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程序员文章站 2022-06-29 09:19:57
复制代码 代码如下://观察者,需要用到观察者模式的类需实现此接口public interface observer { void update(object.....

复制代码 代码如下:

public interface observer {
 void update(object... objs);

public abstract class observable {

 public final arraylist<class<?>> obserlist = new arraylist<class<?>>();

 /** attach observer (通过实例注册观察者)
  * <b>notice:</b> ob can't be null ,or it will throw nullpointerexception
  * */
 public <t> void registerobserver(t ob) {
  if (ob == null) throw new nullpointerexception();

  * attach observer(通过class注册观察者)
  * @param cls
 public void registerobserver(class<?> cls) {
  if (cls == null) throw new nullpointerexception();
  synchronized(obserlist) {
   if (!obserlist.contains(cls)) {

 /** unattach observer (注销观察者)
  * <b>notice:</b>
  * <b>it reverses with attachobserver() method</b>
  * */
 public <t> void unregisterobserver(t ob) {
  if (ob == null) throw new nullpointerexception();

 /** unattach observer(注销观察者,有时候在未获取到实例使用)
  * <b>notice:</b>
  * <b>it reverses with attachobserver() method</b>
  * */
 public void unregisterobserver(class<?> cls) {
  if(cls == null) throw new nullpointerexception();
   iterator<class<?>> iterator = obserlist.iterator();
   while(iterator.hasnext()) {

 /** detach all observers */
 public void unregisterall() {
  synchronized(obserlist) {

 /** ruturn the size of observers */
 public int countobservers() {
  synchronized(obserlist) {
   return obserlist.size();

  * notify all observer (通知所有观察者,在子类中实现)
  * @param objs
 public abstract void notifyobservers(object... objs);

  * notify one certain observer (通知某一个确定的观察者)
  * @param cls
  * @param objs
 public abstract void notifyobserver(class<?> cls, object... objs);

  * notify one certain observer
  * @param cls
  * @param objs
 public abstract <t> void notifyobserver(t t, object... objs);

public class concreteobservable extends observable {

 private static concreteobservable instance = null;
 private concreteobservable() {}
 public static synchronized concreteobservable getinstance() {
  if (instance == null) {
   instance = new concreteobservable();
  return instance;

 public <t> void notifyobserver(t t, object... objs) {
  // todo auto-generated method stub
  if (t == null) throw new nullpointerexception();
  this.notifyobserver(t.getclass(), objs);

 public void notifyobservers(object... objs) {
  // todo auto-generated method stub
  for (class<?> cls : obserlist) {
   this.notifyobserver(cls, objs);

 @override  //通过java反射机制实现调用
 public void notifyobserver(class<?> cls, object... objs) {
  // todo auto-generated method stub
  if (cls == null) throw new nullpointerexception();
  method[] methods = cls.getdeclaredmethods();
  for (method method : methods) {
   if (method.getname().equals("update")) {
    try {
     method.invoke(cls, objs);
    } catch (illegalargumentexception e) {
     // todo auto-generated catch block
    } catch (illegalaccessexception e) {
     // todo auto-generated catch block
    } catch (invocationtargetexception e) {
     // todo auto-generated catch block


//使用 (实现observer接口)
public class text extends activity implements observer {
   public void oncreate(...) {

   public void update(object... objs) {
       // 做操作,比如更新数据,更新ui等