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[20190423]简单测试latch nowilling等待模式.txt

程序员文章站 2022-07-02 12:00:32
[20190423]简单测试latch nowilling等待模式.txt--//我对这个问题的理解就是如果参数willing=0,表示无法获取该latch,直接退出,再寻找类似的latch。--//我仅仅知道redo copy latch具有这个特性:> select addr,name,leve ......

[20190423]简单测试latch nowilling等待模式.txt

--//我仅仅知道redo copy latch具有这个特性:
> select addr,name,level#,latch#,gets,misses,sleeps,immediate_gets,immediate_misses,waiters_woken,waits_holding_latch,spin_gets,wait_time from v$latch_children where lower(name) like '%'||lower('redo copy')||'%' ;
addr             name       level#     latch#       gets     misses     sleeps immediate_gets immediate_misses waiters_woken waits_holding_latch  spin_gets  wait_time
---------------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
00000012d720ada8 redo copy       4        208         53          0          0      500627938           304381             0                   0          0          0
00000012d720acd0 redo copy       4        208         53          0          0      497827706           323330             0                   0          0          0
00000012d72086d8 redo copy       4        208         53          0          0      491448415           365472             0                   0          0          0
00000012d7208600 redo copy       4        208         53          0          0      508008338           391955             0                   0          0          0
48 rows selected.
--//你可以发现nowait latch 的一个特点,就是immediate_gets会相对很高.注我查询的生产系统的情况.测试环境不会这么高的.


kslgetl(laddr, wait, why, where) – get exclusive latch

more precisely, to request the latch oracle kernel needs:

laddress -- address of latch in sga
wait     -- flag. if true, this is latch get in willing-to-wait mode..
why      -- context why the latch is acquired at this where.
where    -- code for location from where the latch is acquired.

sys@book> @ ver1
port_string                    version        banner
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/linux 2.4.xx       oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - 64bit production

--//参考链接如下:http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2641548/=>[20190416]exclusive latch测试脚本.txt

$ cat peek.sh
#! /bib/bash
# 参数如下:latch_name monitoring_duration or laddr
sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba <<eof
col laddr new_value laddr
select sysdate,addr laddr from v\$latch_parent where name='$1';
oradebug setmypid
$(seq $2|xargs -i{} echo -e 'oradebug peek 0x&laddr 8\nhost sleep 1' )

$ cat exclusive_latch.txt
/* 参数如下: @ exclusive_latch.txt latch_name willing why where sleep_num */
--//connect / as sysdba
col laddr new_value laddr
select addr laddr from v$latch_parent where name='&&1';
oradebug setmypid
oradebug call kslgetl 0x&laddr &&2 &&3 &&4
host sleep &&5
oradebug call kslfre 0x&laddr

$ cat y1.sh
#! /bin/bash
zdate=$(date '+%y%m%d%h%m%s')
echo $zdate
source peek.sh 'test excl. parent2 l0' 20 | timestamp.pl >| /tmp/peekx_${zdate}.txt &
seq 20 | xargs -i{} echo -e 'sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba <<< @latch_free\nsleep 1'  | bash >| /tmp/latch_freeo_${zdate}.txt &
# 参数如下: @ exclusive_latch.txt latch_name willing why where sleep_num
sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 0 1 2 6" > /dev/null &
sleep 2
sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 0 3 4 6" > /dev/null &
sleep 4.1
sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 0 5 6 6" > /dev/null &

$ . y1.sh
[3]-  done                    sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 0 1 2 6" > /dev/null
[1]   done                    source peek.sh 'test excl. parent2 l0' 20 | timestamp.pl >|/tmp/peekx_${zdate}.txt
[4]-  done                    sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 0 3 4 6" > /dev/null
[5]+  done                    sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 0 5 6 6" > /dev/null
[2]+  done                    seq 20 | xargs -i{} echo -e 'sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba <<< @latch_free\nsleep 1' | bash >|/tmp/latch_freeo_${zdate}.txt

$ grep  -v '^.*: $' /tmp/peekx_20190424091250.txt | cut -c10- | uniq -c
      1  sysdate             laddr
      1  ------------------- ----------------
      1  2019-04-24 09:12:50 0000000060009978
      1  statement processed.
      6  [060009978, 060009980) = 00000015 00000000
      1  [060009978, 060009980) = 00000000 00000000
      6  [060009978, 060009980) = 00000015 00000000
      7  [060009978, 060009980) = 00000000 00000000
--//你可以发现第1个会话申请成功,第2个会话没有申请成功,直接退出.第3个会话申请成功(因为sleep 2+4.1秒).

