd # npmp-gui / dqs
hmmp-ind 612/tcp dqs313_intercell # hmmp indication / dqs
hmmp-ind 612/udp dqs313_intercell # hmmp indication / dqs
ipp 631/tcp # internet printing protocol
ipp 631/udp # internet printing protocol
ldaps 636/tcp # ldap over ssl
ldaps 636/udp # ldap over ssl
acap 674/tcp
acap 674/udp
ha-cluster 694/tcp # heartbeat ha-cluster
ha-cluster 694/udp # heartbeat ha-cluster
kerberos-adm 749/tcp # kerberos `kadmin' (v5)
kerberos-iv 750/udp kerberos4 kerberos-sec kdc
kerberos-iv 750/tcp kerberos4 kerberos-sec kdc
webster 765/tcp # network dictionary
webster 765/udp
phonebook 767/tcp # network phonebook
phonebook 767/udp
rsync 873/tcp # rsync
rsync 873/udp # rsync
telnets 992/tcp
telnets 992/udp
imaps 993/tcp # imap over ssl
imaps 993/udp # imap over ssl
ircs 994/tcp
ircs 994/udp
pop3s 995/tcp # pop-3 over ssl
pop3s 995/udp # pop-3 over ssl

# unix specific services
exec 512/tcp
biff 512/udp comsat
login 513/tcp
who 513/udp whod
shell 514/tcp cmd # no passwords used
syslog 514/udp
printer 515/tcp spooler # line printer spooler
printer 515/udp spooler # line printer spooler
talk 517/udp
ntalk 518/udp
utime 519/tcp unixtime
utime 519/udp unixtime
efs 520/tcp
router 520/udp route routed # rip
ripng 521/tcp
ripng 521/udp
timed 525/tcp timeserver
timed 525/udp timeserver
tempo 526/tcp newdate
courier 530/tcp rpc
conference 531/tcp chat
netnews 532/tcp
netwall 533/udp # -for emergency broadcasts
uucp 540/tcp uucpd # uucp daemon
klogin 543/tcp # kerberized `rlogin' (v5)
kshell 544/tcp krcmd # kerberized `rsh' (v5)
afpovertcp 548/tcp # afp over tcp
afpovertcp 548/udp # afp over tcp
remotefs 556/tcp rfs_server rfs # brunhoff remote filesystem

# from ``port numbers'':
#>registered port numbers
#>the registered ports are listed by the iana and on most systems can be
#>used by ordinary user processes or programs executed by ordinary
#>ports are used in the tcp [rfc793] to name the ends of logical
#>connections which carry long term conversations. for the purpose of
#>providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is
#>defined. this list specifies the port used by the server process as
#>its contact port.
#>the iana registers uses of these ports as a convienence to the
socks 1080/tcp # socks proxy server
socks 1080/udp # socks proxy server

# port 1236 is registered as `bvcontrol', but is also used by the
# gracilis packeten remote config server. the official name is listed as
# the primary name, with the unregistered name as an alias.
bvcontrol 1236/tcp rmtcfg # daniel j. walsh, gracilis packeten remote config server
bvcontrol 1236/udp # daniel j. walsh

h323hostcallsc 1300/tcp # h323 host call secure
h323hostcallsc 1300/udp # h323 host call secure
ms-sql-s 1433/tcp # microsoft-sql-server
ms-sql-s 1433/udp # microsoft-sql-server
ms-sql-m 1434/tcp # microsoft-sql-monitor
ms-sql-m 1434/udp # microsoft-sql-monitor
ica 1494/tcp # citrix ica client
ica 1494/udp # citrix ica client
wins 1512/tcp # microsoft's windows internet name service
wins 1512/udp # microsoft's windows internet name service
ingreslock 1524/tcp
ingreslock 1524/udp
prospero-np 1525/tcp # prospero non-privileged
prospero-np 1525/udp
datametrics 1645/tcp old-radius # datametrics / old radius entry
datametrics 1645/udp old-radius # datametrics / old radius entry
sa-msg-port 1646/tcp old-radacct # sa-msg-port / old radacct entry
sa-msg-port 1646/udp old-radacct # sa-msg-port / old radacct entry
