2022-07-04 20:34:30
为了解决这类问题,我使用visual basic scripting设计了一个脚本,可以自动达到这个目标。在本脚本中,自动压缩所有文件。为了避免将脚本自己也压缩进去,使用了...
为了解决这类问题,我使用visual basic scripting设计了一个脚本,可以自动达到这个目标。在本脚本中,自动压缩所有文件。为了避免将脚本自己也压缩进去,使用了一些判断。
call main()
sub main()
dim fs '文件系统。
dim f 'folder
dim fc 'files
dim s 'string
dim ws 'shell。
dim subfs
dim fi
set ws = createobject("wscript.shell")
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set f = fs.getfolder(ws.currentdirectory)
set subfs = f.subfolders
for each fi in subfs
call listsub(fi.path)
end sub
sub listsub(filename)
on error resume next
dim subfs '子目录。
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set f = fs.getfolder(filename)
set subfs = f.subfolders
for each fi in subfs
call listsub(fi.path)
end sub
sub handle_files(foldername)
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set f = fs.getfolder(foldername)
set fc = f.files
set ws = createobject("wscript.shell")
for each fl in fc
if ((instr(fl.name,"vbs") = 0) and (instr(fl.name,"rar") = 0)) then
s = "winrar m -ep " & fl.path & ".rar " & fl.path
ws.run s, 0, true
end if
end sub
sub output(string)
wscript.echo string
end sub
对上个脚本稍加改动,使用正则表达式(regular expression ),可以方便我们的判断过程。修改后的脚本程序如下所示。注意我们这里排除的是不压缩的文件类型。
call main()
sub main()
dim fs '文件系统。
dim f 'folder
dim fc 'files
dim s 'string
dim ws 'shell。
dim subfs
dim fi
set ws = createobject("wscript.shell")
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set f = fs.getfolder(ws.currentdirectory)
set subfs = f.subfolders
for each fi in subfs
call listsub(fi.path)
end sub
sub listsub(filename)
on error resume next
dim subfs '子目录。
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set f = fs.getfolder(filename)
set subfs = f.subfolders
for each fi in subfs
call listsub(fi.path)
end sub
sub handle_files(foldername)
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set f = fs.getfolder(foldername)
set fc = f.files
set ws = createobject("wscript.shell")
for each fl in fc
if ( regexptest(".vbs|.rar|.zip",fl.name) = false) then
s = "winrar m -ep " & fl.path & ".rar " & fl.path
output s
ws.run s, 0, true
end if
end sub
sub output(string)
wscript.echo string
end sub
function regexptest(patrn, strng)
dim regex, retval ' create variable.
set regex = new regexp ' create regular expression.
regex.pattern = patrn ' set pattern.
regex.ignorecase = false ' set case sensitivity.
retval = regex.test(strng) ' execute the search test.
if retval then
regexptest = true
regexptest = false
end if
end function
复制代码 代码如下:
call main()
sub main()
dim fs '文件系统。
dim f 'folder
dim fc 'files
dim s 'string
dim ws 'shell。
dim subfs
dim fi
set ws = createobject("wscript.shell")
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set f = fs.getfolder(ws.currentdirectory)
set subfs = f.subfolders
for each fi in subfs
call listsub(fi.path)
end sub
sub listsub(filename)
on error resume next
dim subfs '子目录。
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set f = fs.getfolder(filename)
set subfs = f.subfolders
for each fi in subfs
call listsub(fi.path)
end sub
sub handle_files(foldername)
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set f = fs.getfolder(foldername)
set fc = f.files
set ws = createobject("wscript.shell")
for each fl in fc
if ((instr(fl.name,"vbs") = 0) and (instr(fl.name,"rar") = 0)) then
s = "winrar m -ep " & fl.path & ".rar " & fl.path
ws.run s, 0, true
end if
end sub
sub output(string)
wscript.echo string
end sub
对上个脚本稍加改动,使用正则表达式(regular expression ),可以方便我们的判断过程。修改后的脚本程序如下所示。注意我们这里排除的是不压缩的文件类型。
复制代码 代码如下:
call main()
sub main()
dim fs '文件系统。
dim f 'folder
dim fc 'files
dim s 'string
dim ws 'shell。
dim subfs
dim fi
set ws = createobject("wscript.shell")
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set f = fs.getfolder(ws.currentdirectory)
set subfs = f.subfolders
for each fi in subfs
call listsub(fi.path)
end sub
sub listsub(filename)
on error resume next
dim subfs '子目录。
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set f = fs.getfolder(filename)
set subfs = f.subfolders
for each fi in subfs
call listsub(fi.path)
end sub
sub handle_files(foldername)
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set f = fs.getfolder(foldername)
set fc = f.files
set ws = createobject("wscript.shell")
for each fl in fc
if ( regexptest(".vbs|.rar|.zip",fl.name) = false) then
s = "winrar m -ep " & fl.path & ".rar " & fl.path
output s
ws.run s, 0, true
end if
end sub
sub output(string)
wscript.echo string
end sub
function regexptest(patrn, strng)
dim regex, retval ' create variable.
set regex = new regexp ' create regular expression.
regex.pattern = patrn ' set pattern.
regex.ignorecase = false ' set case sensitivity.
retval = regex.test(strng) ' execute the search test.
if retval then
regexptest = true
regexptest = false
end if
end function
上一篇: 3月3日发布!vivo S9首发6nm天玑1100旗舰芯
下一篇: 她终于注意到我了