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MIT-6.828-JOS-lab4:Preemptive Multitasking

程序员文章站 2022-07-07 12:18:38
Lab 4: Preemptive Multitasking tags: mit 6.828, os 概述 本文是lab4的实验报告,主要围绕 进程 相关概念进行介绍。主要将四个知识点: 1. 开启多处理器。现代处理器一般都是多核的,这样每个CPU能同时运行不同进程,实现并行。需要用锁解决多CPU的 ......

lab 4: preemptive multitasking

tags: mit-6.828, os



  1. 开启多处理器。现代处理器一般都是多核的,这样每个cpu能同时运行不同进程,实现并行。需要用锁解决多cpu的竞争。
  2. 实现进程调度算法。
  3. 实现写时拷贝fork(进程创建)。
  4. 实现进程间通信

part a: multiprocessor support and cooperative multitasking


  1. 使jos支持多cpu
  2. 实现系统调用允许普通进程创建新的进程
  3. 实现协作式进程调度

multiprocessor support

我们将使jos支持"symmetric multiprocessing" (smp),这是一种所有cpu共享系统资源的多处理器模式。在启动阶段这些cpu将被分为两类:

  1. 启动cpu(bsp):负责初始化系统,启动操作系统。
  2. 应用cpu(ap):操作系统启动后由bsp激活。
    在smp系统中,每个cpu都有一个对应的local apic(lapic),负责传递中断。cpu通过内存映射io(mmio)访问它对应的apic,这样就能通过访问内存达到访问设备寄存器的目的。lapic从物理地址0xfe000000开始,jos将通过mmiobase虚拟地址访问该物理地址。

exercise 1


void *
mmio_map_region(physaddr_t pa, size_t size)
    // where to start the next region.  initially, this is the
    // beginning of the mmio region.  because this is static, its
    // value will be preserved between calls to mmio_map_region
    // (just like nextfree in boot_alloc).
    static uintptr_t base = mmiobase;

    // reserve size bytes of virtual memory starting at base and
    // map physical pages [pa,pa+size) to virtual addresses
    // [base,base+size).  since this is device memory and not
    // regular dram, you'll have to tell the cpu that it isn't
    // safe to cache access to this memory.  luckily, the page
    // tables provide bits for this purpose; simply create the
    // mapping with pte_pcd|pte_pwt (cache-disable and
    // write-through) in addition to pte_w.  (if you're interested
    // in more details on this, see section 10.5 of ia32 volume
    // 3a.)
    // be sure to round size up to a multiple of pgsize and to
    // handle if this reservation would overflow mmiolim (it's
    // okay to simply panic if this happens).
    // hint: the staff solution uses boot_map_region.
    // your code here:
    size = roundup(pa+size, pgsize);
    pa = rounddown(pa, pgsize);
    size -= pa;
    if (base+size >= mmiolim) panic("not enough memory");
    boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, base, size, pa, pte_pcd|pte_pwt|pte_w);
    base += size;
    return (void*) (base - size);

application processor bootstrap

在启动ap之前,bsp需要搜集多处理器的信息,比如总共有多少cpu,它们的lapic id以及lapic mmio地址。mp_init()函数从bios中读取这些信息。具体代码在mp_init()中,该函数会在进入内核后被i386_init()调用,主要作用就是读取mp configuration table中保存的cpu信息,初始化cpus数组,ncpu(总共多少可用cpu),bootcpu指针(指向bsp对应的cpuinfo结构)


per-cpu state and initialization

jos使用struct cpuinfo结构来记录cpu的信息:

struct cpuinfo {
    uint8_t cpu_id;                 // local apic id; index into cpus[] below
    volatile unsigned cpu_status;   // the status of the cpu
    struct env *cpu_env;            // the currently-running environment.
    struct taskstate cpu_ts;        // used by x86 to find stack for interrupt


  1. 内核栈:内核代码中的数组percpu_kstacks[ncpu][kstksize]为每个cpu都保留了kstksize大小的内核栈。从内核线性地址空间看cpu 0的栈从kstacktop开始,cpu 1的内核栈将从cpu 0栈后面kstkgap字节处开始,以此类推,参见inc/memlayout.h。
  2. tss和tss描述符:每个cpu都需要单独的tss和tss描述符来指定该cpu对应的内核栈。
  3. 进程结构指针:每个cpu都会独立运行一个进程的代码,所以需要env指针。
  4. 系统寄存器:比如cr3, gdt, ltr这些寄存器都是每个cpu私有的,每个cpu都需要单独设置。

