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Android zip文件下载和解压实例

程序员文章站 2022-06-29 09:30:11
下载:downloadertask.java 复制代码 代码如下:package com.johnny.testzipanddownload; import java....


复制代码 代码如下:

package com.johnny.testzipanddownload;

import java.io.bufferedinputstream;
import java.io.bufferedoutputstream;
import java.io.file;
import java.io.filenotfoundexception;
import java.io.fileoutputstream;
import java.io.ioexception;
import java.io.inputstream;
import java.io.outputstream;
import java.net.malformedurlexception;
import java.net.url;
import java.net.urlconnection;

import android.app.progressdialog;
import android.content.context;
import android.content.dialoginterface;
import android.content.dialoginterface.oncancellistener;
import android.os.asynctask;
import android.util.log;

public class downloadertask extends asynctask<void, integer, long> {
 private final string tag = "downloadertask";
 private url murl;
 private file mfile;
 private progressdialog mdialog;
 private int mprogress = 0;
 private progressreportingoutputstream moutputstream;
 private context mcontext;
 public downloadertask(string url,string out,context context){
   mdialog = new progressdialog(context);
   mcontext = context;
   mdialog = null;

  try {
   murl = new url(url);
   string filename = new file(murl.getfile()).getname();
   mfile = new file(out, filename);
   log.d(tag, "out="+out+", name="+filename+",murl.getfile()="+murl.getfile());
  } catch (malformedurlexception e) {
   // todo auto-generated catch block


 protected void onpreexecute() {
  // todo auto-generated method stub
   mdialog.setoncancellistener(new oncancellistener() {

    public void oncancel(dialoginterface dialog) {
     // todo auto-generated method stub

 protected long doinbackground(void... params) {
  // todo auto-generated method stub
  return download();

 protected void onprogressupdate(integer... values) {
  // todo auto-generated method stub
   int contentlength = values[1];

 protected void onpostexecute(long result) {
  // todo auto-generated method stub

 private long download(){
  urlconnection connection = null;
  int bytescopied = 0;
  try {
   connection = murl.openconnection();
   int length = connection.getcontentlength();
   if(mfile.exists()&&length == mfile.length()){
    log.d(tag, "file "+mfile.getname()+" already exits!!");
    return 0l;
   moutputstream = new progressreportingoutputstream(mfile);
   bytescopied =copy(connection.getinputstream(),moutputstream);
    log.e(tag, "download incomplete bytescopied="+bytescopied+", length"+length);
  } catch (ioexception e) {
   // todo auto-generated catch block
  return bytescopied;
 private int copy(inputstream input, outputstream output){
  byte[] buffer = new byte[1024*8];
  bufferedinputstream in = new bufferedinputstream(input, 1024*8);
  bufferedoutputstream out  = new bufferedoutputstream(output, 1024*8);
  int count =0,n=0;
  try {
   while((n=in.read(buffer, 0, 1024*8))!=-1){
    out.write(buffer, 0, n);
  } catch (ioexception e) {
   // todo auto-generated catch block
   try {
   } catch (ioexception e) {
    // todo auto-generated catch block
   try {
   } catch (ioexception e) {
    // todo auto-generated catch block
  return count;
 private final class progressreportingoutputstream extends fileoutputstream{

  public progressreportingoutputstream(file file)
    throws filenotfoundexception {
   // todo auto-generated constructor stub

  public void write(byte[] buffer, int byteoffset, int bytecount)
    throws ioexception {
   // todo auto-generated method stub
   super.write(buffer, byteoffset, bytecount);
      mprogress += bytecount;


zipextractortask .java

复制代码 代码如下:

package com.johnny.testzipanddownload;

import java.io.bufferedinputstream;
import java.io.bufferedoutputstream;
import java.io.file;
import java.io.filenotfoundexception;
import java.io.fileoutputstream;
import java.io.ioexception;
import java.io.inputstream;
import java.io.outputstream;
import java.util.enumeration;
import java.util.zip.zipentry;
import java.util.zip.zipexception;
import java.util.zip.zipfile;

import android.app.progressdialog;
import android.content.context;
import android.content.dialoginterface;
import android.content.dialoginterface.oncancellistener;
import android.os.asynctask;
import android.util.log;

public class zipextractortask extends asynctask<void, integer, long> {
 private final string tag = "zipextractortask";
 private final file minput;
 private final file moutput;
 private final progressdialog mdialog;
 private int mprogress = 0;
 private final context mcontext;
 private boolean mreplaceall;
 public zipextractortask(string in, string out, context context, boolean replaceall){
  minput = new file(in);
  moutput = new file(out);
    log.e(tag, "failed to make directories:"+moutput.getabsolutepath());
   mdialog = new progressdialog(context);
   mdialog = null;
  mcontext = context;
  mreplaceall = replaceall;
 protected long doinbackground(void... params) {
  // todo auto-generated method stub
  return unzip();