kermit 1649/tcp
kermit 1649/udp
l2tp 1701/tcp l2f
l2tp 1701/udp l2f
h323gatedisc 1718/tcp
h323gatedisc 1718/udp
h323gatestat 1719/tcp
h323gatestat 1719/udp
h323hostcall 1720/tcp
h323hostcall 1720/udp
tftp-mcast 1758/tcp
tftp-mcast 1758/udp
mtftp 1759/udp
hello 1789/tcp
hello 1789/udp
radius 1812/tcp # radius
radius 1812/udp # radius
radius-acct 1813/tcp radacct # radius accounting
radius-acct 1813/udp radacct # radius accounting
mtp 1911/tcp #
mtp 1911/udp #
hsrp 1985/tcp # cisco hot standby router protocol
hsrp 1985/udp # cisco hot standby router protocol
licensedaemon 1986/tcp
licensedaemon 1986/udp
gdp-port 1997/tcp # cisco gateway discovery protocol
gdp-port 1997/udp # cisco gateway discovery protocol
sieve 2000/tcp # sieve mail filter daemon
sieve 2000/udp # sieve mail filter daemon
nfs 2049/tcp nfsd
nfs 2049/udp nfsd
zephyr-srv 2102/tcp # zephyr server
zephyr-srv 2102/udp # zephyr server
zephyr-clt 2103/tcp # zephyr serv-hm connection
zephyr-clt 2103/udp # zephyr serv-hm connection
zephyr-hm 2104/tcp # zephyr hostmanager
zephyr-hm 2104/udp # zephyr hostmanager
cvspserver 2401/tcp # cvs client/server operations
cvspserver 2401/udp # cvs client/server operations
venus 2430/tcp # codacon port
venus 2430/udp # venus callback/wbc interface
venus-se 2431/tcp # tcp side effects
venus-se 2431/udp # udp sftp side effect
codasrv 2432/tcp # not used
codasrv 2432/udp # server port
codasrv-se 2433/tcp # tcp side effects
codasrv-se 2433/udp # udp sftp side effectq

# ports numbered 2600 through 2606 are used by the zebra package without
# being registred. the primary names are the registered names, and the
# unregistered names used by zebra are listed as aliases.
hpstgmgr 2600/tcp zebrasrv # hpstgmgr
hpstgmgr 2600/udp # hpstgmgr
discp-client 2601/tcp zebra # discp client
discp-client 2601/udp # discp client
discp-server 2602/tcp ripd # discp server
discp-server 2602/udp # discp server
servicemeter 2603/tcp ripngd # service meter
servicemeter 2603/udp # service meter
nsc-ccs 2604/tcp ospfd # nsc ccs
nsc-ccs 2604/udp # nsc ccs
nsc-posa 2605/tcp bgpd # nsc posa
nsc-posa 2605/udp # nsc posa
netmon 2606/tcp ospf6d # dell netmon
netmon 2606/udp # dell netmon
dict 2628/tcp # rfc 2229
dict 2628/udp # rfc 2229
corbaloc 2809/tcp # corba naming service locator
icpv2 3130/tcp # internet cache protocol v2 (squid)
icpv2 3130/udp # internet cache protocol v2 (squid)
mysql 3306/tcp # mysql
mysql 3306/udp # mysql
trnsprntproxy 3346/tcp # trnsprnt proxy
trnsprntproxy 3346/udp # trnsprnt proxy
pxe 4011/udp # pxe server
fud 4201/udp # cyrus imap fud daemon
rwhois 4321/tcp # remote who is
rwhois 4321/udp # remote who is
krb524 4444/tcp # kerberos 5 to 4 ticket xlator
krb524 4444/udp # kerberos 5 to 4 ticket xlator
rfe 5002/tcp # radio free ethernet
rfe 5002/udp # actually uses udp only
cfengine 5308/tcp # cfengine
cfengine 5308/udp # cfengine
cvsup 5999/tcp cvsup # cvsup file transfer/john polstra/freebsd
cvsup 5999/udp cvsup # cvsup file transfer/john polstra/freebsd
x11 6000/tcp x # the x window system
afs3-fileserver 7000/tcp # file server itself
afs3-fileserver 7000/udp # file server itself
afs3-callback 7001/tcp # callbacks to cache managers
afs3-callback 7001/udp # callbacks to cache managers
afs3-prserver 7002/tcp # users & groups database
afs3-prserver 7002/udp # users & groups database
afs3-vlserver 7003/tcp # volume location database
