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浅谈Spring IoC容器的依赖注入原理

程序员文章站 2022-06-30 23:43:44
本文介绍了浅谈spring ioc容器的依赖注入原理,分享给大家,具体如下: ioc容器初始化的过程,主要完成的工作是在ioc容器中建立 beandefinition 数...

本文介绍了浅谈spring ioc容器的依赖注入原理,分享给大家,具体如下:

ioc容器初始化的过程,主要完成的工作是在ioc容器中建立 beandefinition 数据映射,并没有看到ioc容器对bean依赖关系进行注入,



但我们可以在 beandefinition 信息中通过控制 lazy-init 属性来让容器完成对bean的预实例化,即在初始化的过程中就完成某些bean的依赖注入的过程


在基本的ioc容器接口 beanfactory 中,有一个 getbean 的接口定义,这个接口的实现就是触发依赖注入发生的地方.为了进一步了解这个依赖注入的过程,我们从 defaultlistablebeanfactory 的基类 abstractbeanfactory 入手去看看getbean的实现

// 这里是对 beanfactory 接口的实现,比如getbean接口方法
  public object getbean(string name) throws beansexception {
    return dogetbean(name, null, null, false);

  public <t> t getbean(string name, class<t> requiredtype) throws beansexception {
    return dogetbean(name, requiredtype, null, false);

  public object getbean(string name, object... args) throws beansexception {
    return dogetbean(name, null, args, false);

  public <t> t getbean(string name, class<t> requiredtype, object... args) throws beansexception {
    return dogetbean(name, requiredtype, args, false);

  protected <t> t dogetbean(
      final string name, final class<t> requiredtype, final object[] args, boolean typecheckonly)
      throws beansexception {

    final string beanname = transformedbeanname(name);
    object bean;

    // eagerly check singleton cache for manually registered singletons.
    object sharedinstance = getsingleton(beanname);
    if (sharedinstance != null && args == null) {
      if (logger.isdebugenabled()) {
        if (issingletoncurrentlyincreation(beanname)) {
          logger.debug("returning eagerly cached instance of singleton bean '" + beanname +
              "' that is not fully initialized yet - a consequence of a circular reference");
        else {
          logger.debug("returning cached instance of singleton bean '" + beanname + "'");
      bean = getobjectforbeaninstance(sharedinstance, name, beanname, null);

    else {
      // fail if we're already creating this bean instance:
      // we're assumably within a circular reference.
      if (isprototypecurrentlyincreation(beanname)) {
        throw new beancurrentlyincreationexception(beanname);

            // // 检查ioc容器中的beandefinition是否存在,若在当前工厂不存在则去顺着双亲beanfactory链一直向上找
      beanfactory parentbeanfactory = getparentbeanfactory();
      if (parentbeanfactory != null && !containsbeandefinition(beanname)) {
        // not found -> check parent.
        string nametolookup = originalbeanname(name);
        if (args != null) {
          // delegation to parent with explicit args.
          return (t) parentbeanfactory.getbean(nametolookup, args);
        else {
          // no args -> delegate to standard getbean method.
          return parentbeanfactory.getbean(nametolookup, requiredtype);

      if (!typecheckonly) {

      try {
        final rootbeandefinition mbd = getmergedlocalbeandefinition(beanname);
        checkmergedbeandefinition(mbd, beanname, args);

        // guarantee initialization of beans that the current bean depends on.
        string[] dependson = mbd.getdependson();
        if (dependson != null) {
          for (string dep : dependson) {
            if (isdependent(beanname, dep)) {
              throw new beancreationexception(mbd.getresourcedescription(), beanname,
                  "circular depends-on relationship between '" + beanname + "' and '" + dep + "'");
            registerdependentbean(dep, beanname);

