official oracle 11g r2 documentation
under typical database configuration, oracle net encapsulates data into buffers the size of the session data unit (sdu)
before sending the data across the network. oracle net sends each buffer when it is filled, flushed, or when an
application tries to read data. adjusting the size of the sdu buffers relative to the amount of data provided to oracle
net to send at any one time can improve performance, network utilization, and memory consumption. when large amounts of
data are being transmitted, increasing the sdu size can improve performance and network throughput.
the amount of data provided to oracle net to send at any one time is referred to as the message size. oracle net assumes
by default that the message size will normally vary between 0 and 8192 bytes, and infrequently, be larger than 8192
bytes. if this assumption is true, then most of the time, the data is sent using one sdu buffer.
the sdu size can range from 512 bytes to 65535 bytes. the default sdu for the client and a dedicated server is 8192
bytes. the default sdu for a shared server is 65535 bytes.
the actual sdu size used is negotiated between the client and the server at connect time and is the smaller of the
client and server values. configuring an sdu size different from the default requires configuring the sdu on both the
client and server computers, unless you are using shared servers. for shared servers, only the client value must be
changed because the shared server defaults to the maximum value.
--//注意理解最后一段: for shared servers, only the client value must be changed because the shared server defaults to
--//the maximum value.也就是在共享服务器模式下服务端sdu设置65535,以client端要设置为准,我开始理解错误.
scott@book> @ ver1
port_string version banner
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/linux 2.4.xx oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - 64bit production
r:\>cat e1.txt
select sysdate,p2,time_since_last_wait_micro from v$session_wait_history where sid=&&1 and event='sql*net more data from client';
r:\> cat e2.txt
select /*
*/ sysdate
from dual;
r:\>ls -l e2.txt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 user group 61235 mar 6 16:46 e2.txt
r:\>grep -i sdu e:\app\oracle\product\12.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\sqlnet.ora
r:\>sqlplus scott/book@
scott@> @ spid
sid serial# process server spid pid p_serial# c50
---- ---------- ------------------------ --------- ----- --- ---------- --------------------------------------------
67 73 12224:12764 dedicated 13418 29 30 alter system kill session '67,73' immediate;
scott@> @ e1.txt 67
no rows selected
scott@> @e2.txt
2019-03-06 16:51:42
scott@> @ e1.txt 67
sysdate p2 time_since_last_wait_micro
------------------- ---------- --------------------------
2019-03-06 16:51:48 64 5
2019-03-06 16:51:48 229 5
2019-03-06 16:51:48 138 7
--//你可以发现会话出现sql*net more data from client等待事件,而且出现3次(注v$session_wait_history视图记录遇到的最后10个等
r:\>sqlplus scott/book@
scott@> @ spid
sid serial# process server spid pid p_serial# c50
---- ---------- ------------------------ --------- ----- --- ---------- ---------------------------------------------
261 31 12988:8108 shared 59542 20 1 alter system kill session '261,31' immediate;
scott@> @ e1.txt 261
no rows selected
scott@> @ e2.txt
2019-03-06 16:55:46
scott@> @ e1.txt 261
no rows selected
--//可以发现在采用共享服务连接模式,执行脚本大小61k,并没有出现sql*net more data from client等待事件.说明这种情况下sdu确实
r:\>ls -l e2.txt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 user group 67355 mar 6 16:57 e2.txt
--//增加e2.txt 大小大于65535字节,重复测试看看:
scott@> @ e1.txt 261
no rows selected
scott@> @ e2.txt
2019-03-06 16:58:13
scott@> @ e1.txt 261
sysdate p2 time_since_last_wait_micro
------------------- ---------- --------------------------
2019-03-06 16:58:15 31 126
--//当脚本大小变大时,出现'sql*net more data from client'等待事件.
--//自己觉得好奇的是oracle为什么这样设置,这样设置有什么好处.如果设置很大,使用共享模式消耗network buffer不是很大吗?
$ grep -i sdu /u01/app/oracle/product/
$ cat /home/oracle/xxx430/testh/b.sh
for i in $(seq 100)
nohup sqlplus -s scott/book@ <<eof > /dev/null 2>&1 &
select sysdate from dual ;
host sleep 30
sys@book> select name,pool,bytes from v$sgastat where name like '%network%';
name pool bytes
-------------------- ------------ ----------
network buffer shared pool 73808
$ . /home/oracle/xxx430/testh/b.sh
sys@book> select name,pool,bytes from v$sgastat where name like '%network%';
name pool bytes
-------------------- ------------ ----------
network buffer shared pool 33292408
--//33292408/1024/1024 = 31.75m
sys@book> select (33292408-73808)/100 from dual;
--//332186/1024= 324.4k.每个连接消耗324k. 332186/65535 = 5.06883344777599755855,5个sdu???
--//好奇心测试看看sdu不同的情况下network buffer的消耗,方法如下:
2.查询select name,pool,bytes from v$sgastat where name like '%network%';,记下bytes数量
3.执行$ seq 100 | xargs -i{} -p 100 bash -c 'sqlplus -s scott/book@ <<< "host sleep 20" '
4.查询select name,pool,bytes from v$sgastat where name like '%network%';,记下bytes数量
sdu 开始network buffer 结束network buffer 差值 差值/100/sdu
10000 3344376 8399608 8399608-3344376 = 5055232 5055232/100/10000 = 5.05523200000000000000
20000 3344376 13399584 13399584-3344376 = 10055208 10055208/100/20000 = 5.02760400000000000000
30000 3344376 18399728 18399728-3344376 = 15055352 15055352/100/30000 = 5.01845066666666666666
40000 3344376 23399600 23399600-3344376 = 20055224 20055224/100/40000 = 5.01380600000000000000
50000 3344376 28399784 28399784-3344376 = 25055408 25055408/100/50000 = 5.01108160000000000000
60000 3344376 33400168 33400168-3344376 = 30055792 30055792 /100/60000 = 5.00929866666666666666
65535 3344376 36167632 36167632-3344376 = 32823256 32823256/100/65535 = 5.00850782024872205691
70000 3344376 36167760 36167760-3344376 = 32823384 32823384/100/5 = 65646.76800000000000000000
为什么共享服务器模式下会用到共享池中的network buffer,而独享服务器模式下没有呢?因为在独享服务器模式下每个会话所分配的三
个sdu是从pga中获取的;当使用共享服务器模式时会话与服务进程形成一对多的映射关系,这三个sdu 的network buffer同uga一样转移
sys@test> @ &r/ver1
port_string version banner
------------------------------ -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/linux 2.4.xx oracle database 10g enterprise edition release - 64bi
sdu 开始network buffer 结束network buffer 差值 差值/100/sdu
10000 139824 12025456 12025456-139824 = 11885632 11885632/100/10000 = 11.88563200000000000000
20000 139824 14025456 14025456-139824 = 13885632 13885632/100/20000 = 6.94281600000000000000
30000 139824 16025424 16025424-139824 = 15885600 15885600/100/30000 = 5.29520000000000000000
32767 139824 16579040 16579040-139824 = 16439216 16439216/100/32767 = 5.01700369273964659566
40000 139824 16579024 16579024-139824 = 16439200 16439200/32767/100 = 5.01699880977813043610
--//可以看出10g sdu最大是32767.
荐 Linux网络系列--YUM仓库部署与NFS服务(YUM仓库部署、YUM命令使用、NFS共享存储服务讲解及实验)
oracle 专用服务器模式与共享服务器模式详解
荐 在Centos中搭建本地YUM源、远程YUM仓库与NFS共享存储服务