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程序员文章站 2022-07-06 11:55:45
常规sql语句练习题 //1.创建表student drop table student create table student( sno char(6) primary key, sname...




drop table student
create table student(
sno char(6) primary key,
sname varchar(8),
ssex char(4),
sage smallint,
sdept varchar(15)
create table course(
cno char(4) primary key,
cname varchar(20),
cpno char(4),
ccredit tinyint
create table sc(
sno char(6),
cno char(4),
grade decimal(12.2),
primary key(sno,cno)
select *from student
insert into student values('4001','赵茵','男','20','sx')
insert into student values('4002','杨华','女','21','jsj')
//5.在student表添加属性sbirthdate 类型datetime
alter table student add sbirthdate datetime
delete from student where sdept='jsj'and ssex='男';
delete from sc where cno in(select cno from course where cname='数据库原理')
update student set sdept='jsj' where sno='0001'
update student set ssex='女',sage=sage+1 where sname="陈小明"
select sno,sname,sage from student where ssex='女' and sage between 19 and 21 order by sage desc
select sno,ssex from student where sname like '_明%'
3查询 1001课程没有成绩的学生学号、课程号
select sno,cno from sc where cno='1001' and grade is null
4查询jsj 、sx、wl 系的年龄大于25岁的学生学号,姓名,结果按系排列
select sno.sname from student where sdept in('jsj','sx','wl') and sage >'25' group by sdept
5查询 student 表中的学生共分布在那几个系中。(distinct)
select distinct sdept from student
select grade from sc where sno='0001' and cno in('1001','1002')
select count(*) from student where sname like '%明%'
select avg(sage) as a,max(sage) as b from student where sdept='jsj'
select sum(grade),avg(grade),max(grade),min(grade) from sc where group by cno order by avg(grade) desc
4计算 1001,1002 课程的平均分。
select avg(grade) from sc where cno in('1001','1002') order by cno
select sno , avg(grade) from sc group by sno having avg(grade) >'80'
6统计选修课程超过 2 门的学生学号
select sno from sc group by sno having count(*) >'2'
select cno from sc grade>'85' group by cno having count(*)='10'
select sno from sc group by sno having avg(grade) <'60'
9 统计有大于两门课不及格的学生学号
select sno from sc where grade<'60' group by sno having count(*)>'2'
***************************三 嵌套、相关及其他 **********************************************
1 查询平均分不及格的学生人数
select count(*) from sc group by sno having avg(grade)<'60'
2 查询没有选修1002 课程的学生的学生姓名
select sname from student where sno not in(select sno from sc where cno='1002')
3 查询没有选修1001,1002课程的学生姓名。
select sname from student where sno not in(select sno from sc where cno in('1001','1002') )