                //通过调用createbean方法创建singleton bean实例
        if (mbd.issingleton()) {
          sharedinstance = getsingleton(beanname, new objectfactory<object>() {
            public object getobject() throws beansexception {
              try {
                return createbean(beanname, mbd, args);
              catch (beansexception ex) {
                // explicitly remove instance from singleton cache: it might have been put there
                // eagerly by the creation process, to allow for circular reference resolution.
                // also remove any beans that received a temporary reference to the bean.
                throw ex;
          bean = getobjectforbeaninstance(sharedinstance, name, beanname, mbd);
                //这里是创建prototype bean的地方
        else if (mbd.isprototype()) {
          // it's a prototype -> create a new instance.
          object prototypeinstance = null;
          try {
            prototypeinstance = createbean(beanname, mbd, args);
          finally {
          bean = getobjectforbeaninstance(prototypeinstance, name, beanname, mbd);

        else {
          string scopename = mbd.getscope();
          final scope scope = this.scopes.get(scopename);
          if (scope == null) {
            throw new illegalstateexception("no scope registered for scope name '" + scopename + "'");
          try {
            object scopedinstance = scope.get(beanname, new objectfactory<object>() {
              public object getobject() throws beansexception {
                try {
                  return createbean(beanname, mbd, args);
                finally {
            bean = getobjectforbeaninstance(scopedinstance, name, beanname, mbd);
          catch (illegalstateexception ex) {
            throw new beancreationexception(beanname,
                "scope '" + scopename + "' is not active for the current thread; consider " +
                "defining a scoped proxy for this bean if you intend to refer to it from a singleton",
      catch (beansexception ex) {
        throw ex;

    // check if required type matches the type of the actual bean instance.
        // 这里对创建的bean进行类型检查,如果没有问题,就返回这个新创建的bean,这个bean已经是包含了依赖关系的bean
    if (requiredtype != null && bean != null && !requiredtype.isassignablefrom(bean.getclass())) {
      try {
        return gettypeconverter().convertifnecessary(bean, requiredtype);
      catch (typemismatchexception ex) {
        if (logger.isdebugenabled()) {
          logger.debug("failed to convert bean '" + name + "' to required type '" +
              classutils.getqualifiedname(requiredtype) + "'", ex);
        throw new beannotofrequiredtypeexception(name, requiredtype, bean.getclass());
    return (t) bean;



浅谈Spring IoC容器的依赖注入原理

图1.1 依赖注入的过程


  protected object createbean(string beanname, rootbeandefinition mbd, object[] args) throws beancreationexception {
    if (logger.isdebugenabled()) {
      logger.debug("creating instance of bean '" + beanname + "'");
    rootbeandefinition mbdtouse = mbd;

    // make sure bean class is actually resolved at this point, and
    // clone the bean definition in case of a dynamically resolved class
    // which cannot be stored in the shared merged bean definition.
    class<?> resolvedclass = resolvebeanclass(mbd, beanname);
    if (resolvedclass != null && !mbd.hasbeanclass() && mbd.getbeanclassname() != null) {
      mbdtouse = new rootbeandefinition(mbd);

    // prepare method overrides.
    try {
    catch (beandefinitionvalidationexception ex) {
      throw new beandefinitionstoreexception(mbdtouse.getresourcedescription(),
          beanname, "validation of method overrides failed", ex);

    try {
      // give beanpostprocessors a chance to return a proxy instead of the target bean instance.
      object bean = resolvebeforeinstantiation(beanname, mbdtouse);
      if (bean != null) {
        return bean;
    catch (throwable ex) {
      throw new beancreationexception(mbdtouse.getresourcedescription(), beanname,
          "beanpostprocessor before instantiation of bean failed", ex);

    try {
      object beaninstance = docreatebean(beanname, mbdtouse, args);
      if (logger.isdebugenabled()) {
        logger.debug("finished creating instance of bean '" + beanname + "'");
      return beaninstance;
    catch (beancreationexception ex) {
      // a previously detected exception with proper bean creation context already...
      throw ex;
    catch (implicitlyappearedsingletonexception ex) {
      // an illegalstateexception to be communicated up to defaultsingletonbeanregistry...
      throw ex;
    catch (throwable ex) {
      throw new beancreationexception(
          mbdtouse.getresourcedescription(), beanname, "unexpected exception during bean creation", ex);

  protected object docreatebean(final string beanname, final rootbeandefinition mbd, final object[] args) {
    // instantiate the bean.
    beanwrapper instancewrapper = null;
    if (mbd.issingleton()) {
      instancewrapper = this.factorybeaninstancecache.remove(beanname);
    if (instancewrapper == null) {
      instancewrapper = createbeaninstance(beanname, mbd, args);
    final object bean = (instancewrapper != null ? instancewrapper.getwrappedinstance() : null);
    class<?> beantype = (instancewrapper != null ? instancewrapper.getwrappedclass() : null);