afs3-vlserver 7003/udp # volume location database
afs3-kaserver 7004/tcp # afs/kerberos authentication service
afs3-kaserver 7004/udp # afs/kerberos authentication service
afs3-volser 7005/tcp # volume managment server
afs3-volser 7005/udp # volume managment server
afs3-errors 7006/tcp # error interpretation service
afs3-errors 7006/udp # error interpretation service
afs3-bos 7007/tcp # basic overseer process
afs3-bos 7007/udp # basic overseer process
afs3-update 7008/tcp # server-to-server updater
afs3-update 7008/udp # server-to-server updater
afs3-rmtsys 7009/tcp # remote cache manager service
afs3-rmtsys 7009/udp # remote cache manager service
sd 9876/tcp # session director
sd 9876/udp # session director
amanda 10080/tcp # amanda backup services
amanda 10080/udp # amanda backup services
pgpkeyserver 11371/tcp # pgp/gpg public keyserver
pgpkeyserver 11371/udp # pgp/gpg public keyserver
h323callsigalt 11720/tcp # h323 call signal alternate
h323callsigalt 11720/udp # h323 call signal alternate

bprd 13720/tcp # bprd (veritas netbackup)
bprd 13720/udp # bprd (veritas netbackup)
bpdbm 13721/tcp # bpdbm (veritas netbackup)
bpdbm 13721/udp # bpdbm (veritas netbackup)
bpjava-msvc 13722/tcp # bp java msvc protocol
bpjava-msvc 13722/udp # bp java msvc protocol
vnetd 13724/tcp # veritas network utility
vnetd 13724/udp # veritas network utility
bpcd 13782/tcp # veritas netbackup
bpcd 13782/udp # veritas netbackup
vopied 13783/tcp # vopied protocol
vopied 13783/udp # vopied protocol

# this port is registered as wnn6, but also used under the unregistered name
# "wnn4" by the freewnn package.
wnn6 22273/tcp wnn4
wnn6 22273/udp wnn4

quake 26000/tcp
quake 26000/udp
wnn6-ds 26208/tcp
wnn6-ds 26208/udp
traceroute 33434/tcp
traceroute 33434/udp

# datagram delivery protocol services
rtmp 1/ddp # routing table maintenance protocol
nbp 2/ddp # name binding protocol
echo 4/ddp # appletalk echo protocol
zip 6/ddp # zone information protocol

# kerberos (project athena/mit) services
# note that these are for kerberos v4, and are unregistered/unofficial. sites
# running v4 should uncomment these and comment out the v5 entries above.
kerberos_master 751/udp # kerberos authentication
kerberos_master 751/tcp # kerberos authentication
passwd_server 752/udp # kerberos passwd server
krbupdate 760/tcp kreg # kerberos registration
kpop 1109/tcp # pop with kerberos
knetd 2053/tcp # kerberos de-multiplexor

# kerberos 5 services, also not registered with iana
krb5_prop 754/tcp # kerberos slave propagation
eklogin 2105/tcp # kerberos encrypted rlogin

# unregistered but necessary(?) (for netbsd) services
supfilesrv 871/tcp # sup server
supfiledbg 1127/tcp # sup debugging

# unregistered but useful/necessary other services
netstat 15/tcp # (was once asssigned, no more)
linuxconf 98/tcp # linuxconf html access
poppassd 106/tcp # eudora
poppassd 106/udp # eudora
smtps 465/tcp # smtp over ssl (tls)
gii 616/tcp # gated interactive interface
omirr 808/tcp omirrd # online mirror
omirr 808/udp omirrd # online mirror
swat 901/tcp # samba web administration tool
rndc 953/tcp # rndc control sockets (bind 9)
rndc 953/udp # rndc control sockets (bind 9)
skkserv 1178/tcp # skk japanese input method
xtel 1313/tcp # french minitel
support 1529/tcp prmsd gnatsd # gnats, cygnus bug tracker
cfinger 2003/tcp # gnu finger
ninstall 2150/tcp # ninstall service
ninstall 2150/udp # ninstall service