到目前为止cpuinfo和env关系可以总结如下:MIT-6.828-JOS-lab4:Preemptive Multitasking

exercise 3:


static void
    // map per-cpu stacks starting at kstacktop, for up to 'ncpu' cpus.
    // for cpu i, use the physical memory that 'percpu_kstacks[i]' refers
    // to as its kernel stack. cpu i's kernel stack grows down from virtual
    // address kstacktop_i = kstacktop - i * (kstksize + kstkgap), and is
    // divided into two pieces, just like the single stack you set up in
    // mem_init:
    //     * [kstacktop_i - kstksize, kstacktop_i)
    //          -- backed by physical memory
    //     * [kstacktop_i - (kstksize + kstkgap), kstacktop_i - kstksize)
    //          -- not backed; so if the kernel overflows its stack,
    //             it will fault rather than overwrite another cpu's stack.
    //             known as a "guard page".
    //     permissions: kernel rw, user none
    // lab 4: your code here:
    for (int i = 0; i < ncpu; i++) {
            kstacktop - kstksize - i * (kstksize + kstkgap), 


目前我们已经有多个cpu同时在执行内核代码了,我们必须要处理竞争条件。最简单粗暴的办法就是使用"big kernel lock","big kernel lock"是一个全局锁,进程从用户态进入内核后获取该锁,退出内核释放该锁。这样就能保证只有一个cpu在执行内核代码,但缺点也很明显就是一个cpu在执行内核代码时,另一个cpu如果也想进入内核,就会处于等待的状态。

struct spinlock {
    unsigned locked;       // is the lock held?


spin_lock(struct spinlock *lk)
    // the xchg is atomic.
    // it also serializes, so that reads after acquire are not
    // reordered before it. 
    while (xchg(&lk->locked, 1) != 0)           //原理见:https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2018/xv6/book-rev11.pdf  chapter 4
        asm volatile ("pause");

spin_unlock(struct spinlock *lk)
    // the xchg instruction is atomic (i.e. uses the "lock" prefix) with
    // respect to any other instruction which references the same memory.
    // x86 cpus will not reorder loads/stores across locked instructions
    // (vol 3, 8.2.2). because xchg() is implemented using asm volatile,
    // gcc will not reorder c statements across the xchg.
    xchg(&lk->locked, 0);


  1. i386_init()中,bsp唤醒其它ap前需要获取内核锁。
  2. mp_main()中,ap需要在执行sched_yield()前获取内核锁。
  3. trap()中,需要获取内核锁,因为这是用户态进入内核的唯一入口。
  4. env_run()中,需要释放内核锁,因为该函数使用iret指令,从内核返回用户态。

exercise 5


round-robin scheduling


  1. 实现sched_yield(),该函数选择一个新的进程运行,从当前正在运行进程对应的env结构下一个位置开始循环搜索envs数组,找到第一个cpu_status为env_runnable的env结构,然后调用env_run()在当前cpu运行这个新的进程。
  2. 我们需要实现一个新的系统调用sys_yield(),使得用户程序能在用户态通知内核,当前进程希望主动让出cpu给另一个进程。

exercise 6


    struct env *idle;

    // implement simple round-robin scheduling.
    // search through 'envs' for an env_runnable environment in
    // circular fashion starting just after the env this cpu was
    // last running.  switch to the first such environment found.
    // if no envs are runnable, but the environment previously
    // running on this cpu is still env_running, it's okay to
    // choose that environment. make sure curenv is not null before
    // dereferencing it.
    // never choose an environment that's currently running on
    // another cpu (env_status == env_running). if there are
    // no runnable environments, simply drop through to the code
    // below to halt the cpu.

