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程序员文章站 2022-07-02 19:22:02

1.表示从 当前的requset中 获取数据 key为获取数据的键值.

1. $sen{User}$ 表示 从当前session中获取User对象的Id.
2. $sen{User.id}$ 与上面是等价的.
3. $sen{User.userName}$ 表示 从当前session中获取User对象的 用户名
4. $sen{User.field1.field2.fieild...n} 深层属性取值的时候.

1. $date{3}$ 表示获取前三天的时间点 , 默认第二个参数可以不写 默认为:yyyy-MM-dd
2. $date{current}$ 获取当前时期 :默认格式为:yyyy-MM-dd

1. $time{8}$ 表示获取前8小时的时间点,第二个参数可以不写:默认格式为:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
2. $time{current}$ 获取当前时间 :默认格式为:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss


public class DynHqlUtil {

* hql语句装配 将伪代码转化为可执行代码
* @param hql
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static String hqlLoader(String hql) throws Exception{

DynHqlConfig cfg = new DynHqlConfig();
DynHqlLoader loader = new DynHqlLoader();

return loader.loader(hql, cfg);

public static void main(String[] args) {
String hql;
try {
hql = DynHqlUtil.hqlLoader("from User where xxx = $date{7}$ and bb='k' and kk=$date{current}$");
System.out.println( hql );

} catch (Exception e) {




public class DynHqlConfig {

public static final char BOR = '$'; //$...$ 定义边框
public static final char LEFTSIGN = '{';// 左 括 弧
public static final char RIGHTSIGN = '}';// 右 括 弧

public static final String REQ = "req";//$req{key}$ 定义HttpRequest
public static final String SEN = "sen";//$sen{key}$ 定义HttpSession
public static final String DATE = "date";//$date{day,format}$ 定义日期
public static final String TIME = "time";//$time{hour}$ 定义时间

public static final String DATE_CURRENT ="current";//定义 本地当前时间

private Map<String,String> mapKey;

public DynHqlConfig(){

//此处重定义 伪代码key值
mapKey = new HashMap<String, String>();

mapKey.put("user",Constants.USER_AUTH);//定义取用户的 key值

public String getKey( String contentKey ) {

String key = contentKey.trim().toLowerCase();
if( !mapKey.containsKey(key) )
return key;

return mapKey.get(key);


public class DynHqlLoader {

static char[] hex = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray();

private StringBuilder buf ;
private DynHqlConfig cfg ;

private int startInx = 0;
private int endInx = -1;

//边框 开始与结束
private boolean borStar = false;
private boolean borEnd = false;
//大括弧 开始与结束
private boolean bracStar = false;
private boolean bracEnd = false;

* 装配 hql 语句
* @param hql
* @param cfg
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String loader(String hql , DynHqlConfig cfg) throws Exception{

this.cfg = cfg;
this.buf = new StringBuilder();

return buf.toString();

* 解析 hql
* @param hql
* @throws Exception
private void parseHql(String hql) throws Exception{

int length = hql.length();
String str = "";
CharacterIterator it = new StringCharacterIterator(hql);

boolean sbor = false;
boolean ebor = false;

int inx = -1;
for(char c = it.first(); c != CharacterIterator.DONE; c = it.next()) {
endInx++;//实时记录 当前处理的下标

//当遇到第一个 $符号时 开始进入等待下一个对称$ 结束符的出现 否则视为语法错误 原样输出
if( c == cfg.BOR ){

if( sbor && !ebor ) ebor =true;

if( !sbor ){
sbor = true;

if(sbor && ebor){
sbor = ebor = false ;

String h = hql.substring(this.startInx,length);

* 拼接 非动态部分 hql
* 调整索引下标
* @param hql
private void appendHql(String hql){

String h = hql.substring(this.startInx,this.endInx);

this.startInx = this.endInx;

* 处理 动态部分 hql
* 调整索引下标
* @param hql
private void appendFakcCode(String hql) throws Exception{

String fcode = hql.substring(this.startInx,this.endInx+1);
this.startInx = this.endInx+1;

String value = fcode;

System.out.println("之前:fcode "+value);

if( this.validBracket(fcode) ){

if(fcode.indexOf(cfg.REQ )!=-1){
value = this.request(fcode);
}else if(fcode.indexOf(cfg.SEN )!=-1){
value = this.session(fcode);
}else if(fcode.indexOf(cfg.DATE )!=-1){
value = this.date(fcode);
} else if(fcode.indexOf(cfg.TIME)!=-1){
value = this.time(fcode);

System.out.println("之后:fcode "+value);


* 从 HttpRequest 中取值
private String request(String fcode){

Object value = fcode;

String[] params = null;
String key = fcode.substring( fcode.indexOf(cfg.LEFTSIGN)+1,fcode.indexOf(cfg.RIGHTSIGN) );

params = (String[])ServletActionContext.getContext().getParameters().get(key.trim());
if( params!=null && params.length>=1 ){
value = params[0];

return value.toString();

* 从 HttpSession 中取值
private String session(String fcode)throws Exception{

String value = fcode;
String content = fcode.substring( fcode.indexOf(cfg.LEFTSIGN)+1,fcode.indexOf(cfg.RIGHTSIGN) );

Object obj = null;
String key = null;