afbackup 2988/tcp # afbackup system
afbackup 2988/udp # afbackup system
squid 3128/tcp # squid web proxy
prsvp 3455/tcp # rsvp port
prsvp 3455/udp # rsvp port
distcc 3632/tcp # distcc
svn 3690/tcp # subversion
svn 3690/udp # subversion
postgres 5432/tcp # postgres
postgres 5432/udp # postgres
fax 4557/tcp # fax transmission service (old)
hylafax 4559/tcp # hylafax client-server protocol (new)
sgi-dgl 5232/tcp # sgi distributed graphics
sgi-dgl 5232/udp
noclog 5354/tcp # noclogd with tcp (nocol)
noclog 5354/udp # noclogd with udp (nocol)
hostmon 5355/tcp # hostmon uses tcp (nocol)
hostmon 5355/udp # hostmon uses tcp (nocol)
canna 5680/tcp
x11-ssh-offset 6010/tcp # ssh x11 forwarding offset
ircd 6667/tcp # internet relay chat
ircd 6667/udp # internet relay chat
xfs 7100/tcp # x font server
tircproxy 7666/tcp # tircproxy
http-alt 8008/tcp
http-alt 8008/udp
webcache 8080/tcp # www caching service
webcache 8080/udp # www caching service
tproxy 8081/tcp # transparent proxy
tproxy 8081/udp # transparent proxy
jetdirect 9100/tcp laserjet hplj #
mandelspawn 9359/udp mandelbrot # network mandelbrot
kamanda 10081/tcp # amanda backup services (kerberos)
kamanda 10081/udp # amanda backup services (kerberos)
amandaidx 10082/tcp # amanda backup services
amidxtape 10083/tcp # amanda backup services
isdnlog 20011/tcp # isdn logging system
isdnlog 20011/udp # isdn logging system
vboxd 20012/tcp # voice box system
vboxd 20012/udp # voice box system
wnn4_kr 22305/tcp # used by the kwnn package
wnn4_cn 22289/tcp # used by the cwnn package
wnn4_tw 22321/tcp # used by the twnn package
binkp 24554/tcp # binkley
binkp 24554/udp # binkley
asp 27374/tcp # address search protocol
asp 27374/udp # address search protocol
tfido 60177/tcp # ifmail
tfido 60177/udp # ifmail
fido 60179/tcp # ifmail
fido 60179/udp # ifmail

# updated additional list from iana with all missing services 01/24/2006
compressnet 3/tcp # compression process
compressnet 3/udp # compression process
nsw-fe 27/tcp # nsw user system fe
nsw-fe 27/udp # nsw user system fe
msg-icp 29/tcp # msg icp
msg-icp 29/udp # msg icp
msg-auth 31/tcp # msg authentication
msg-auth 31/udp # msg authentication
dsp 33/tcp # display support protocol
dsp 33/udp # display support protocol
rap 38/tcp # route access protocol
rap 38/udp # route access protocol
graphics 41/tcp # graphics
graphics 41/udp # graphics
mpm-flags 44/tcp # mpm flags protocol
mpm-flags 44/udp # mpm flags protocol
mpm 45/tcp # message processing module [recv]
mpm 45/udp # message processing module [recv]
mpm-snd 46/tcp # mpm [default send]
mpm-snd 46/udp # mpm [default send]
ni-ftp 47/tcp # ni ftp
ni-ftp 47/udp # ni ftp
auditd 48/tcp # digital audit daemon
auditd 48/udp # digital audit daemon
la-maint 51/tcp # imp logical address maintenance
la-maint 51/udp # imp logical address maintenance
xns-time 52/tcp # xns time protocol
xns-time 52/udp # xns time protocol
xns-ch 54/tcp # xns clearinghouse
xns-ch 54/udp # xns clearinghouse
isi-gl 55/tcp # isi graphics language
isi-gl 55/udp # isi graphics language
xns-auth 56/tcp # xns authentication
xns-auth 56/udp # xns authentication
xns-mail 58/tcp # xns mail
xns-mail 58/udp # xns mail
ni-mail 61/tcp # ni mail
ni-mail 61/udp # ni mail
acas 62/tcp # aca services
acas 62/udp # aca services
covia 64/tcp # communications integrator (ci)
covia 64/udp # communications integrator (ci)
tacacs-ds 65/tcp # tacacs-database service