    // lab 4: your code here.
    int start = 0;
    int j;
    if (curenv) {
        start = envx(curenv->env_id) + 1;   //从当前env结构的后一个开始
    for (int i = 0; i < nenv; i++) {        //遍历所有env结构
        j = (start + i) % nenv;
        if (envs[j].env_status == env_runnable) {
    if (curenv && curenv->env_status == env_running) {      //这是必须的,假设当前只有一个env,如果没有这个判断,那么这个cpu将会停机
    // sched_halt never returns


system calls for environment creation


  1. sys_exofork():
  2. sys_env_set_status:设置一个特定进程的状态为env_runnable或env_not_runnable。
  3. sys_page_alloc:为特定进程分配一个物理页,映射指定线性地址va到该物理页。
  4. sys_page_map:拷贝页表,使指定进程共享当前进程相同的映射关系。本质上是修改特定进程的页目录和页表。
  5. sys_page_unmap:解除页映射关系。本质上是修改指定用户环境的页目录和页表。

exercise 7:


static envid_t
    // create the new environment with env_alloc(), from kern/env.c.
    // it should be left as env_alloc created it, except that
    // status is set to env_not_runnable, and the register set is copied
    // from the current environment -- but tweaked so sys_exofork
    // will appear to return 0.

    // lab 4: your code here.
    struct env *e;
    int ret = env_alloc(&e, curenv->env_id);    //分配一个env结构
    if (ret < 0) {
        return ret;
    e->env_tf = curenv->env_tf;         //寄存器状态和当前进程一致
    e->env_status = env_not_runnable;   //目前还不能运行
    e->env_tf.tf_regs.reg_eax = 0;      //新的进程从sys_exofork()的返回值应该为0
    return e->env_id;

sys_env_set_status(envid_t envid, int status):

static int
sys_env_set_status(envid_t envid, int status)
    // hint: use the 'envid2env' function from kern/env.c to translate an
    // envid to a struct env.
    // you should set envid2env's third argument to 1, which will
    // check whether the current environment has permission to set
    // envid's status.
    if (status != env_not_runnable && status != env_runnable) return -e_inval;

    struct env *e;
    int ret = envid2env(envid, &e, 1);
    if (ret < 0) {
        return ret;
    e->env_status = status;
    return 0;

sys_page_alloc(envid_t envid, void *va, int perm):

static int
sys_page_alloc(envid_t envid, void *va, int perm)
    // hint: this function is a wrapper around page_alloc() and
    //   page_insert() from kern/pmap.c.
    //   most of the new code you write should be to check the
    //   parameters for correctness.
    //   if page_insert() fails, remember to free the page you
    //   allocated!

    // lab 4: your code here.
    struct env *e;                                  //根据envid找出需要操作的env结构
    int ret = envid2env(envid, &e, 1);
    if (ret) return ret;    //bad_env

    if ((va >= (void*)utop) || (rounddown(va, pgsize) != va)) return -e_inval;      //一系列判定
    int flag = pte_u | pte_p;
    if ((perm & flag) != flag) return -e_inval;

    struct pageinfo *pg = page_alloc(1);            //分配物理页
    if (!pg) return -e_no_mem;
    ret = page_insert(e->env_pgdir, pg, va, perm);  //建立映射关系
    if (ret) {
        return ret;

    return 0;

sys_page_map(envid_t srcenvid, void srcva,envid_t dstenvid, void dstva, int perm):

static int
sys_page_map(envid_t srcenvid, void *srcva,
         envid_t dstenvid, void *dstva, int perm)
    // hint: this function is a wrapper around page_lookup() and
    //   page_insert() from kern/pmap.c.
    //   again, most of the new code you write should be to check the
    //   parameters for correctness.
    //   use the third argument to page_lookup() to
    //   check the current permissions on the page.

    // lab 4: your code here.
    struct env *se, *de;
    int ret = envid2env(srcenvid, &se, 1);
    if (ret) return ret;    //bad_env
    ret = envid2env(dstenvid, &de, 1);
    if (ret) return ret;    //bad_env

    //  -e_inval if srcva >= utop or srcva is not page-aligned,
    //      or dstva >= utop or dstva is not page-aligned.
    if (srcva >= (void*)utop || dstva >= (void*)utop || 
        rounddown(srcva,pgsize) != srcva || rounddown(dstva,pgsize) != dstva) 
        return -e_inval;

    //  -e_inval is srcva is not mapped in srcenvid's address space.
    pte_t *pte;
    struct pageinfo *pg = page_lookup(se->env_pgdir, srcva, &pte);
    if (!pg) return -e_inval;

    //  -e_inval if perm is inappropriate (see sys_page_alloc).
    int flag = pte_u|pte_p;
    if ((perm & flag) != flag) return -e_inval;

    //  -e_inval if (perm & pte_w), but srcva is read-only in srcenvid's
    //      address space.
    if (((*pte&pte_w) == 0) && (perm&pte_w)) return -e_inval;

    //  -e_no_mem if there's no memory to allocate any necessary page tables.
    ret = page_insert(de->env_pgdir, pg, dstva, perm);
    return ret;


sys_page_unmap(envid_t envid, void *va):

static int
sys_page_unmap(envid_t envid, void *va)
    // hint: this function is a wrapper around page_remove().