//假设 单对象的情况
if( content.indexOf(".")==-1 ){
key = cfg.getKey(content);
if( key!=null )
obj = ServletActionContext.getContext().getSession().get( key );

if( obj != null && key != null ){

String methodName = "getId";
if( methodName!=null )
value = (String)obj.getClass().getMethod( methodName ).invoke(obj);
//假设 对象.属性的情况
if( content.indexOf(".")!=-1 ){
String[] prop = content.split("\\.");

key = cfg.getKey(prop[0]);
if( key!=null )
obj = ServletActionContext.getContext().getSession().get( key );

if( obj != null && key != null ){
//截取 属性链 (将属性链的第一个去掉)
String nextPropLink = content.substring(content.indexOf(".")+1,content.length());
value = this.getParameter(obj,nextPropLink);

return value ;

private String getParameter(Object obj , String propLink ) throws IntrospectionException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException{

System.out.println( propLink );
String[] fields = propLink.split("\\.");
String fieldName = null;
String nextPropLink = null;
boolean exeRecursion = true; //是否继续执行递归

if( fields.length == 1 ){
exeRecursion = false;
fieldName = fields[0];

if( fields.length > 1 ){
exeRecursion = true;
fieldName = propLink.substring(0,propLink.indexOf("."));
nextPropLink = propLink.substring(propLink.indexOf(".")+1,propLink.length());

BeanInfo info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(obj.getClass());
PropertyDescriptor[] props = info.getPropertyDescriptors();

Object value = obj;

for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {

PropertyDescriptor prop = props[i];
String name = prop.getName();

if( !name.equals( fieldName ) ){
Method method = prop.getReadMethod();
value = method.invoke(obj, new Object[0]);

return this.getParameter(value, nextPropLink);

return value.toString();

* 获取相对 日期-时间
* 解析格式 : $date{day,format}$ 第2个参数可不指定 默认为:默认时间格式:yyyy-MM-dd
* 默认格式 : $date{current}$ 默认时间格式:yyyy-MM-dd
* @param value
* @return
* @throws Exception
private String date(String fcode) throws Exception{

String content = fcode.substring( fcode.indexOf(cfg.LEFTSIGN)+1,fcode.indexOf(cfg.RIGHTSIGN) );
String value = fcode ;

String[] args = content.split(",");


//获取当前日期 $date{current,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}$
if( content.indexOf( cfg.DATE_CURRENT )!=-1 ){

value = this.date(0,args[1]);;

} else {//获取指定的相对日期 $date{7,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}$

int day = -1;
if( (day = this.validNumber(args[0]) )!=-1 ){
value = this.date(day,args[1]);


//获取当前日期 $date{current}$
if( content.indexOf( cfg.DATE_CURRENT )!=-1 ){

value = this.date(0,"yyyy-MM-dd");;

} else {//获取指定的相对日期 $date{7}$

int day = -1;
if( (day = this.validNumber(args[0]) )!=-1 ){
value = this.date(day,"yyyy-MM-dd");

return value;

* 获取 指定的相对时间( 日期-时间 )
* @param number
* @return
* @throws Exception
private String date(int number,String format) throws Exception{

long l = System.currentTimeMillis();
long subDay = (24L*60L*60L*1000L)*(long)number;

return DateUtil.getAppointTime( (l-subDay) ,format);

* 获取相对 时间(小时)
* 解析格式 : $time{hour,format}$ 第2个参数可不指定 默认为:默认时间格式:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
* 默认格式 : $time{current}$ 默认时间格式:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
* @param fcode
* @return
* @throws Exception
private String time(String fcode)throws Exception{

String content = fcode.substring( fcode.indexOf(cfg.LEFTSIGN)+1,fcode.indexOf(cfg.RIGHTSIGN) );
String value = fcode ;

String[] args = content.split(",");


//获取当前日期 $date{current,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}$
if( content.indexOf( cfg.DATE_CURRENT )!=-1 ){

value = this.time(0,args[1]);

} else {//获取指定的相对日期 $date{7,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}$

int hour = -1;
if( (hour = this.validNumber(args[0]) )!=-1 ){
value = this.time(hour,args[1]);


//获取当前日期 $date{current}$
if( content.indexOf( cfg.DATE_CURRENT )!=-1 ){

value = this.time(0,"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

} else {//获取指定的相对日期 $date{7}$

int hour = -1;
if( (hour = this.validNumber(args[0]) )!=-1 ){
value = this.time(hour,"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

return value;

* 获取 相对时间 (小时)
* @param hour
* @param format
* @return
* @throws Exception
private String time(int hour,String format)throws Exception{

long l = System.currentTimeMillis();
long subHour = (60L*60L*1000L)*(long)hour;
return DateUtil.getAppointTime(l-subHour,format);

* 验证 括弧的合法性
* @return
private boolean validBracket(String fakcCode){

String fcode = fakcCode;
boolean bool = false ;
if( (fcode.indexOf(cfg.LEFTSIGN)!=-1) && (fcode.indexOf(cfg.RIGHTSIGN)!=-1)){
bool = true ;
return bool;

* 验证是否是 数字字符
* @param strNumber
* @return
private int validNumber(String strNumber){

String strNum = strNumber.trim();
int ascall = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < strNum.length(); i++) {
ascall = strNum.charAt(i);
if(ascall<'0'|| ascall>'9') return -1;

return Integer.parseInt( strNum );

相关标签: 算法 Access