2)主人要看电视时,各个设备可以协同工作,自动完成看电视的准备工作,比如流程为 :闹铃响起 - 》咖啡机开始做咖啡 -》窗帘自动落下 -》电视机开始播放
1)中介者模式(mediator pattern),用一个中介对象来封装一系列的对象交互。
对原理类图的说明 :
1)mediator 就是抽象中介者,定义类同事对象到中介者对象的接口。
2)colleague 是抽象同事类。
3)concretemediator 具体的中介者对象,实现抽象方法,他需要知道所有的具体的同事类,即以一个集合来管理hashmap,并接收某个同事对象消息,完成相应的任务。
4)concretecolleague 具体的同事类,会有很多,每个同事只知道自己的行为,而不了解其他同事类的行为(方法),但是他们都是依赖中介者对象。
- 创建concremediator 对象
- 创建各个同事类对象,比如 :alarm、coffeemachine、tv
- 在创建同事类对象的时候,就直接通过构造器,加入到colleaguemap
- 同事类对象,可以调用sendmessage,最终会去调用concretemediator的getmessage方法
- getmessage 会根据接收到的同事对象发出的消息来协调调用其他的同事对象,完成任务
- 可以看到getmessage 是核心方法,完成相应任务
package com.example.demo.mediator; public abstract class mediator { //将给中介者对象,加入到集合中 public abstract void register(string colleaguename, colleague colleague); //接收消息, 具体的同事对象发出 public abstract void getmessage(int statechange, string colleaguename); public abstract void sendmessage(); } package com.example.demo.mediator; public abstract class colleague { private mediator mediator; public string name; public colleague(mediator mediator, string name) { this.mediator = mediator; this.name = name; } public mediator getmediator() { return this.mediator; } public abstract void sendmessage(int statechange); } package com.example.demo.mediator; public class alarm extends colleague { public alarm(mediator mediator, string name) { super(mediator, name); // todo auto-generated constructor stub //在创建 alarm 同事对象时,将自己放入到 concretemediator 对象中[集合] mediator.register(name, this); } public void sendalarm(int statechange) { sendmessage(statechange); } @override public void sendmessage(int statechange) { // todo auto-generated method stub //调用的中介者对象的 getmessage this.getmediator().getmessage(statechange, this.name); } } package com.example.demo.mediator; public class coffeemachine extends colleague { public coffeemachine(mediator mediator, string name) { super(mediator, name); // todo auto-generated constructor stub mediator.register(name, this); } @override public void sendmessage(int statechange) { // todo auto-generated method stub this.getmediator().getmessage(statechange, this.name); } public void startcoffee() { system.out.println("it's time to startcoffee!"); } public void finishcoffee() { system.out.println("after 5 minutes!"); system.out.println("coffee is ok!"); sendmessage(0); } } package com.example.demo.mediator; public class curtains extends colleague { public curtains(mediator mediator, string name) { super(mediator, name); // todo auto-generated constructor stub mediator.register(name, this); } @override public void sendmessage(int statechange) { // todo auto-generated method stub this.getmediator().getmessage(statechange, this.name); } public void upcurtains() { system.out.println("i am holding up curtains!"); } } package com.example.demo.mediator; public class tv extends colleague { public tv(mediator mediator, string name) { super(mediator, name); // todo auto-generated constructor stub mediator.register(name, this); } @override public void sendmessage(int statechange) { // todo auto-generated method stub this.getmediator().getmessage(statechange, this.name); } public void starttv() { // todo auto-generated method stub system.out.println("it's time to starttv!"); } public void stoptv() { // todo auto-generated method stub system.out.println("stoptv!"); } } package com.example.demo.mediator; import java.util.hashmap; public class concretemediator extends mediator { //集合,放入所有的同事对象 private hashmap<string, colleague> colleaguemap; private hashmap<string, string> intermap; public concretemediator() { colleaguemap = new hashmap<string, colleague>(); intermap = new hashmap<string, string>(); } @override public void register(string colleaguename, colleague colleague) { colleaguemap.put(colleaguename, colleague); // todo auto-generated method stub if (colleague instanceof alarm) { intermap.put("alarm", colleaguename); } else if (colleague instanceof coffeemachine) { intermap.put("coffeemachine", colleaguename); } else if (colleague instanceof tv) { intermap.put("tv", colleaguename); } else if (colleague instanceof curtains) { intermap.put("curtains", colleaguename); } } //具体中介者的核心方法 //1. 根据得到消息,完成对应任务 //2. 中介者在这个方法,协调各个具体的同事对象,完成任务 @override public void getmessage(int statechange, string colleaguename) { // todo auto-generated method stub //处理闹钟发出的消息 if (colleaguemap.get(colleaguename) instanceof alarm) { if (statechange == 0) { ((coffeemachine) (colleaguemap.get(intermap .get("coffeemachine")))).startcoffee(); ((tv) (colleaguemap.get(intermap.get("tv")))).starttv(); } else if (statechange == 1) { ((tv) (colleaguemap.get(intermap.get("tv")))).stoptv(); } else if (colleaguemap.get(colleaguename) instanceof coffeemachine) { ((curtains) (colleaguemap.get(intermap.get("curtains")))).upcurtains(); } } else if (colleaguemap.get(colleaguename) instanceof tv) { //如果 tv 发现消息 } else if (colleaguemap.get(colleaguename) instanceof curtains) { //如果是以窗帘发出的消息,这里处理... } } @override public void sendmessage() { // todo auto-generated method stub } } package com.example.demo.mediator; import java.util.hashmap; public class client { public static void main(string[] args) { // todo auto-generated method stub //创建一个中介者对象 mediator mediator = new concretemediator(); //创建 alarm 并且加入到 concretemediator 对象的 hashmap alarm alarm = new alarm(mediator, "alarm"); //创建了 coffeemachine 对象,并 且加入到 concretemediator 对象的 hashmap coffeemachine coffeemachine = new coffeemachine(mediator,"coffeemachine"); //创建 curtains , 并 且加入到 concretemediator 对象的 hashmap curtains curtains = new curtains(mediator, "curtains"); tv tv = new tv(mediator, "tv"); //让闹钟发出消息 alarm.sendalarm(0); coffeemachine.finishcoffee(); alarm.sendalarm(1); } }