 protected void onpostexecute(long result) {
  // todo auto-generated method stub
 protected void onpreexecute() {
  // todo auto-generated method stub
   mdialog.setoncancellistener(new oncancellistener() {

    public void oncancel(dialoginterface dialog) {
     // todo auto-generated method stub
 protected void onprogressupdate(integer... values) {
  // todo auto-generated method stub
   int max=values[1];
 private long unzip(){
  long extractedsize = 0l;
  enumeration<zipentry> entries;
  zipfile zip = null;
  try {
   zip = new zipfile(minput);
   long uncompressedsize = getoriginalsize(zip);
   publishprogress(0, (int) uncompressedsize);

   entries = (enumeration<zipentry>) zip.entries();
    zipentry entry = entries.nextelement();
    file destination = new file(moutput, entry.getname());
     log.e(tag, "make="+destination.getparentfile().getabsolutepath());

    progressreportingoutputstream outstream = new progressreportingoutputstream(destination);
  } catch (zipexception e) {
   // todo auto-generated catch block
  } catch (ioexception e) {
   // todo auto-generated catch block
   try {
   } catch (ioexception e) {
    // todo auto-generated catch block

  return extractedsize;

 private long getoriginalsize(zipfile file){
  enumeration<zipentry> entries = (enumeration<zipentry>) file.entries();
  long originalsize = 0l;
   zipentry entry = entries.nextelement();
  return originalsize;

 private int copy(inputstream input, outputstream output){
  byte[] buffer = new byte[1024*8];
  bufferedinputstream in = new bufferedinputstream(input, 1024*8);
  bufferedoutputstream out  = new bufferedoutputstream(output, 1024*8);
  int count =0,n=0;
  try {
   while((n=in.read(buffer, 0, 1024*8))!=-1){
    out.write(buffer, 0, n);
  } catch (ioexception e) {
   // todo auto-generated catch block
   try {
   } catch (ioexception e) {
    // todo auto-generated catch block
   try {
   } catch (ioexception e) {
    // todo auto-generated catch block
  return count;

 private final class progressreportingoutputstream extends fileoutputstream{

  public progressreportingoutputstream(file file)
    throws filenotfoundexception {
   // todo auto-generated constructor stub

  public void write(byte[] buffer, int byteoffset, int bytecount)
    throws ioexception {
   // todo auto-generated method stub
   super.write(buffer, byteoffset, bytecount);
      mprogress += bytecount;


main activity

复制代码 代码如下:

package com.johnny.testzipanddownload;

import android.os.bundle;
import android.os.environment;
import android.app.activity;
import android.app.alertdialog;
import android.content.dialoginterface;
import android.content.dialoginterface.onclicklistener;
import android.util.log;
import android.view.menu;

public class mainactivity extends activity {

 private final string tag="mainactivity";
 protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {

  log.d(tag, "environment.getexternalstoragedirectory()="+environment.getexternalstoragedirectory());
  log.d(tag, "getcachedir().getabsolutepath()="+getcachedir().getabsolutepath());


 public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) {
  // inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
  getmenuinflater().inflate(r.menu.main, menu);
  return true;

 private void showdownloaddialog(){
  new alertdialog.builder(this).settitle("确认")
  .setpositivebutton("是", new onclicklistener() {

   public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int which) {
    // todo auto-generated method stub
    log.d(tag, "onclick 1 = "+which);
  .setnegativebutton("否", new onclicklistener() {

   public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int which) {
    // todo auto-generated method stub
    log.d(tag, "onclick 2 = "+which);

 public void showunzipdialog(){
  new alertdialog.builder(this).settitle("确认")
  .setpositivebutton("是", new onclicklistener() {

   public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int which) {
    // todo auto-generated method stub
    log.d(tag, "onclick 1 = "+which);
  .setnegativebutton("否", new onclicklistener() {

   public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int which) {
    // todo auto-generated method stub
    log.d(tag, "onclick 2 = "+which);

 public void dozipextractorwork(){
  //zipextractortask task = new zipextractortask("/storage/usb3/system.zip", "/storage/emulated/legacy/", this, true);
  zipextractortask task = new zipextractortask("/storage/emulated/legacy/testzip.zip", "/storage/emulated/legacy/", this, true);

 private void dodownloadwork(){
  downloadertask task = new downloadertask("", "/storage/emulated/legacy/", this);
  //downloadertask task = new downloadertask("", getcachedir().getabsolutepath()+"/", this);
