InsightScan:Python多线程Ping/端口扫描 + HTTP服务/APP 探测,可生成Hydra用的IP列表
Usage: <hosts[/24|/CIDR]> [start port] [end port] -t threads
Example: 1 1024 -t 20
-h, –help show this help message and exit
-t NUM, –threads=NUM
Maximum threads, default 50
-p PORTS, –portlist=PORTS
Customize port list, separate with ‘,’ example:
21,22,23,25 …
-N, –noping Skip ping sweep, port scan whether targets are alive
or not
-P, –pingonly Ping scan only,disable port scan
-d, –downpage Download and save HTML pages from HTTP
ports(80,81,8080), also detects some web apps
-l, –genlist Output a list, ordered by port number,for THC-Hydra IP
-L, –genfile Put the IP list in separate files named by port
number. Implies -l option. Example: IPs with port 445
opened will be put into 445.txt
-t 最大扫描线程数,默认50
-p 自定义端口列表,用逗号分隔,例如 -p 21,23,25,80 也可以只设定一个端口, -p 445
-N 不ping直接扫描,相当于nmap的 -Pn选项,会比较慢
-P 不扫描端口,只进行ping扫描 判断存活主机
-d 在 80,81,8080端口检测 HTTP服务器,并且扫描一些常见web应用,比如:’phpinfo.php’,'phpmyadmin/’,'xmapp/’,'zabbix/’,'jmx-console/’,’.svn/entries’,'nagios/’,'index.action’,'login.action’
-l 把扫描结果按照端口号分类后输出,只有在完全扫描完成后才会输出,输出:
========Port 3306 ========
========Port 139 ========
========Port 3389 ========
========Port 80 ========
========Port 23 ========
========Port 443 ========
========Port 445 ========
-L 按照不同端口号生成以端口号命名的txt文件,文件内容是打开该端口的IP列表,例如 在192.168.0.0/24 扫描22和445端口,
扫描结束后会在当前目录生成 22.txt和 445.txt,里面是这个ip段所有打开这两个端口的ip列表。生成的列表文件可以直接供THC-hydra的 -M 选项使用
#coding:utf-8 #!/usr/bin/env python ''' ______ __ __ /\__ _\ __ /\ \ /\ \__ \/_/\ \/ ___ ____/\_\ __\ \ \___\ \ ,_\ \ \ \ /' _ `\ /',__\/\ \ /'_ `\ \ _ `\ \ \/ \_\ \__/\ \/\ \/\__, `\ \ \/\ \L\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ /\_____\ \_\ \_\/\____/\ \_\ \____ \ \_\ \_\ \__\ \/_____/\/_/\/_/\/___/ \/_/\/___L\ \/_/\/_/\/__/ /\____/ \_/__/ __ __ /\ \ /\ \ \ \ \ __ \ \ \____ ____ \ \ \ __ /'__`\ \ \ '__`\ /',__\ \ \ \L\ \/\ \L\.\_\ \ \L\ \/\__, `\ \ \____/\ \__/.\_\\ \_,__/\/\____/ \/___/ \/__/\/_/ \/___/ \/___/ ''' import platform import sys import socket as sk import httplib from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import re from optparse import OptionParser import threading from threading import Thread from Queue import Queue NUM = 50 PORTS=[21,22,23,25,80,81,110,135,139,389,443,445,873,1433,1434,1521,2433,3306,3307,3389,5800,5900,8080,22222,22022,27017,28017] URLS=['','phpinfo.php','phpmyadmin/','xmapp/','zabbix/','jmx-console/','.svn/entries','nagios/','index.action','login.action'] # convert an IP address from its dotted-quad format to its # 32 binary digit representation def ip2bin(ip): b = "" inQuads = ip.split(".") outQuads = 4 for q in inQuads: if q != "": b += dec2bin(int(q),8) outQuads -= 1 while outQuads > 0: b += "00000000" outQuads -= 1 return b # convert a decimal number to binary representation # if d is specified, left-pad the binary number with 0s to that length def dec2bin(n,d=None): s = "" while n>0: if n&1: s = "1"+s else: s = "0"+s n >>= 1 if d is not None: while len(s)<d: s = "0"+s if s == "": s = "0" return s # convert a binary string into an IP address def bin2ip(b): ip = "" for i in range(0,len(b),8): ip += str(int(b[i:i+8],2))+"." return ip[:-1] # print a list of IP addresses based on the CIDR block specified def listCIDR(c): cidrlist=[] parts = c.split("/") baseIP = ip2bin(parts[0]) subnet = int(parts[1]) # Python string-slicing weirdness: # "myString"[:-1] -> "myStrin" but "myString"[:0] -> "" # if a subnet of 32 was specified simply print the single IP if subnet == 32: print bin2ip(baseIP) # for any other size subnet, print a list of IP addresses by concatenating # the prefix with each of the suffixes in the subnet else: ipPrefix = baseIP[:-(32-subnet)] for i in range(2**(32-subnet)): cidrlist.append(bin2ip(ipPrefix+dec2bin(i, (32-subnet)))) return cidrlist # input validation routine for the CIDR block specified def validateCIDRBlock(b): # appropriate format for CIDR block ($prefix/$subnet) p = re.compile("^([0-9]{1,3}\.){0,3}[0-9]{1,3}(/[0-9]{1,2}){1}$") if not p.match(b): print "Error: Invalid CIDR format!" return False # extract prefix and subnet size prefix, subnet = b.split("/") # each quad has an appropriate value (1-255) quads = prefix.split(".") for q in quads: if (int(q) < 0) or (int(q) > 255): print "Error: quad "+str(q)+" wrong size." return False # subnet is an appropriate value (1-32) if (int(subnet) < 1) or (int(subnet) > 32): print "Error: subnet "+str(subnet)+" wrong size." return False # passed all checks -> return True return True def pinger(): global pinglist while True: ip=q.get() if platform.system()=='Linux': p=Popen(['ping','-c 2',ip],stdout=PIPE) m ='(.