tacacs-ds 65/udp # tacacs-database service
sql*net 66/tcp # oracle sql*net
sql*net 66/udp # oracle sql*net
deos 76/tcp # distributed external object store
deos 76/udp # distributed external object store
vettcp 78/tcp # vettcp
vettcp 78/udp # vettcp
hosts2-ns 81/tcp # hosts2 name server
hosts2-ns 81/udp # hosts2 name server
xfer 82/tcp # xfer utility
xfer 82/udp # xfer utility
mit-ml-dev 83/tcp # mit ml device
mit-ml-dev 83/udp # mit ml device
ctf 84/tcp # common trace facility
ctf 84/udp # common trace facility
mfcobol 86/tcp # micro focus cobol
mfcobol 86/udp # micro focus cobol
su-mit-tg 89/tcp # su/mit telnet gateway
su-mit-tg 89/udp # su/mit telnet gateway
dnsix 90/tcp # dnsix securit attribute token map
dnsix 90/udp # dnsix securit attribute token map
mit-dov 91/tcp # mit dover spooler
mit-dov 91/udp # mit dover spooler
npp 92/tcp # network printing protocol
npp 92/udp # network printing protocol
dcp 93/tcp # device control protocol
dcp 93/udp # device control protocol
objcall 94/tcp # tivoli object dispatcher
objcall 94/udp # tivoli object dispatcher
dixie 96/tcp # dixie protocol specification
dixie 96/udp # dixie protocol specification
swift-rvf 97/tcp # swift remote virtural file protocol
swift-rvf 97/udp # swift remote virtural file protocol
metagram 99/tcp # metagram relay
metagram 99/udp # metagram relay
newacct 100/tcp # [unauthorized use]
gppitnp 103/tcp # genesis point-to-point trans net
gppitnp 103/udp # genesis point-to-point trans net
acr-nema 104/tcp # acr-nema digital imag. & comm. 300
acr-nema 104/udp # acr-nema digital imag. & comm. 300
snagas 108/tcp # sna gateway access server
snagas 108/udp # sna gateway access server
mcidas 112/tcp # mcidas data transmission protocol
mcidas 112/udp # mcidas data transmission protocol
ansanotify 116/tcp # ansa rex notify
ansanotify 116/udp # ansa rex notify
sqlserv 118/tcp # sql services
sqlserv 118/udp # sql services
cfdptkt 120/tcp # cfdptkt
cfdptkt 120/udp # cfdptkt
erpc 121/tcp # encore expedited remote pro.call
erpc 121/udp # encore expedited remote pro.call
smakynet 122/tcp # smakynet
smakynet 122/udp # smakynet
ansatrader 124/tcp # ansa rex trader
ansatrader 124/udp # ansa rex trader
locus-map 125/tcp # locus pc-interface net map ser
locus-map 125/udp # locus pc-interface net map ser
nxedit 126/tcp # nxedit
nxedit 126/udp # nxedit
locus-con 127/tcp # locus pc-interface conn server
locus-con 127/udp # locus pc-interface conn server
gss-xlicen 128/tcp # gss x license verification
gss-xlicen 128/udp # gss x license verification
pwdgen 129/tcp # password generator protocol
pwdgen 129/udp # password generator protocol
cisco-fna 130/tcp # cisco fnative
cisco-fna 130/udp # cisco fnative
cisco-tna 131/tcp # cisco tnative
cisco-tna 131/udp # cisco tnative
cisco-sys 132/tcp # cisco sysmaint
cisco-sys 132/udp # cisco sysmaint
statsrv 133/tcp # statistics service
statsrv 133/udp # statistics service
ingres-net 134/tcp # ingres-net service
ingres-net 134/udp # ingres-net service
epmap 135/tcp # dce endpoint resolution
epmap 135/udp # dce endpoint resolution
profile 136/tcp # profile naming system
profile 136/udp # profile naming system
emfis-data 140/tcp # emfis data service
emfis-data 140/udp # emfis data service
emfis-cntl 141/tcp # emfis control service
emfis-cntl 141/udp # emfis control service
bl-idm 142/tcp # britton-lee idm
bl-idm 142/udp # britton-lee idm
uma 144/tcp # universal management architecture