    // lab 4: your code here.
    struct env *env;
    int ret = envid2env(envid, &env, 1);
    if (ret) return ret;

    if ((va >= (void*)utop) || (rounddown(va, pgsize) != va)) return -e_inval;
    page_remove(env->env_pgdir, va);
    return 0;

part b: copy-on-write fork

另一种方式叫做写时拷贝的技术(copy on write),父进程将自己的页目录和页表复制给子进程,这样父进程和子进程就能访问相同的内容。只有当一方执行写操作时,才复制这一物理页。这样既能做到地址空间隔离,又能节省了大量的拷贝工作。我画了个图来比较这两种fork方式:MIT-6.828-JOS-lab4:Preemptive Multitasking

user-level page fault handling


exercise 8:

实现sys_env_set_pgfault_upcall(envid_t envid, void *func)系统调用。该系统调用为指定的用户环境设置env_pgfault_upcall。缺页中断发生时,会执行env_pgfault_upcall指定位置的代码。当执行env_pgfault_upcall指定位置的代码时,栈已经转到异常栈,并且压入了utrapframe结构。

static int
sys_env_set_pgfault_upcall(envid_t envid, void *func)
    // lab 4: your code here.
    struct env *env;
    int ret;
    if ((ret = envid2env(envid, &env, 1)) < 0) {
        return ret;
    env->env_pgfault_upcall = func;
    return 0;

normal and exception stacks in user environments


invoking the user page fault handler


  1. 判断curenv->env_pgfault_upcall是否设置,如果没有设置也就没办法修复,直接销毁该进程。
  2. 修改esp,切换到用户异常栈。
  3. 在栈上压入一个utrapframe结构。
  4. 将eip设置为curenv->env_pgfault_upcall,然后回到用户态执行curenv->env_pgfault_upcall处的代码。


                    <-- uxstacktop
trap-time esp
trap-time eflags
trap-time eip
trap-time eax       start of struct pushregs
trap-time ecx
trap-time edx
trap-time ebx
trap-time esp
trap-time ebp
trap-time esi
trap-time edi       end of struct pushregs
tf_err (error code)
fault_va            <-- %esp when handler is run

exercise 9:


page_fault_handler(struct trapframe *tf)
    uint32_t fault_va;

    // read processor's cr2 register to find the faulting address
    fault_va = rcr2();

    // handle kernel-mode page faults.

    // lab 3: your code here.
    if ((tf->tf_cs & 3) == 0)
        panic("page_fault_handler():page fault in kernel mode!\n");

    // lab 4: your code here.
    if (curenv->env_pgfault_upcall) {
        uintptr_t stacktop = uxstacktop;
        if (uxstacktop - pgsize < tf->tf_esp && tf->tf_esp < uxstacktop) {
            stacktop = tf->tf_esp;
        uint32_t size = sizeof(struct utrapframe) + sizeof(uint32_t);
        user_mem_assert(curenv, (void *)stacktop - size, size, pte_u | pte_w);
        struct utrapframe *utr = (struct utrapframe *)(stacktop - size);
        utr->utf_fault_va = fault_va;
        utr->utf_err = tf->tf_err;
        utr->utf_regs = tf->tf_regs;
        utr->utf_eip = tf->tf_eip;
        utr->utf_eflags = tf->tf_eflags;
        utr->utf_esp = tf->tf_esp;              //uxstacktop栈上需要保存发生缺页异常时的%esp和%eip

        curenv->env_tf.tf_eip = (uintptr_t)curenv->env_pgfault_upcall;
        curenv->env_tf.tf_esp = (uintptr_t)utr;
        env_run(curenv);            //重新进入用户态

    // destroy the environment that caused the fault.
    cprintf("[%08x] user fault va %08x ip %08x\n",
        curenv->env_id, fault_va, tf->tf_eip);

user-mode page fault entrypoint


exercise 10:


