element-ui switch组件源码分析整理笔记(二)
2022-07-05 16:06:04
源码如下: 解析: (1)组件的html结构 input标签被隐藏掉了,css部分代码如下: 如果把上面的样式代码注释掉,如图所示: 通过 javascript getMigratingConfig() { return { props: { 'on color': 'on color is ren ......
<template> <div class="el-switch" :class="{ 'is-disabled': switchdisabled, 'is-checked': checked }" role="switch" :aria-checked="checked" :aria-disabled="switchdisabled" @click="switchvalue" > <input class="el-switch__input" type="checkbox" @change="handlechange" ref="input" :id="id" :name="name" :true-value="activevalue" :false-value="inactivevalue" :disabled="switchdisabled" @keydown.enter="switchvalue" > <span :class="['el-switch__label', 'el-switch__label--left', !checked ? 'is-active' : '']" v-if="inactiveiconclass || inactivetext"> <i :class="[inactiveiconclass]" v-if="inactiveiconclass"></i> <span v-if="!inactiveiconclass && inactivetext" :aria-hidden="checked">{{ inactivetext }}</span> </span> <span class="el-switch__core" ref="core" :style="{ 'width': corewidth + 'px' }"></span> <span :class="['el-switch__label', 'el-switch__label--right', checked ? 'is-active' : '']" v-if="activeiconclass || activetext"> <i :class="[activeiconclass]" v-if="activeiconclass"></i> <span v-if="!activeiconclass && activetext" :aria-hidden="!checked">{{ activetext }}</span> </span> </div> </template> <script> import focus from 'element-ui/src/mixins/focus'; import migrating from 'element-ui/src/mixins/migrating'; export default { name: 'elswitch', mixins: [focus('input'), migrating], // 注入elform对象,防止不和el-form使用时对象不存在的问题。 inject: { elform: { default: '' } }, props: { value: { type: [boolean, string, number], default: false }, disabled: { //是否禁用 type: boolean, default: false }, width: { //switch 的宽度(像素) type: number, default: 40 }, activeiconclass: { //switch 打开时所显示图标的类名,设置此项会忽略 active-text type: string, default: '' }, inactiveiconclass: { //switch 关闭时所显示图标的类名,设置此项会忽略 inactive-text type: string, default: '' }, activetext: string, //switch 打开时的文字描述 inactivetext: string, //switch 关闭时的文字描述 activecolor: { //switch 打开时的背景色 type: string, default: '' }, inactivecolor: { //switch 关闭时的背景色 type: string, default: '' }, activevalue: { //switch 打开时的值 type: [boolean, string, number], default: true }, inactivevalue: { //switch 关闭时的值 type: [boolean, string, number], default: false }, name: { //switch 对应的 name 属性 type: string, default: '' }, id: string }, data() { return { corewidth: this.width }; }, created() { if (!~[this.activevalue, this.inactivevalue].indexof(this.value)) { this.$emit('input', this.inactivevalue); } }, computed: { //当前的开关组件的状态 checked() { //父组件中v-model绑定的值是否等于switch 打开时的值 return this.value === this.activevalue; }, //当前组件是否被禁用 switchdisabled() { return this.disabled || (this.elform || {}).disabled; } }, watch: { checked() { this.$refs.input.checked = this.checked; //在用户设置了active-color和inactive-color时,通过setbackgroundcolor设置开关的背景色 if (this.activecolor || this.inactivecolor) { this.setbackgroundcolor(); } } }, methods: { handlechange(event) { //!this.checked为true,则表示当前是this.value === this.inactivevalue,即为关着的状态;需要切换为开着的状态,返回this.activevalue this.$emit('input', !this.checked ? this.activevalue : this.inactivevalue); this.$emit('change', !this.checked ? this.activevalue : this.inactivevalue); this.$nexttick(() => { //修改value值并不是立即生效,而且为了防止父组件未修改值,这里进行了重复赋值 this.$refs.input.checked = this.checked; }); }, //在用户设置了active-color和inactive-color时,点击切换开关时,根据this.checked的值设置开关的背景颜色 setbackgroundcolor() { //如果 this.checked为true,即当前switch是打开,开关返回打开时设置的背景色 let newcolor = this.checked ? this.activecolor : this.inactivecolor; this.$refs.core.style.bordercolor = newcolor; this.$refs.core.style.backgroundcolor = newcolor; }, switchvalue() { //在不禁用的状态下才能点击 !this.switchdisabled && this.handlechange(); }, getmigratingconfig() { return { props: { 'on-color': 'on-color is renamed to active-color.', 'off-color': 'off-color is renamed to inactive-color.', 'on-text': 'on-text is renamed to active-text.', 'off-text': 'off-text is renamed to inactive-text.', 'on-value': 'on-value is renamed to active-value.', 'off-value': 'off-value is renamed to inactive-value.', 'on-icon-class': 'on-icon-class is renamed to active-icon-class.', 'off-icon-class': 'off-icon-class is renamed to inactive-icon-class.' } }; } }, mounted() { /* istanbul ignore if */ this.corewidth = this.width || 40; if (this.activecolor || this.inactivecolor) { this.setbackgroundcolor(); } this.$refs.input.checked = this.checked; } }; </script>
<div class="el-switch"> <input class="el-switch__input" type="checkbox"> <!--显示左边的标签--> <span class="el-switch__label el-switch__label--left"> <i></i> <span></span> </span> <!--中间的开关--> <span class="el-switch__core"></span> <!--显示右边的标签--> <span class="el-switch__label el-switch__label--right"> <i></i> <span></span> </span> </div>
.el-switch__input { position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; opacity: 0; margin: 0; }
通过 <input type="checkbox">
(2)混入的 mixins: [focus('input'), migrating]
示例:我用的element-ui v2.4.9,我按下面这样写,off-text属性在我当前的版本中已经被改为inactive-text
<el-switch v-model="value2" off-text="关着"></el-switch>
getmigratingconfig() { return { props: { 'on-color': 'on-color is renamed to active-color.', 'off-color': 'off-color is renamed to inactive-color.', 'on-text': 'on-text is renamed to active-text.', 'off-text': 'off-text is renamed to inactive-text.', 'on-value': 'on-value is renamed to active-value.', 'off-value': 'off-value is renamed to inactive-value.', 'on-icon-class': 'on-icon-class is renamed to active-icon-class.', 'off-icon-class': 'off-icon-class is renamed to inactive-icon-class.' } }; }
created() { //如果用户传入的v-model的值既不是activevalue也不是inactivevalue时,将inactivevalue传递出去,开关处于关状态 if (!~[this.activevalue, this.inactivevalue].indexof(this.value)) { this.$emit('input', this.inactivevalue); } },
~代表按位非运算符,如果[this.activevalue, this.inactivevalue].indexof(this.value)为-1,则按位非后变为0。
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