uma 144/udp # universal management architecture
uaac 145/tcp # uaac protocol
uaac 145/udp # uaac protocol
iso-tp0 146/tcp # iso-ip0
iso-tp0 146/udp # iso-ip0
iso-ip 147/tcp # iso-ip
iso-ip 147/udp # iso-ip
jargon 148/tcp # jargon
jargon 148/udp # jargon
aed-512 149/tcp # aed 512 emulation service
aed-512 149/udp # aed 512 emulation service
sql-net 150/tcp # sql-net
sql-net 150/udp # sql-net
hems 151/tcp # hems
hems 151/udp # hems
bftp 152/tcp # background file transfer program
bftp 152/udp # background file transfer program
sgmp 153/tcp # sgmp
sgmp 153/udp # sgmp
netsc-prod 154/tcp # netsc
netsc-prod 154/udp # netsc
netsc-dev 155/tcp # netsc
netsc-dev 155/udp # netsc
sqlsrv 156/tcp # sql service
sqlsrv 156/udp # sql service
knet-cmp 157/tcp # knet/vm command/message protocol
knet-cmp 157/udp # knet/vm command/message protocol
pcmail-srv 158/tcp # pcmail server
pcmail-srv 158/udp # pcmail server
nss-routing 159/tcp # nss-routing
nss-routing 159/udp # nss-routing
sgmp-traps 160/tcp # sgmp-traps
sgmp-traps 160/udp # sgmp-traps
xns-courier 165/tcp # xerox
xns-courier 165/udp # xerox
s-net 166/tcp # sirius systems
s-net 166/udp # sirius systems
namp 167/tcp # namp
namp 167/udp # namp
rsvd 168/tcp # rsvd
rsvd 168/udp # rsvd
send 169/tcp # send
send 169/udp # send
print-srv 170/tcp # network postscript
print-srv 170/udp # network postscript
multiplex 171/tcp # network innovations multiplex
multiplex 171/udp # network innovations multiplex
cl/1 172/tcp # network innovations cl/1
cl/1 172/udp # network innovations cl/1
xyplex-mux 173/tcp # xyplex
xyplex-mux 173/udp # xyplex
vmnet 175/tcp # vmnet
vmnet 175/udp # vmnet
genrad-mux 176/tcp # genrad-mux
genrad-mux 176/udp # genrad-mux
ris 180/tcp # intergraph
ris 180/udp # intergraph
unify 181/tcp # unify
unify 181/udp # unify
audit 182/tcp # unisys audit sitp
audit 182/udp # unisys audit sitp
ocbinder 183/tcp # ocbinder
ocbinder 183/udp # ocbinder
ocserver 184/tcp # ocserver
ocserver 184/udp # ocserver
remote-kis 185/tcp # remote-kis
remote-kis 185/udp # remote-kis
kis 186/tcp # kis protocol
kis 186/udp # kis protocol
aci 187/tcp # application communication interface
aci 187/udp # application communication interface
mumps 188/tcp # plus five's mumps
mumps 188/udp # plus five's mumps
qft 189/tcp # queued file transport
qft 189/udp # queued file transport
gacp 190/tcp # gateway access control protocol
gacp 190/udp # gateway access control protocol
osu-nms 192/tcp # osu network monitoring system
osu-nms 192/udp # osu network monitoring system
srmp 193/tcp # spider remote monitoring protocol
srmp 193/udp # spider remote monitoring protocol
dn6-nlm-aud 195/tcp # dnsix network level module audit
dn6-nlm-aud 195/udp # dnsix network level module audit
dn6-smm-red 196/tcp # dnsix session mgt module audit redir
dn6-smm-red 196/udp # dnsix session mgt module audit redir
dls 197/tcp # directory location service
dls 197/udp # directory location service
dls-mon 198/tcp # directory location service monitor
dls-mon 198/udp # directory location service monitor
src 200/tcp # ibm system resource controller
src 200/udp # ibm system resource controller
at-3 203/tcp # appletalk unused
at-3 203/udp # appletalk unused
at-5 205/tcp # appletalk unused
at-5 205/udp # appletalk unused
at-7 207/tcp # appletalk unused
at-7 207/udp # appletalk unused
at-8 208/tcp # appletalk unused
at-8 208/udp # appletalk unused
