2022-07-02 11:23:45
最近项目上有这样的需求,需要依据设备的经纬度坐标计算距离及角度。经验证后效果较好,并分享。1 经纬度转换距离代码#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-...
1 经纬度转换距离代码
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'seven' import math # 计算距离 def getdistance(lata, lona, latb, lonb): ra = 6378140 # 赤道半径 rb = 6356755 # 极半径 flatten = (ra - rb) / ra # partial rate of the earth # change angle to radians radlata = math.radians(lata) radlona = math.radians(lona) radlatb = math.radians(latb) radlonb = math.radians(lonb) pa = math.atan(rb / ra * math.tan(radlata)) pb = math.atan(rb / ra * math.tan(radlatb)) x = math.acos(math.sin(pa) * math.sin(pb) + math.cos(pa) * math.cos(pb) * math.cos(radlona - radlonb)) c1 = (math.sin(x) - x) * (math.sin(pa) + math.sin(pb)) ** 2 / math.cos(x / 2) ** 2 c2 = (math.sin(x) + x) * (math.sin(pa) - math.sin(pb)) ** 2 / math.sin(x / 2) ** 2 dr = flatten / 8 * (c1 - c2) distance = ra * (x + dr) distance = round(distance / 1000, 4) return f'{distance}km'
2 经纬度转化角度代码
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'seven' import math # 计算角度 def getdegree(lata, lona, latb, lonb): radlata = math.radians(lata) radlona = math.radians(lona) radlatb = math.radians(latb) radlonb = math.radians(lonb) dlon = radlonb - radlona y = math.sin(dlon) * math.cos(radlatb) x = math.cos(radlata) * math.sin(radlatb) - math.sin(radlata) * math.cos(radlatb) * math.cos(dlon) brng = math.degrees(math.atan2(y, x)) brng = round((brng + 360) % 360, 4) brng = int(brng) if (brng == 0.0) or ((brng == 360.0)): return '正北方向' elif brng == 90.0: return '正东方向' elif brng == 180.0: return '正南方向' elif brng == 270.0: return '正西方向' elif 0 < brng < 90: return f'北偏东{brng}' elif 90 < brng < 180: return f'东偏南{brng - 90}' elif 180 < brng < 270: return f'西偏南{270 - brng}' elif 270 < brng < 360: return f'北偏西{brng - 270}' else: pass
3 验证
选取深圳野生动物园(22.599578, 113.973129)为起点,深圳坪山站(22.6986848, 114.3311032)为终点,结合百度地图、谷歌地图等进行效果验证。