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WCF: Hosting WCF in Windows Service

程序员文章站 2022-07-05 08:44:33
1. Create a windows service project 2. Add Reference to the assembly which contains the contract and its implementation. 3. Remove the Service1.cs, ad ......

1. Create a windows service project

WCF: Hosting WCF in Windows Service


2. Add Reference to the assembly which contains the contract and its implementation.

3. Remove the Service1.cs, add a new Windows Service class and name it to CalculatorWindowsService

WCF: Hosting WCF in Windows Service

4. Override OnStart and OnStop method in WindowsServiceHost class

  a. instantiate ServiceHost and open it in Onstart

  b. Close the ServiceHost in Onstop

 WCF: Hosting WCF in Windows Service

5. Create a Installer class to allow the exe to be installed as windows service

WCF: Hosting WCF in Windows Service

WCF: Hosting WCF in Windows Service

6. Instantiate a CalculatorWindowsService in the Program Main method.

WCF: Hosting WCF in Windows Service


7. Edit App.config and add configuration info for the service

WCF: Hosting WCF in Windows Service


8. Build Project and execute installutil.exe /i WindowsServiceHost.exe to install the service.

9. Open services.msc and start the service.

WCF: Hosting WCF in Windows Service