914c/g 211/tcp # texas instruments 914c/g terminal
914c/g 211/udp # texas instruments 914c/g terminal
anet 212/tcp # atexsstr
anet 212/udp # atexsstr
vmpwscs 214/tcp # vm pwscs
vmpwscs 214/udp # vm pwscs
softpc 215/tcp # insignia solutions
softpc 215/udp # insignia solutions
cailic 216/tcp # computer associates int'l license server
cailic 216/udp # computer associates int'l license server
dbase 217/tcp # dbase unix
dbase 217/udp # dbase unix
mpp 218/tcp # netix message posting protocol
mpp 218/udp # netix message posting protocol
uarps 219/tcp # unisys arps
uarps 219/udp # unisys arps
fln-spx 221/tcp # berkeley rlogind with spx auth
fln-spx 221/udp # berkeley rlogind with spx auth
rsh-spx 222/tcp # berkeley rshd with spx auth
rsh-spx 222/udp # berkeley rshd with spx auth
cdc 223/tcp # certificate distribution center
cdc 223/udp # certificate distribution center
masqdialer 224/tcp # masqdialer
masqdialer 224/udp # masqdialer
direct 242/tcp # direct
direct 242/udp # direct
sur-meas 243/tcp # survey measurement
sur-meas 243/udp # survey measurement
inbusiness 244/tcp # inbusiness
inbusiness 244/udp # inbusiness
dsp3270 246/tcp # display systems protocol
dsp3270 246/udp # display systems protocol
subntbcst_tftp 247/tcp # subntbcst_tftp
subntbcst_tftp 247/udp # subntbcst_tftp
bhfhs 248/tcp # bhfhs
bhfhs 248/udp # bhfhs
set 257/tcp # secure electronic transaction
set 257/udp # secure electronic transaction
yak-chat 258/tcp # yak winsock personal chat
yak-chat 258/udp # yak winsock personal chat
esro-gen 259/tcp # efficient short remote operations
esro-gen 259/udp # efficient short remote operations
openport 260/tcp # openport
openport 260/udp # openport
nsiiops 261/tcp # iiop name service over tls/ssl
nsiiops 261/udp # iiop name service over tls/ssl
arcisdms 262/tcp # arcisdms
arcisdms 262/udp # arcisdms
hdap 263/tcp # hdap
hdap 263/udp # hdap
bgmp 264/tcp # bgmp
bgmp 264/udp # bgmp
x-bone-ctl 265/tcp # x-bone ctl
x-bone-ctl 265/udp # x-bone ctl
sst 266/tcp # scsi on st
sst 266/udp # scsi on st
td-service 267/tcp # tobit david service layer
td-service 267/udp # tobit david service layer
td-replica 268/tcp # tobit david replica
td-replica 268/udp # tobit david replica
http-mgmt 280/tcp # http-mgmt
http-mgmt 280/udp # http-mgmt
personal-link 281/tcp # personal link
personal-link 281/udp # personal link
cableport-ax 282/tcp # cable port a/x
cableport-ax 282/udp # cable port a/x
rescap 283/tcp # rescap
rescap 283/udp # rescap
corerjd 284/tcp # corerjd
corerjd 284/udp # corerjd
fxp 286/tcp # fxp communication
fxp 286/udp # fxp communication
k-block 287/tcp # k-block
k-block 287/udp # k-block
novastorbakcup 308/tcp # novastor backup
novastorbakcup 308/udp # novastor backup
entrusttime 309/tcp # entrusttime
entrusttime 309/udp # entrusttime
bhmds 310/tcp # bhmds
bhmds 310/udp # bhmds
asip-webadmin 311/tcp # appleshare ip webadmin
asip-webadmin 311/udp # appleshare ip webadmin
vslmp 312/tcp # vslmp
vslmp 312/udp # vslmp
magenta-logic 313/tcp # magenta logic
magenta-logic 313/udp # magenta logic
opalis-robot 314/tcp # opalis robot
opalis-robot 314/udp # opalis robot
dpsi 315/tcp # dpsi
dpsi 315/udp # dpsi
decauth 316/tcp # decauth
decauth 316/udp # decauth
zannet 317/tcp # zannet
zannet 317/udp # zannet
pkix-timestamp 318/tcp # pkix timestamp
pkix-timestamp 318/udp # pkix timestamp
ptp-event 319/tcp # ptp event
ptp-event 319/udp # ptp event
ptp-general 320/tcp # ptp general
