在heap中,我们依靠postgresql支撑大多数后端繁重的任务,我们存储每个事件为一个 blob,我们为每个跟踪的用户维护一个已完成事件的postgresql数组,并将这些事件按时间排序。 hstore能够让我们以灵活的方式附加属性到事件中,而且事件数组赋予了我们强大的性能,特别是对于漏斗查询,在这些查询中我们计算不同转化渠道步骤间的输出。
这种情况几星期前在heap出现了。我们在heap为每个跟踪用户维护一个事件数组,在这个数组中我们用一个hstore datum代表每个事件。我们有一个导入管道来追加新事件到对应的数组。为了使这一导入管道是幂等的,我们给每个事件设定一个event_id,我们通过一个功能函数重复运行我们的事件数组。如果我们要更新附加到事件的属性的话,我们只需使用相同的event_id转储一个新的事件到管道中。
-- this is slow, and you don't want to use it! -- -- filter an array of events such that there is only one event with each event_id. -- when more than one event with the same event_id is present, take the latest one. create or replace function dedupe_events_1(events hstore[]) returns hstore[] as $$ select array_agg(event) from ( -- filter for rank = 1, i.e. select the latest event for any collisions on event_id. select event from ( -- rank elements with the same event_id by position in the array, descending.
这个查询在拥有2.4ghz的i7cpu及16gb ram的macbook pro上测得,运行脚本为:https://gist.github.com/drob/9180760。
在这边究竟发生了什么呢? 关键在于postgresql存贮了一个系列的hstores作为数组的值, 而不是指向值的指针. 一个包含了三个hstores的数组看起来像
{“event_id=>1,data=>foo”, “event_id=>2,data=>bar”, “event_id=>3,data=>baz”}
{[pointer], [pointer], [pointer]}
对于那些长度不一的变量, 举个例子. hstores, json blobs, varchars,或者是 text fields, postgresql 必须去找到每一个变量的长度. 对于evaluateevents[2], postgresql 解析从左侧读取的事件直到读取到第二次读取的数据. 然后就是 forevents[3], 她再一次的从第一个索引处开始扫描,直到读到第三次的数据! 所以, evaluatingevents[sub]是 o(sub), 并且 evaluatingevents[sub]对于在数组中的每一个索引都是 o(n2), n是数组的长度.
postgresql能得到更加恰当的解析结果, 它可以在这样的情况下分析该数组一次. 真正的答案是可变长度的元素与指针来实现,以数组的值, 以至于,我们总能够处理 evaluateevents[i]在不变的时间内.
-- filter an array of events such that there is only one event with each event_id. -- when more than one event with the same event_id, is present, take the latest one. create or replace function dedupe_events_2(events hstore[]) returns hstore[] as $$ select array_agg(event) from ( -- filter for rank = 1, i.e. select the latest event for any collisions on event_id. select event from ( -- rank elements with the same event_id by position in the array, descending. select event, row_number as index, rank() over (partition by (event -> 'event_id')::bigint order by row_number desc) from ( -- use unnest instead of generate_subscripts to turn an array into a set. select event, row_number() over (order by event -> 'time') from unnest(events) as event ) unnested_data ) deduped_events where rank = 1 order by index asc ) to_agg; $$ language sql immutable;
- 一次解析数组,不需要unnest。
- 按event_id划分。
- 对每个event_id采用最新出现的。
- 按输入索引排序。
select events[sub] as event, sub, rank() over (partition by (events[sub] -> 'event_id')::bigint order by sub desc) from generate_subscripts(events, 1) as sub ) deduped_events where rank = 1 order by sub asc ) to_agg; $$ language sql immutable;
这个查询在拥有2.4ghz的i7cpu及16gb ram的macbook pro上测得,运行脚本为:https://gist.github.com/drob/9180760。
在这边究竟发生了什么呢? 关键在于postgresql存贮了一个系列的hstores作为数组的值, 而不是指向值的指针. 一个包含了三个hstores的数组看起来像
{“event_id=>1,data=>foo”, “event_id=>2,data=>bar”, “event_id=>3,data=>baz”}
{[pointer], [pointer], [pointer]}
对于那些长度不一的变量, 举个例子. hstores, json blobs, varchars,或者是 text fields, postgresql 必须去找到每一个变量的长度. 对于evaluateevents[2], postgresql 解析从左侧读取的事件直到读取到第二次读取的数据. 然后就是 forevents[3], 她再一次的从第一个索引处开始扫描,直到读到第三次的数据! 所以, evaluatingevents[sub]是 o(sub), 并且 evaluatingevents[sub]对于在数组中的每一个索引都是 o(n2), n是数组的长度.
postgresql能得到更加恰当的解析结果, 它可以在这样的情况下分析该数组一次. 真正的答案是可变长度的元素与指针来实现,以数组的值, 以至于,我们总能够处理 evaluateevents[i]在不变的时间内.
-- filter an array of events such that there is only one event with each event_id. -- when more than one event with the same event_id, is present, take the latest one. create or replace function dedupe_events_2(events hstore[]) returns hstore[] as $$ select array_agg(event) from ( -- filter for rank = 1, i.e. select the latest event for any collisions on event_id. select event from ( -- rank elements with the same event_id by position in the array, descending. select event, row_number as index, rank() over (partition by (event -> 'event_id')::bigint order by row_number desc) from ( -- use unnest instead of generate_subscripts to turn an array into a set. select event, row_number() over (order by event -> 'time') from unnest(events) as event ) unnested_data ) deduped_events where rank = 1 order by index asc ) to_agg; $$ language sql immutable;
- 一次解析数组,不需要unnest。
- 按event_id划分。
- 对每个event_id采用最新出现的。
- 按输入索引排序。