在上一篇博客初窥aspectj中,我们提到aspectj给java提供了三种新的结构,pointcut,advice以及inter-type declaration(itd),而且我们通过一个简单的demo介绍了如何使用pointcut和advice。而本文将介绍inter-type declaration是什么,可以做什么,最后同样会通过一个demo来介绍如何使用。后文将主要用itd来表示inter-type declaration。
本文中demo的代码可以在github 中找到。
inter-type declaration (itd),翻译成中文是类型间声明。即使看到中文翻译,相信大家还是一头雾水,不知所云,所以我不是很喜欢对一些英文名字,尤其是技术名字进行生硬的翻译,这只会增加大家的理解负担。其实,换一种说法可能更好理解,member introduction(成员注入),其目的就是通过aspect的方式,在现有的类中注入一些新的成员变量或者成员方法。通过aspect,我们可以向一个类中注入如下成员:
- 成员变量(final或者非final)
- 方法
- 构造函数
- 方法的默认实现
- 非final的域
- private: 通过private声明的私有成员属于目标类,但是呢,只对aspect脚本可见,而对目标类不可见;
- public: 声明为public的成员对所有类和apsect都可见;
- default package protected:这里的包可见性是相对于aspect所在的包,而不是相对于目标类所在的包。
inter-type declaration示例
package cc.databus.aspect.intertype; public class point { private int x; private int y; public point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public int getx() { return x; } public void setx(int x) { this.x = x; } public int gety() { return y; } public void sety(int y) { this.y = y; } }
package cc.databus.aspect.intertype; public aspect pointaspect { // creates a new interface named hasname private interface hasname{} // make class ppint implements hashname declare parents: point implements hasname; // make hasname has a field named name private string; // make hasname has a method getname() and default implemented public string hasname.getname() { return name; } // make hasname has a method named setname and default public void hasname.setname(string name) { = name; } // add a field named created to class point // with default value 0 long point.created = 0; // add a field named lastupdated to class point // with default value 0 private long point.lastupdated = 0; // add a private method setupdated() private void point.setupdated() { this.lastupdated = system.currenttimemillis(); } // implement tostring() for point // include the fields added in the aspect file public string point.tostring() { return string.format( "point: {name=%s, x=%d; y=%d, created=%d, updated=%d}", getname(), getx(), gety(), created, lastupdated); } // pointcut the constructor, and set the value for created after() returning(point p) : call( && !within(pointaspect) { system.out.println(thisjoinpointstaticpart); system.out.println("set created"); p.created = system.currenttimemillis(); } // define a pointcut for setx and sety pointcut update(point p): target(p) && call(void point.set*(..)); // make the lastupdated updated every time // setx or sety invoked after(point p): update(p) && !within(pointaspect) { system.out.println("set updated for point due to " + thisjoinpointstaticpart); p.setupdated(); } }
// creates a new interface named hasname private interface hasname{} // make class ppint implements hashname declare parents: point implements hasname; // make hasname has a field named name private string; // make hasname has a method getname() and default implemented public string hasname.getname() { return name; } // make hasname has a method named setname and default public void hasname.setname(string name) { = name; }
// add a field named created to class point // with default value 0 long point.created = 0; // add a field named lastupdated to class point // with default value 0 private long point.lastupdated = 0; // add a private method setupdated() private void point.updated() { this.lastupdated = system.currenttimemillis(); } // implement tostring() for point // include the fields added in the aspect file public string point.tostring() { return string.format( "point: {name=%s, x=%d; y=%d, created=%d, updated=%d}", getname(), getx(), gety(), created, lastupdated); }
的赋值,以及调用setx(int), set(int)以及setname(string)的时候更新lastupdated成员变量(这里使用!within(pointaspect)
// pointcut the constructor, and set the value for created after() returning(point p) : call( && !within(pointaspect) { system.out.println(thisjoinpointstaticpart); system.out.println("set created"); p.created = system.currenttimemillis(); } // define a pointcut for setx and sety pointcut update(point p): target(p) && call(void point.set*(..)); // make the lastupdated updated every time // setx or sety invoked after(point p): update(p) && !within(pointaspect) { system.out.println("set updated for point due to " + thisjoinpointstaticpart); p.setupdated(); }
package cc.databus.aspect.intertype; import org.junit.test; public class testpointaspect { @test public void test() { point point = new point(1,1); point.setname("test"); point.setx(12); point.sety(123); system.out.println(point); } }
call(cc.databus.aspect.intertype.point(int, int)) set created set updated for point due to call(void cc.databus.aspect.intertype.point.setname(string)) set updated for point due to call(void cc.databus.aspect.intertype.point.setx(int)) set updated for point due to call(void cc.databus.aspect.intertype.point.sety(int)) point: {name=test, x=12; y=123, created=1536153649547, updated=1536153649548}
传送门: aspectj中的类型间声明(成员注入)
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