bootstrap fileinput +springmvc图片上传-krajee
2022-07-04 23:02:37
引入的文件 首先创建一个div javascript代码 后台代码 ......
<link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!-- if using rtl (right-to-left) orientation, load the rtl css file after fileinput.css by uncommenting below --> <link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <!-- optionally uncomment line below if using a theme or icon set like font awesome (note that default icons used are glyphicons and `fa` theme can override it) --> <link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src=""></script> <!-- piexif.min.js is needed for auto orienting image files or when restoring exif data in resized images and when you wish to resize images before upload. this must be loaded before fileinput.min.js --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- sortable.min.js is only needed if you wish to sort / rearrange files in initial preview. this must be loaded before fileinput.min.js --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- purify.min.js is only needed if you wish to purify html content in your preview for html files. this must be loaded before fileinput.min.js --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- popper.min.js below is needed if you use bootstrap 4.x. you can also use the bootstrap js 3.3.x versions without popper.min.js. --> <script src=""></script> <!-- bootstrap.min.js below is needed if you wish to zoom and preview file content in a detail modal dialog. bootstrap 4.x is supported. you can also use the bootstrap js 3.3.x versions. --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- the main fileinput plugin file --> <script src=""></script> <!-- optionally uncomment line below for loading your theme assets for a theme like font awesome (`fa`) --> <!-- script src=""></script --> <!-- optionally if you need translation for your language then include locale file as mentioned below --> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../static/bootstrap/js/zh.js"></script> <!--这个可以去bootstrap cdn找-->
<div class="file-loading"> <input id="input-file-1" name="filename" multiple type="file" accept="image/*" > </div>
<script> $("#input-file-1").fileinput({ language: "zh", uploadurl: "/goods/add", autoorientimage: true, multiple:true, maxfilecount:4, uploadasync:false, uploadextradata:{id:'kv-1',goodsname:"123"}, //额外添加的数据,后台有request.getpara取得 allowedfileextensions: ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png","bmp"],//单位为kb,如果为0表示不限制文件大小 layouttemplates:{ // actiondelete: '',//设置为空字符串可以去掉对应的按钮 actionupload:'', }, browseclass: 'btn btn-primary' }).on('fileuploaded', function(event, data) { //上传成功 alert("成功"); }) .on("fileuploaderror",function (event,data,msg) { //上传失败 alert("失败"); }) /* .on("filepreremove", function(jqxhr) { var abort = false; if (confirm("确定删除此图片?")) { abort = true; } return abort; // 您还可以发送任何数据/对象,你可以接收` filecustomerror });*/ </script>
@responsebody @requestmapping(value="/add",method = public string insertgoods(@requestparam("filename") multipartfile imagefile[], //同步上床 获取多张图片参数 /*goods goods,*/ httpservletrequest request){ system.out.println("hello world"); goods goods = new goods(); if(imagefile!=null){ string imgurl=""; for(int k=0;k<imagefile.length;k++) { imgurl += saveimagefile(imagefile[k], request)+","; } goods.setimgurl(imgurl); } date date=new date(); goods.setuploadtime(date); goodsenum anenum=goodsservice.insertgoods(goods); if(anenum.equals(goodsenum.insert_goods_success)){ return jsonutil.tojson("success"); }else{ return jsonutil.tojson("error"); } }
private string saveimagefile(multipartfile imagefile, httpservletrequest request) { //获取文件上传到服务器的路径 string uploadurl=getrealpath(request)+"static/uploadimg/"; system.out.println("文件路径为:"+uploadurl); //获取从客户端传过来的文件名 string filename=imagefile.getoriginalfilename(); //判断文件上传的路径是否存在,若不存在,则需要创建它 file dir=new file(uploadurl); if(!dir.exists()){ dir.mkdirs(); } //targetfile最终上传的文件,先判断文件是否存在 file targetfile=new file(uploadurl+filename); if(!targetfile.exists()){ //如果文件不存在,我们尝试创建它 try { targetfile.createnewfile(); }catch (ioexception e){ e.printstacktrace(); } } //使用multipartfile的transferto方法保存文件 try { imagefile.transferto(targetfile); }catch (illegalstateexception e){ e.printstacktrace(); }catch (ioexception e){ e.printstacktrace(); } return "img/"+filename; }
上一篇: js调用摄像头
下一篇: raw_input与input的区别
.net core版 文件上传/ 支持批量上传拖拽及预览功能(bootstrap fileinput上传文件)
Bootstrap fileinput 上传新文件移除时触发服务器同步删除的配置
Bootstrap fileinput文件上传预览插件使用详解
bootstrap fileinput组件整合Springmvc上传图片到本地磁盘