    // allow post-processors to modify the merged bean definition.
    synchronized (mbd.postprocessinglock) {
      if (!mbd.postprocessed) {
        applymergedbeandefinitionpostprocessors(mbd, beantype, beanname);
        mbd.postprocessed = true;

    // eagerly cache singletons to be able to resolve circular references
    // even when triggered by lifecycle interfaces like beanfactoryaware.
    boolean earlysingletonexposure = (mbd.issingleton() && this.allowcircularreferences &&
    if (earlysingletonexposure) {
      if (logger.isdebugenabled()) {
        logger.debug("eagerly caching bean '" + beanname +
            "' to allow for resolving potential circular references");
      addsingletonfactory(beanname, new objectfactory<object>() {
        public object getobject() throws beansexception {
                    //对bean再次依赖引用,主要应用smartinstantialiationaware beanpostprocessor,
          return getearlybeanreference(beanname, mbd, bean);

    // initialize the bean instance.
    object exposedobject = bean;
    try {
      populatebean(beanname, mbd, instancewrapper);
      if (exposedobject != null) {
        exposedobject = initializebean(beanname, exposedobject, mbd);
    catch (throwable ex) {
      if (ex instanceof beancreationexception && beanname.equals(((beancreationexception) ex).getbeanname())) {
        throw (beancreationexception) ex;
      else {
        throw new beancreationexception(mbd.getresourcedescription(), beanname, "initialization of bean failed", ex);

    if (earlysingletonexposure) {
      object earlysingletonreference = getsingleton(beanname, false);
            // earlysingletonreference 只有在检测到有循环依赖的情况下才会非空
      if (earlysingletonreference != null) {
        if (exposedobject == bean) {
                    //如果exposedobject 没有在初始化方法中被改变,也就是没有被增强
          exposedobject = earlysingletonreference;
        else if (!this.allowrawinjectiondespitewrapping && hasdependentbean(beanname)) {
          string[] dependentbeans = getdependentbeans(beanname);
          set<string> actualdependentbeans = new linkedhashset<string>(dependentbeans.length);
          for (string dependentbean : dependentbeans) {
            if (!removesingletonifcreatedfortypecheckonly(dependentbean)) {
          if (!actualdependentbeans.isempty()) {
            throw new beancurrentlyincreationexception(beanname,
                "bean with name '" + beanname + "' has been injected into other beans [" +
                stringutils.collectiontocommadelimitedstring(actualdependentbeans) +
                "] in its raw version as part of a circular reference, but has eventually been " +
                "wrapped. this means that said other beans do not use the final version of the " +
                "bean. this is often the result of over-eager type matching - consider using " +
                "'getbeannamesoftype' with the 'alloweagerinit' flag turned off, for example.");
      // register bean as disposable.
    try {
      registerdisposablebeanifnecessary(beanname, bean, mbd);
    catch (beandefinitionvalidationexception ex) {
      throw new beancreationexception(mbd.getresourcedescription(), beanname, "invalid destruction signature", ex);

    return exposedobject;


  1. 生产bea所包含的java对象
  2. bean对象生成之后,把这些bean对象的依赖关系设置好




先来看 createbeaninstance源码

   * create a new instance for the specified bean, using an appropriate instantiation strategy:
   * factory method, constructor autowiring, or simple instantiation.
   * @param beanname the name of the bean
   * @param mbd the bean definition for the bean
   * @param args explicit arguments to use for constructor or factory method invocation
   * @return a beanwrapper for the new instance
  protected beanwrapper createbeaninstance(string beanname, rootbeandefinition mbd, object[] args) {
    // make sure bean class is actually resolved at this point.
        // 确认需要创建的bean实例的类可以实例化
    class<?> beanclass = resolvebeanclass(mbd, beanname);

    if (beanclass != null && !modifier.ispublic(beanclass.getmodifiers()) && !mbd.isnonpublicaccessallowed()) {
      throw new beancreationexception(mbd.getresourcedescription(), beanname,
          "bean class isn't public, and non-public access not allowed: " + beanclass.getname());

    supplier<?> instancesupplier = mbd.getinstancesupplier();
    if (instancesupplier != null) {
      return obtainfromsupplier(instancesupplier, beanname);
    if (mbd.getfactorymethodname() != null) {
      return instantiateusingfactorymethod(beanname, mbd, args);

