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程序员文章站 2022-06-30 13:26:18
应用开发完了,测试没问题了,快上市场了,这时候就要混淆加固多渠道打包加上线了,所以,混淆就来了: 混淆是什么,就是把类名,方法名,变量名给弄成简单的单词或者字母来代替,从而防止别人反编译后轻松的得到...




buildtypes {
 release {
  signingconfig signingconfigs.release
  shrinkresources true
  minifyenabled true
  zipalignenabled true
  proguardfiles getdefaultproguardfile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'


 debug {
  signingconfig signingconfigs.release
  shrinkresources true
  minifyenabled true
  zipalignenabled true
  proguardfiles getdefaultproguardfile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'



-optimizationpasses 5 # 指定代码的压缩级别
-dontusemixedcaseclassnames# 是否使用大小写混合
-dontpreverify  # 混淆时是否做预校验
-verbose # 混淆时是否记录日志
-optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic,!field/*,!class/merging/*  # 混淆时所采用的算法
-keep public class * implements com.bumptech.glide.module.glidemodule
-keep public class * extends com.bumptech.glide.module.appglidemodule
-keep public enum com.bumptech.glide.load.imageheaderparser$** {
  **[] $values;
  public *;

# for dexguard only
#-keepresourcexmlelements manifest/application/meta-data@value=glidemodule

-dontwarn okhttp3.**
-keep class okhttp3.**{*;}

-dontwarn okio.**
-keep class okio.**{*;}

-dontwarn com.tencent.bugly.**
-keep public class com.tencent.bugly.**{*;}

-keep class butterknife.** { *; }
-dontwarn butterknife.internal.**
-keep class **$$viewbinder { *; }
-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
 @butterknife.* ;
-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
 @butterknife.* ;
## gson 2.2.4 specific rules ##
# gson uses generic type information stored in a class file when working with fields. proguard
# removes such information by default, so configure it to keep all of it.
-keepattributes signature
# for using gson @expose annotation
-keepattributes *annotation*
-keepattributes enclosingmethod
# gson specific classes
-dontwarn com.google.gson.**

-keep class de.greenrobot.event.** {*;}
-keepclassmembers class ** {
 public void onevent*(**);
 void onevent*(**);

## new rules for eventbus 3.0.x ##
# https://greenrobot.org/eventbus/documentation/proguard/
-keepattributes *annotation*
-keepclassmembers class ** {
 @org.greenrobot.eventbus.subscribe ;
-keep enum org.greenrobot.eventbus.threadmode { *; }
# only required if you use asyncexecutor
-keepclassmembers class * extends org.greenrobot.eventbus.util.throwablefailureevent {

# fastjson proguard rules
# https://github.com/alibaba/fastjson
-dontwarn com.alibaba.fastjson.**
-keepattributes signature
-keepattributes *annotation*

-keep public class android.support.v7.widget.** { *; }
-keep public class android.support.v7.internal.widget.** { *; }
-keep public class android.support.v7.internal.view.menu.** { *; }

-keep public class * extends android.support.v4.view.actionprovider {
 public (android.content.context);

-dontwarn android.support.design.**
-keep class android.support.design.** { *; }
-keep interface android.support.design.** { *; }
-keep public class android.support.design.r$* { *; }

# 枚举也不要混淆also keep - enumerations. keep the special static methods that are required in
# enumeration classes.
-keepclassmembers enum  * {
 public static **[] values();
 public static ** valueof(java.lang.string);

#native方法不做混淆 keep names - native method names. keep all native class/method names.
-keepclasseswithmembers,allowshrinking class * {
 native ;
# 保持 parcelable 不被混淆
-keep class * implements android.os.parcelable {
 public static final android.os.parcelable$creator *;

-keep class com.hejun.solidtext.model.** { *; }
-keep public class com.jph.android.r$*{
 public static final int *;