Spring Data Specification的用法,group by,order by及复杂情况和Pageable的注意事项
2022-07-04 23:41:25
public interface IPageJpaOpt extends JpaSpecificationExecutor<Page>
JpaSpecificationExecutor接口为我们提供了几个常用方法, 如:
* Returns a {@link Page} of entities matching the given {@link Specification}.
* @param spec can be {@literal null}.
* @param pageable must not be {@literal null}.
* @return never {@literal null}.
Page<T> findAll(@Nullable Specification<T> spec, Pageable pageable);
* Returns all entities matching the given {@link Specification} and {@link Sort}.
* @param spec can be {@literal null}.
* @param sort must not be {@literal null}.
* @return never {@literal null}.
List<T> findAll(@Nullable Specification<T> spec, Sort sort);
Specification<Page> sp = (root, query, cb) -> {
//这里我们可以把fp理解为where的第一层 如 where 1=1
Predicate fp = cb.conjunction();
//创建了第一个查询条件 category='4'
Predicate p1 = cb.equal(root.get("category").as(String.class), "4");
//这我们将第一层与第一个查询条件合并 where 1=1 and category='4'
fp = cb.and(fp, p1);
//创建第二个查询条件 state='1'
Predicate p2 = cb.equal(root.get("state").as(String.class), "1");
//将第一层与第二个查询条件合并 where 1=1 and category='4' and state='1'
fp = cb.and(fp, p2);
//创建了查询条件activityId != null
Predicate p3 = cb.isNotNull(root.get("activityId"));
//创建了查询条件rooId != null
Predicate p4 = cb.isNotNull(root.get("rooId"));
//这我们希望p3与p4是or连接, 与第一层是and连接
// where 1=1 and category='4' and state='1' and (activityId != null or rooId != null)
fp = cb.and(fp, cb.or(p3, p4));
//这里我们可以从最里层向外读, cb.or(p3, p4)=p3和p4用or连接
//cb.and(fp, cb.or(p3, p4))=将p3和p4的连接结果与fp用and连接
return query.where(fp).getRestriction();
//如果我们想加group by的话 group by category 多个group传List
return query.where(fp).groupBy(root.get("category")).getRestriction();
//如果我们想加order的话, 默认asc, order by category asc,多个order传List
return query.where(fp).groupBy(root.get("category")).orderBy(new OrderImpl(root.get("category"))).getRestriction();
//order by category asc
return query.where(fp).groupBy(root.get("category")).orderBy(new OrderImpl(root.get("category")).reverse()).getRestriction();
这里注意如果我们使用了Page<T> findAll(@Nullable Specification<T> spec, Pageable pageable);
我们通常会使用如下代码Pageable pageable = new PageRequest(pageNumber, pageSize);
但是这种写法官方已经不推荐了, 建议我们使用如下代码Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(pageNumber, pageSize);
上一篇: 微信小程序progress组件使用详解