ptp-general 320/udp # ptp general
pip 321/tcp # pip
pip 321/udp # pip
rtsps 322/tcp # rtsps
rtsps 322/udp # rtsps
texar 333/tcp # texar security port
texar 333/udp # texar security port
pdap 344/tcp # prospero data access protocol
pdap 344/udp # prospero data access protocol
pawserv 345/tcp # perf analysis workbench
pawserv 345/udp # perf analysis workbench
zserv 346/tcp # zebra server
zserv 346/udp # zebra server
csi-sgwp 348/tcp # cabletron management protocol
csi-sgwp 348/udp # cabletron management protocol
mftp 349/tcp # mftp
mftp 349/udp # mftp
matip-type-a 350/tcp # matip type a
matip-type-a 350/udp # matip type a
matip-type-b 351/tcp # matip type b
matip-type-b 351/udp # matip type b
bhoetty 351/tcp # bhoetty (added 5/21/97)
bhoetty 351/udp # bhoetty
dtag-ste-sb 352/tcp # dtag (assigned long ago)
dtag-ste-sb 352/udp # dtag
bhoedap4 352/tcp # bhoedap4 (added 5/21/97)
bhoedap4 352/udp # bhoedap4
ndsauth 353/tcp # ndsauth
ndsauth 353/udp # ndsauth
bh611 354/tcp # bh611
bh611 354/udp # bh611
datex-asn 355/tcp # datex-asn
datex-asn 355/udp # datex-asn
cloanto-net-1 356/tcp # cloanto net 1
cloanto-net-1 356/udp # cloanto net 1
bhevent 357/tcp # bhevent
bhevent 357/udp # bhevent
shrinkwrap 358/tcp # shrinkwrap
shrinkwrap 358/udp # shrinkwrap
nsrmp 359/tcp # network security risk management protocol
nsrmp 359/udp # network security risk management protocol
scoi2odialog 360/tcp # scoi2odialog
scoi2odialog 360/udp # scoi2odialog
semantix 361/tcp # semantix
semantix 361/udp # semantix
srssend 362/tcp # srs send
srssend 362/udp # srs send
aurora-cmgr 364/tcp # aurora cmgr
aurora-cmgr 364/udp # aurora cmgr
dtk 365/tcp # dtk
dtk 365/udp # dtk
mortgageware 367/tcp # mortgageware
mortgageware 367/udp # mortgageware
qbikgdp 368/tcp # qbikgdp
qbikgdp 368/udp # qbikgdp
clearcase 371/tcp # clearcase
clearcase 371/udp # clearcase
legent-1 373/tcp # legent corporation
legent-1 373/udp # legent corporation
legent-2 374/tcp # legent corporation
legent-2 374/udp # legent corporation
hassle 375/tcp # hassle
hassle 375/udp # hassle
nip 376/tcp # amiga envoy network inquiry proto
nip 376/udp # amiga envoy network inquiry proto
tnetos 377/tcp # nec corporation
tnetos 377/udp # nec corporation
dsetos 378/tcp # nec corporation
dsetos 378/udp # nec corporation
is99c 379/tcp # tia/eia/is-99 modem client
is99c 379/udp # tia/eia/is-99 modem client
is99s 380/tcp # tia/eia/is-99 modem server
is99s 380/udp # tia/eia/is-99 modem server
hp-collector 381/tcp # hp performance data collector
hp-collector 381/udp # hp performance data collector
hp-managed-node 382/tcp # hp performance data managed node
hp-managed-node 382/udp # hp performance data managed node
hp-alarm-mgr 383/tcp # hp performance data alarm manager
hp-alarm-mgr 383/udp # hp performance data alarm manager
arns 384/tcp # a remote network server system
arns 384/udp # a remote network server system
ibm-app 385/tcp # ibm application
ibm-app 385/udp # ibm application
asa 386/tcp # asa message router object def.
asa 386/udp # asa message router object def.
aurp 387/tcp # appletalk update-based routing pro.
aurp 387/udp # appletalk update-based routing pro.
unidata-ldm 388/tcp # unidata ldm
unidata-ldm 388/udp # unidata ldm
uis 390/tcp # uis
uis 390/udp # uis
synotics-relay 391/tcp # synoptics snmp relay port
synotics-relay 391/udp # synoptics snmp relay port
synotics-broker 392/tcp # synoptics port bro