    // call the c page fault handler.
    pushl %esp          // function argument: pointer to utf
    movl _pgfault_handler, %eax
    call *%eax              //调用页处理函数
    addl $4, %esp           // pop function argument
    // lab 4: your code here.
    // restore the trap-time registers.  after you do this, you
    // can no longer modify any general-purpose registers.
    // lab 4: your code here.
    addl $8, %esp           //跳过utf_fault_va和utf_err
    movl 40(%esp), %eax     //保存中断发生时的esp到eax
    movl 32(%esp), %ecx     //保存终端发生时的eip到ecx
    movl %ecx, -4(%eax)     //将中断发生时的esp值亚入到到原来的栈中
    addl $4, %esp           //跳过eip

    // restore eflags from the stack.  after you do this, you can
    // no longer use arithmetic operations or anything else that
    // modifies eflags.
    // lab 4: your code here.
    // switch back to the adjusted trap-time stack.
    // lab 4: your code here.
    popl %esp
    // return to re-execute the instruction that faulted.
    // lab 4: your code here.
    lea -4(%esp), %esp      //因为之前压入了eip的值但是没有减esp的值,所以现在需要将esp寄存器中的值减4

exercise 11:


set_pgfault_handler(void (*handler)(struct utrapframe *utf))
    int r;

    if (_pgfault_handler == 0) {
        // first time through!
        // lab 4: your code here.
        int r = sys_page_alloc(0, (void *)(uxstacktop-pgsize), pte_w | pte_u | pte_p);  //为当前进程分配异常栈
        if (r < 0) {
            panic("set_pgfault_handler:sys_page_alloc failed");;
        sys_env_set_pgfault_upcall(0, _pgfault_upcall);     //系统调用,设置进程的env_pgfault_upcall属性

    // save handler pointer for assembly to call.
    _pgfault_handler = handler;




  1. 引发缺页中断,执行内核函数链:trap()->trap_dispatch()->page_fault_handler()
  2. page_fault_handler()切换栈到用户异常栈,并且压入utrapframe结构,然后调用curenv->env_pgfault_upcall(系统调用sys_env_set_pgfault_upcall()设置)处代码。又重新回到用户态。
  3. 进入_pgfault_upcall处的代码执行,调用_pgfault_handler(库函数set_pgfault_handler()设置)处的代码,最后返回到缺页中断发生时的那条指令重新执行。
    MIT-6.828-JOS-lab4:Preemptive Multitasking

implementing copy-on-write fork


  1. 使用set_pgfault_handler()设置缺页处理函数。
  2. 调用sys_exofork()系统调用,在内核中创建一个env结构,复制当前用户环境寄存器状态,utop以下的页目录还没有建立,新创建的进程还不能直接运行。
  3. 拷贝父进程的页表和页目录到子进程。对于可写的页,将对应的pte的pte_cow位设置为1。
  4. 为子进程设置_pgfault_upcall。
  5. 将子进程状态设置为env_runnable。


  1. 如果发现错误是因为写造成的(错误码是fec_wr)并且该页的pte_cow是1,则进行执行第2步,否则直接panic。
  2. 分配一个新的物理页,并将之前出现错误的页的内容拷贝到新的物理页,然后重新映射线性地址到新的物理页。

exercise 12:

实现lib/fork.c中的fork, duppage and pgfault。

static void
pgfault(struct utrapframe *utf)
    void *addr = (void *) utf->utf_fault_va;
    uint32_t err = utf->utf_err;
    int r;

    // check that the faulting access was (1) a write, and (2) to a
    // copy-on-write page.  if not, panic.
    // hint:
    //   use the read-only page table mappings at uvpt
    //   (see <inc/memlayout.h>).

    // lab 4: your code here.
    if (!((err & fec_wr) && (uvpt[pgnum(addr)] & pte_cow))) { //只有因为写操作写时拷贝的地址这中情况,才可以抢救。否则一律panic
        panic("pgfault():not cow");

    // allocate a new page, map it at a temporary location (pftemp),
    // copy the data from the old page to the new page, then move the new
    // page to the old page's address.
    // hint:
    //   you should make three system calls.