    // shortcut when re-creating the same bean...
    boolean resolved = false;
    boolean autowirenecessary = false;
    if (args == null) {
      synchronized (mbd.constructorargumentlock) {
        if (mbd.resolvedconstructororfactorymethod != null) {
          resolved = true;
          autowirenecessary = mbd.constructorargumentsresolved;
    if (resolved) {
      if (autowirenecessary) {
        return autowireconstructor(beanname, mbd, null, null);
      else {
        return instantiatebean(beanname, mbd);

    // need to determine the constructor...
         // 使用构造函数对bean进行实例化
    constructor<?>[] ctors = determineconstructorsfrombeanpostprocessors(beanclass, beanname);
    if (ctors != null ||
        mbd.getresolvedautowiremode() == rootbeandefinition.autowire_constructor ||
        mbd.hasconstructorargumentvalues() || !objectutils.isempty(args)) {
      return autowireconstructor(beanname, mbd, ctors, args);

    // no special handling: simply use no-arg constructor.
    return instantiatebean(beanname, mbd);

   * instantiate the given bean using its default constructor.
   * @param beanname the name of the bean
   * @param mbd the bean definition for the bean
   * @return a beanwrapper for the new instance
  protected beanwrapper instantiatebean(final string beanname, final rootbeandefinition mbd) {
    try {
      object beaninstance;
      final beanfactory parent = this;
      if (system.getsecuritymanager() != null) {
        beaninstance = accesscontroller.doprivileged(new privilegedaction<object>() {
          public object run() {
            return getinstantiationstrategy().instantiate(mbd, beanname, parent);
        }, getaccesscontrolcontext());
      else {
        beaninstance = getinstantiationstrategy().instantiate(mbd, beanname, parent);
      beanwrapper bw = new beanwrapperimpl(beaninstance);
      return bw;
    catch (throwable ex) {
      throw new beancreationexception(
          mbd.getresourcedescription(), beanname, "instantiation of bean failed", ex);


在spring aop中也使用cglib对java的字节码进行增强.在ioc容器中,要了解怎样使用cglib来生成bean对象,需要看一下simpleinstantiationstrategy类.它是spring用来生成bean对象的默认类,它提供了两种实例化bean对象的方法

  1. 通过beanutils,使用了java的反射功能
  2. 通过cglib来生成
public class simpleinstantiationstrategy implements instantiationstrategy {
  public object instantiate(rootbeandefinition bd, string beanname, beanfactory owner) {
    // don't override the class with cglib if no overrides.
    if (bd.getmethodoverrides().isempty()) {
      constructor<?> constructortouse;
      synchronized (bd.constructorargumentlock) {
        constructortouse = (constructor<?>) bd.resolvedconstructororfactorymethod;
        if (constructortouse == null) {
          final class<?> clazz = bd.getbeanclass();
          if (clazz.isinterface()) {
            throw new beaninstantiationexception(clazz, "specified class is an interface");
          try {
            if (system.getsecuritymanager() != null) {
              constructortouse = accesscontroller.doprivileged(new privilegedexceptionaction<constructor<?>>() {
                public constructor<?> run() throws exception {
                  return clazz.getdeclaredconstructor((class[]) null);
            else {
              constructortouse = clazz.getdeclaredconstructor((class[]) null);
            bd.resolvedconstructororfactorymethod = constructortouse;
          catch (throwable ex) {
            throw new beaninstantiationexception(clazz, "no default constructor found", ex);
      return beanutils.instantiateclass(constructortouse);
    else {   
      // 使用cglib来实例化对象
      return instantiatewithmethodinjection(bd, beanname, owner);





接着需要对bean reference进行解析,在对managelist、manageset、managemap等进行解析完之后,就已经为依赖注入准备好了条件,这是真正把bean对象设置到它所依赖的另一个bean属性中去的地方,其中处理的属性是各种各样的。









2. lazy-init属性和预实例化