--//cat /tmp/latch_freeo_20190424091250.txt
2019-04-24 09:12:50
2019-04-24 09:12:51
process 21
 holding: 0000000060009978  "test excl. parent2 l0" lvl=0 whr=2 why=1, sid=295

2019-04-24 09:12:52
process 21
 holding: 0000000060009978  "test excl. parent2 l0" lvl=0 whr=2 why=1, sid=295

2019-04-24 09:12:53
process 21
 holding: 0000000060009978  "test excl. parent2 l0" lvl=0 whr=2 why=1, sid=295

2019-04-24 09:12:54
process 21
 holding: 0000000060009978  "test excl. parent2 l0" lvl=0 whr=2 why=1, sid=295

2019-04-24 09:12:55
process 21
 holding: 0000000060009978  "test excl. parent2 l0" lvl=0 whr=2 why=1, sid=295

2019-04-24 09:12:56
process 21
 holding: 0000000060009978  "test excl. parent2 l0" lvl=0 whr=6 why=5, sid=295

2019-04-24 09:12:57
process 21
 holding: 0000000060009978  "test excl. parent2 l0" lvl=0 whr=6 why=5, sid=295

2019-04-24 09:12:58
process 21
 holding: 0000000060009978  "test excl. parent2 l0" lvl=0 whr=6 why=5, sid=295

2019-04-24 09:13:00
process 21
 holding: 0000000060009978  "test excl. parent2 l0" lvl=0 whr=6 why=5, sid=295

2019-04-24 09:13:01
process 21
 holding: 0000000060009978  "test excl. parent2 l0" lvl=0 whr=6 why=5, sid=295

2019-04-24 09:13:02
process 21
 holding: 0000000060009978  "test excl. parent2 l0" lvl=0 whr=6 why=5, sid=295

2019-04-24 09:13:03
2019-04-24 09:13:04

--//session 1:
sys@book> @ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 0 1 2 60
old   1: select addr laddr from v$latch_parent where name='&&1'
new   1: select addr laddr from v$latch_parent where name='test excl. parent2 l0'


statement processed.
function returned 1
function returned 0

--//session 2:
sys@book> @ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 0 3 4 6
old   1: select addr laddr from v$latch_parent where name='&&1'
new   1: select addr laddr from v$latch_parent where name='test excl. parent2 l0'


statement processed.
function returned 0

ora-00600: internal error code, arguments: [510], [0x060009978], [test excl. parent2 l0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

--//可以发现申请成功函数返回值是1.失败是0.只所以session 2报错主要原因是没有申请成功,kslfre肯定报错.

sys@book> select addr,name,level#,latch#,gets,misses,sleeps,immediate_gets,immediate_misses,waiters_woken,waits_holding_latch,spin_gets,wait_time from v$latch_parent   where lower(name) like '%'||lower('test excl. parent2 l0')||'%';
addr             name                  level#     latch#       gets     misses     sleeps immediate_gets immediate_misses waiters_woken waits_holding_latch  spin_gets  wait_time
---------------- --------------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
0000000060009978 test excl. parent2 l0      0          5          4          0          0              4                3             0                   0          0          0

$ . y1.sh
[3]-  done                    sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 0 1 2 6" > /dev/null
[1]   done                    source peek.sh 'test excl. parent2 l0' 20 | timestamp.pl >|/tmp/peekx_${zdate}.txt
[4]-  done                    sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 0 3 4 6" > /dev/null
[5]+  done                    sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 0 5 6 6" > /dev/null
[2]+  done                    seq 20 | xargs -i{} echo -e 'sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba <<< @latch_free\nsleep 1' | bash >|/tmp/latch_freeo_${zdate}.txt

sys@book> select addr,name,level#,latch#,gets,misses,sleeps,immediate_gets,immediate_misses,waiters_woken,waits_holding_latch,spin_gets,wait_time from v$latch_parent   where lower(name) like '%'||lower('test excl. parent2 l0')||'%';
addr             name                  level#     latch#       gets     misses     sleeps immediate_gets immediate_misses waiters_woken waits_holding_latch  spin_gets  wait_time
---------------- --------------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
0000000060009978 test excl. parent2 l0      0          5          4          0          0              6                4             0                   0          0          0


$ . y1.sh
[3]-  done                    sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 1 1 2 6" > /dev/null
[1]   done                    source peek.sh 'test excl. parent2 l0' 20 | timestamp.pl >|/tmp/peekx_${zdate}.txt
[4]-  done                    sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 0 3 4 6" > /dev/null
[5]+  done                    sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ exclusive_latch.txt 'test excl. parent2 l0' 0 5 6 6" > /dev/null
[2]+  done                    seq 20 | xargs -i{} echo -e 'sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba <<< @latch_free\nsleep 1' | bash >|/tmp/latch_freeo_${zdate}.txt

sys@book> select addr,name,level#,latch#,gets,misses,sleeps,immediate_gets,immediate_misses,waiters_woken,waits_holding_latch,spin_gets,wait_time from v$latch_parent   where lower(name) like '%'||lower('test excl. parent2 l0')||'%';
addr             name                  level#     latch#       gets     misses     sleeps immediate_gets immediate_misses waiters_woken waits_holding_latch  spin_gets  wait_time
---------------- --------------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
0000000060009978 test excl. parent2 l0      0          5          5          0          0              7                5             0                   0          0          0