    // lab 4: your code here.
    addr = rounddown(addr, pgsize);
    if ((r = sys_page_map(0, addr, 0, pftemp, pte_u|pte_p)) < 0)        //将当前进程pftemp也映射到当前进程addr指向的物理页
        panic("sys_page_map: %e", r);
    if ((r = sys_page_alloc(0, addr, pte_p|pte_u|pte_w)) < 0)   //令当前进程addr指向新分配的物理页
        panic("sys_page_alloc: %e", r);
    memmove(addr, pftemp, pgsize);                              //将pftemp指向的物理页拷贝到addr指向的物理页
    if ((r = sys_page_unmap(0, pftemp)) < 0)                    //解除当前进程pftemp映射
        panic("sys_page_unmap: %e", r);

static int
duppage(envid_t envid, unsigned pn)
    int r;

    // lab 4: your code here.
    void *addr = (void*) (pn * pgsize);
    if (uvpt[pn] & pte_share) {
        sys_page_map(0, addr, envid, addr, pte_syscall);        //对于表示为pte_share的页,拷贝映射关系,并且两个进程都有读写权限
    } else if ((uvpt[pn] & pte_w) || (uvpt[pn] & pte_cow)) { //对于utop以下的可写的或者写时拷贝的页,拷贝映射关系的同时,需要同时标记当前进程和子进程的页表项为pte_cow
        if ((r = sys_page_map(0, addr, envid, addr, pte_cow|pte_u|pte_p)) < 0)
            panic("sys_page_map:%e", r);
        if ((r = sys_page_map(0, addr, 0, addr, pte_cow|pte_u|pte_p)) < 0)
            panic("sys_page_map:%e", r);
    } else {
        sys_page_map(0, addr, envid, addr, pte_u|pte_p);    //对于只读的页,只需要拷贝映射关系即可
    return 0;

    // lab 4: your code here.
    extern void _pgfault_upcall(void);
    set_pgfault_handler(pgfault);   //设置缺页处理函数
    envid_t envid = sys_exofork();  //系统调用,只是简单创建一个env结构,复制当前用户环境寄存器状态,utop以下的页目录还没有建立
    if (envid == 0) {               //子进程将走这个逻辑
        thisenv = &envs[envx(sys_getenvid())];
        return 0;
    if (envid < 0) {
        panic("sys_exofork: %e", envid);

    uint32_t addr;
    for (addr = 0; addr < ustacktop; addr += pgsize) {
        if ((uvpd[pdx(addr)] & pte_p) && (uvpt[pgnum(addr)] & pte_p) //为什么uvpt[pagenumber]能访问到第pagenumber项页表条目:https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2018/labs/lab4/uvpt.html
            && (uvpt[pgnum(addr)] & pte_u)) {
            duppage(envid, pgnum(addr));    //拷贝当前进程映射关系到子进程
    int r;
    if ((r = sys_page_alloc(envid, (void *)(uxstacktop-pgsize), pte_p | pte_w | pte_u)) < 0)    //为子进程分配异常栈
        panic("sys_page_alloc: %e", r);
    sys_env_set_pgfault_upcall(envid, _pgfault_upcall);     //为子进程设置_pgfault_upcall

    if ((r = sys_env_set_status(envid, env_runnable)) < 0)  //设置子进程为env_runnable状态
        panic("sys_env_set_status: %e", r);
    return envid;

part c: preemptive multitasking and inter-process communication (ipc)

handling clock interrupts


exercise 14:


    if (tf->tf_trapno == irq_offset + irq_timer) {

inter-process communication (ipc)


ipc in jos

我们将要实现sys_ipc_recv()和sys_ipc_try_send()这两个系统调用,来实现进程间通信。并且实现两个包装函数ipc_recv()和 ipc_send()。

  1. 一个32位的值。
  2. 可选的页映射关系。

sending and receiving messages


  1. 当某个进程调用sys_ipc_recv()后,该进程会阻塞(状态被置为env_not_runnable),直到另一个进程向它发送“消息”。当进程调用sys_ipc_recv()传入dstva参数时,表明当前进程准备接收页映射。
  2. 进程可以调用sys_ipc_try_send()向指定的进程发送“消息”,如果目标进程已经调用了sys_ipc_recv(),那么就发送数据,然后返回0,否则返回-e_ipc_not_recv,表示目标进程不希望接受数据。当传入srcva参数时,表明发送进程希望和接收进程共享srcva对应的物理页。如果发送成功了发送进程的srcva和接收进程的dstva将指向相同的物理页。

