2022-07-02 23:46:25
本文实例为大家分享了tkinter实现三子棋游戏的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下整体游戏很简单。下棋,判断胜利或者平局。没有加入电脑下棋的算法。游戏界面:代码:import tkinter as...
import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox, label, button from tictactoemodel import tictactoemodel import requests from pil import imagetk, image from io import bytesio class tictactoegui: def __init__(self, root): # create the model instance ... self.model = tictactoemodel() # create a 2d list to hold an array of buttons ... self.b = [] for row in range(self.model.boardsize): q = [] for col in range(self.model.boardsize): q.append(none) self.b.append(q) # you can now address b like a 2d matrix e.g. b[0][0] # create the gui ..... menubar = tk.menu() menubar.add_command(label='resetgame', command=self.resetgui) menubar.add_command(label='resetimage', command=self.resetimg) menubar.add_command(label='quit', command=root.destroy) root.config(menu=menubar) self.frame1 = tk.frame(root, width=400, height=300, bg="grey", borderwidth=2) self.frame2 = tk.frame(root, width=400, height=200, bg="white", borderwidth=2) self.createguiassets() self.createframe2() self.frame2.pack() self.frame1.pack() messagebox.showinfo("hello", "human player to start!") def getimg(self): headers = { 'user-agent': 'mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/88.0.4324.104 safari/537.36' } # img_src = ' https://api.ixiaowai.cn/api/api.php' img_src = ' https://api.ixiaowai.cn/gqapi/gqapi.php' response = requests.get(url=img_src, headers=headers) # print(response) image = image.open(bytesio(response.content)) x, y = image.size y_s = 200 x_s = int(x * y_s / y) img = image.resize((x_s, y_s), image.antialias) image = imagetk.photoimage(img) return image def resetimg(self): self.image = self.getimg() self.label.config(image=self.image) def createframe2(self): self.image = self.getimg() self.label = tk.label(self.frame2, image=self.image) self.label.pack() # image.show() def createguiassets(self): for x in range(self.model.boardsize): self.frame1.columnconfigure(x, pad=20) self.frame1.grid_rowconfigure(x, pad=20) for row in range(self.model.boardsize): for col in range(self.model.boardsize): self.b[row][col] = button(self.frame1, text='', bg='white', relief='groove', borderwidth=20, height=3, width=8, command=lambda row=row, col=col: self.taketurn(row, col)) self.b[row][col].grid(row=row, column=col) def taketurn(self, row, col): if not self.model.playspace(row, col): return else: self.b[row][col].configure(bg="green") status = self.model.checkwinstatus() if status == 1: # player win messagebox.showinfo("result", "player wins!!!!") self.resetgui() elif status == 0: # draw messagebox.showinfo("result", "draw!!!!") self.resetgui() elif status == -2: # on going ... (r, c) = self.model.computerturn() self.b[r][c].configure(bg='red') if self.model.checkwinstatus() == -1: messagebox.showinfo("result", "computer wins!!!!") self.resetgui() else: # should not get here ... pass def resetgui(self): for row in range(self.model.boardsize): for col in range(self.model.boardsize): self.b[row][col].configure(bg='white') # and reset the model ... self.model.resetboard() self.resetimg() def main(): win = tk.tk() # create a window win.title("noughts-and-crosses") # set window title win.geometry("400x580") # set window size win.resizable(false, false) # both x and y dimensions ... # create the gui as a frame # and attach it to the window ... myapp = tictactoegui(win) # call the gui mainloop ... win.mainloop() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import numpy as np import random class tictactoemodel: """ the board is represented as 2d numpy array. a player marks their space with a 1, the computer with a -1""" def __init__(self): """create the board as a 2d matrix""" self.resetboard() def resetboard(self): self.boardsize = 3 a = (self.boardsize, self.boardsize) self.board = np.zeros(a) def playspace(self, row, col): """user plays a space return true if space can be played, false otherwise""" if row > self.boardsize or row < 0 \ or col > self.boardsize or col < 0: return false else: # check if space is occupied ... if self.board[row][col] != 0: return false else: self.board[row][col] = 1 return true def checkwinstatus(self): """ looks for 3 in a row, column or diagonal return 0 if draw, 1 if the player has won and -1 if the computer has won, and -2 is the game is ongoing""" # check the columns ... for row in range(self.boardsize): sum = 0 for col in range(self.boardsize): sum += self.board[row][col] if sum == 3: return 1 elif sum == -3: return -1 # check the rows ... for col in range(self.boardsize): sum = 0 for row in range(self.boardsize): sum += self.board[row][col] if sum == 3: return 1 elif sum == -3: return -1 # check the diagonals ... sum1 = 0 sum2 = 0 for diag in range(self.boardsize): sum1 += self.board[diag][diag] sum2 += self.board[diag][self.boardsize - 1 - diag] if sum1 == 3 or sum2 == 3: return 1 elif sum1 == -3 or sum2 == -3: return -1 # check for incomplete game ... for row in range(self.boardsize): for col in range(self.boardsize): if self.board[row][col] == 0: return -2 # if we get here, it's a draw ... return 0 def computerturn(self): """ the computer chooses an unoccupied space at random. returns a tuple (row, col) when chosen""" # to prevent infinite loops .... if self.checkwinstatus() != -2: return (-1, -1) played = false while played == false: row = random.randrange(self.boardsize) col = random.randrange(self.boardsize) if self.board[row][col] == 0: self.board[row][col] = -1 played = true return (row, col) def main(): # basic check that the game works ... # you can expand this if you like ... game = tictactoemodel() game.playspace(0, 0) (r, c) = game.computerturn() print(game.board) print(game.checkwinstatus()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()