MailKit/MimeKit 发送邮件
2022-07-02 12:47:37
MimeKit / MailKit 支持最新的国际化的电子邮件标准,是.NET 中为一个支持完整支持这些标准电子邮件库,最近正式发布了1.0版本。如果你想做所有与的电子邮件相关的事情,看看 MimeKit 和 MailKit。我保证你不会失望,它支持.NET/Mono的所有平台,包括移动电话、平板等 ......
mimekit / mailkit 支持最新的国际化的电子邮件标准,是.net 中为一个支持完整支持这些标准电子邮件库,最近正式发布了1.0版本。如果你想做所有与的电子邮件相关的事情,看看 mimekit 和 mailkit。我保证你不会失望,它支持.net/mono的所有平台,包括移动电话、平板等.
using mimekit; using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using; using; namespace netsmtpclient { class program { const string mailfrom = ""; const string mailto = ""; const string mailfromaccount = ""; const string mailpassword = "xxxx"; const string path = @"e:\github\testmailclient\netsmtpclient\.netfoundation.png"; static void main(string[] args) { testsmtpclient(); testmailkit(); } private static void testmailkit() { var message = new mimemessage(); message.from.add(new mailboxaddress("geffzhang", mailfrom)); mailboxaddress("geffzhang", mailto)); message.subject = string.format("c#自动发送邮件测试 from geffzhang to {0}", mailto); var plain = new textpart("plain") { text = @"不好意思,我在测试程序,刚才把qq号写错了,sorry!" }; var html = new textpart("html") { text = @"<p>hey geffzhang<br> <p>不好意思,我在测试程序,刚才把qq号写错了,sorry!<br> <p>-- geffzhang<br>" }; // create an image attachment for the file located at path var attachment = new mimepart("image", "png") { contentobject = new contentobject(file.openread(path), contentencoding.default), contentdisposition = new contentdisposition(contentdisposition.attachment), contenttransferencoding = contentencoding.base64, filename = path.getfilename(path) };
attachment.contenttype.parameters.add("gb18030", "name", filename); attachment.contentdisposition.parameters.add("gb18030", "filename", filename)var alternative = new multipart("alternative"); alternative.add(plain);
// now create the multipart/mixed container to hold the message text and the
// image attachment
var multipart = new multipart("mixed");
multipart.add(alternative); multipart.add(attachment);
message.body = multipart;
using (var client = new
client.connect("", 587, false);
// note: since we don't have an oauth2 token, disable
// the xoauth2 authentication mechanism.
// note: only needed if the smtp server requires authentication
client.authenticate(mailfromaccount, mailpassword); client.send(message); client.disconnect(true);
上面代码是smtp发送代码,这个库还支持pop3, 和 imap 等。