exercise 15

实现sys_ipc_recv()和sys_ipc_try_send()。包装函数ipc_recv()和 ipc_send()。

static int
sys_ipc_try_send(envid_t envid, uint32_t value, void *srcva, unsigned perm)
    // lab 4: your code here.
    struct env *rcvenv;
    int ret = envid2env(envid, &rcvenv, 0);
    if (ret) return ret;
    if (!rcvenv->env_ipc_recving) return -e_ipc_not_recv;

    if (srcva < (void*)utop) {
        pte_t *pte;
        struct pageinfo *pg = page_lookup(curenv->env_pgdir, srcva, &pte);

        if (debug) {
            cprintf("sys_ipc_try_send():srcva=%08x\n", (uintptr_t)srcva);
        if (srcva != rounddown(srcva, pgsize)) {        //srcva没有页对齐
            if (debug) {
                cprintf("sys_ipc_try_send():srcva is not page-alligned\n");
            return -e_inval;
        if ((*pte & perm & 7) != (perm & 7)) {  //perm应该是*pte的子集
            if (debug) {
                cprintf("sys_ipc_try_send():perm is wrong\n");
            return -e_inval;
        if (!pg) {          //srcva还没有映射到物理页
            if (debug) {
                cprintf("sys_ipc_try_send():srcva is not maped\n");
            return -e_inval;
        if ((perm & pte_w) && !(*pte & pte_w)) {    //写权限
            if (debug) {
                cprintf("sys_ipc_try_send():*pte do not have pte_w, but perm have\n");
            return -e_inval;
        if (rcvenv->env_ipc_dstva < (void*)utop) {
            ret = page_insert(rcvenv->env_pgdir, pg, rcvenv->env_ipc_dstva, perm); //共享相同的映射关系
            if (ret) return ret;
            rcvenv->env_ipc_perm = perm;
    rcvenv->env_ipc_recving = 0;                    //标记接受进程可再次接受信息
    rcvenv->env_ipc_from = curenv->env_id;
    rcvenv->env_ipc_value = value; 
    rcvenv->env_status = env_runnable;
    rcvenv->env_tf.tf_regs.reg_eax = 0;
    return 0;

static int
sys_ipc_recv(void *dstva)
    // lab 4: your code here.
    if (dstva < (void *)utop && dstva != rounddown(dstva, pgsize)) {
        return -e_inval;
    curenv->env_ipc_recving = 1;
    curenv->env_status = env_not_runnable;
    curenv->env_ipc_dstva = dstva;
    return 0;
ipc_recv(envid_t *from_env_store, void *pg, int *perm_store)
    // lab 4: your code here.
    if (pg == null) {
        pg = (void *)-1;
    int r = sys_ipc_recv(pg);
    if (r < 0) {                //系统调用失败
        if (from_env_store) *from_env_store = 0;
        if (perm_store) *perm_store = 0;
        return r;
    if (from_env_store)
        *from_env_store = thisenv->env_ipc_from;
    if (perm_store)
        *perm_store = thisenv->env_ipc_perm;
    return thisenv->env_ipc_value;

ipc_send(envid_t to_env, uint32_t val, void *pg, int perm)
    // lab 4: your code here.
    if (pg == null) {
        pg = (void *)-1;
    int r;
    while(1) {
        r = sys_ipc_try_send(to_env, val, pg, perm);
        if (r == 0) {       //发送成功
        } else if (r == -e_ipc_not_recv) {  //接收进程没有准备好
        } else {            //其它错误
            panic("ipc_send():%e", r);

MIT-6.828-JOS-lab4:Preemptive Multitasking



  1. 支持多处理器。现代处理器一般都是多核的,这样每个cpu能同时运行不同进程,实现并行。需要用锁解决多cpu的竞争。 cpu和进程在内核中的数据结构如下图所示:MIT-6.828-JOS-lab4:Preemptive Multitasking
  2. 实现进程调度算法。 一种是非抢占式式的,另一种是抢占式的,借助时钟中断实现。
  3. 实现写时拷贝fork(进程创建)。 原理总结如下:MIT-6.828-JOS-lab4:Preemptive Multitasking
  4. 实现进程间通信。原理总结如下:MIT-6.828-JOS-lab4:Preemptive Multitasking