*)\srecieved', if m!=0: pinglist.append(ip) if platform.system()=='Windows': p=Popen('ping -n 2 ' + ip, stdout=PIPE) m ='TTL', if m: pinglist.append(ip) q.task_done() def scanipport(): global lock while True: host,port=sq.get() sd=sk.socket(sk.AF_INET, sk.SOCK_STREAM) try: sd.connect((host,port)) if options.genlist==True: if port not in ipdict: ipdict[port]=[] ipdict[port].append(host) else: ipdict[port].append(host) else: lock.acquire() print "%s:%d OPEN" % (host, port) lock.release() sd.close() if options.downpage==True and port in [80,81,1080,8080]: dlpage(ip,port) except: pass sq.task_done() def dlpage(ip,port): global page,lock page+='<h1>'+ip+':'+str(port)+'</h1><br>' for url in URLS: c=httplib.HTTPConnection(ip+':'+str(port)) c.request('GET','/'+url) r=c.getresponse() #print url,r.status if r.status in [200,301,302]: if url=='': url='Homepage' lock.acquire() print ip+':'+str(port),url,'exists' page+='<h2>'+url+'</h2><br>' lock.release() c.close() if __name__ == "__main__": usage="usage: <hosts[/24|/CIDR]> [start port] [end port] -t threads\n\nExample: 1 1024 -t 20" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-t", "--threads", dest="NUM",help="Maximum threads, default 50") parser.add_option("-p", "--portlist", dest="PORTS",help="Customize port list, separate with ',' example: 21,22,23,25 ...") parser.add_option("-N", '--noping', action="store_true", dest="noping",help="Skip ping sweep, port scan whether targets are alive or not") parser.add_option("-P", '--pingonly', action="store_true", dest="noscan",help="Ping scan only,disable port scan") parser.add_option("-d", '--downpage', action="store_true", dest="downpage",help="Download and save HTML pages from HTTP ports(80,81,8080), also detects some web apps") parser.add_option("-l", '--genlist', action="store_true", dest="genlist",help="Output a list, ordered by port number,for THC-Hydra IP list") parser.add_option("-L", '--genfile', action="store_true", dest="genfile",help="Put the IP list in separate files named by port number. Implies -l option.\nExample: IPs with port 445 opened will be put into 445.txt") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.NUM !=None and options.NUM!=0: NUM=int(options.NUM) print 'Scanning with',NUM,'threads...' if len(args)<1: parser.print_help() sys.exit() if options.noping== True and options.noscan == True: print 'ERROR: Cannot use -N and -P together' sys.exit() iplist=[] ipaddr=args[0] if len(args)==2: print 'Must specify end port' sys.exit() try: sk.inet_aton(ipaddr) iplist.append(ipaddr) except: if not validateCIDRBlock(ipaddr): print 'IP address not valid!' sys.exit() else: iplist=listCIDR(ipaddr) if len(args)==3: startport=int(args[1]) endport=int(args[2]) if startport>endport: print 'start port must be smaller or equal to end port' sys.exit() PORTS=[] for i in xrange(startport,endport+1): PORTS.append(i) if options.PORTS!= None: PORTS=[int(pn) for pn in options.PORTS.split(',') ] global page page='' #start ping threads if options.noping != True: print "Scanning for live machines...\n" global pinglist q=Queue() pinglist=[] for i in range(NUM): t = Thread(target=pinger) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() for ip in iplist: q.put(ip) q.join() else: pinglist=iplist #print pinglist if options.noscan == True: for host in pinglist: print host, sys.exit() if len(pinglist)==0: print 'No live machines detected. Try again with -N switch' sys.exit() print "Scanning ports...\n" sq=Queue() lock = threading.Lock() if options.genfile==True: options.genlist=True if options.genlist==True: global ipdict ipdict={} for i in range(NUM): st = Thread(target=scanipport) st.setDaemon(True) st.start() for scanip in pinglist: for port in PORTS: sq.put((scanip,port)) sq.join() if options.genlist==True: for port,iplist in ipdict.items(): if options.genfile==True: file=open(str(port)+'.txt', "w") else: print "\n========Port",port,'========' for ip in iplist: if options.genfile==True: file.write(ip+"\n") else: print ip if options.downpage==True and page!='': f = open('page.html', 'w') f.write(page) f.close() print 'page dumped to page.html'
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