2022-06-27 21:54:36
--从一个成语开始接龙找到另一个成语 DECLARE @cb NVARCHAR(4)= '为所欲为'; --, --@ce NVARCHAR(15)= '鸡飞狗跳'; WITH cte_get_path AS ( SELECT word , --0 AS is_recycle , ... ......
--从一个成语开始接龙找到另一个成语 declare @cb nvarchar(4)= '为所欲为'; --, --@ce nvarchar(15)= '鸡飞狗跳'; with cte_get_path as ( select word , --0 as is_recycle , cast(word as nvarchar(max)) as cpath , 1 as level , first_word , last_word from dbo.cy where word = @cb union all select s.word , --case when s.word = @ce then 1 -- else 0 --end as is_recycle , cast(p.cpath + '>' + s.word as nvarchar(max)) as cpath , p.level + 1 as level , s.first_word , s.last_word from dbo.cy as s inner join cte_get_path as p on p.last_word = s.first_word and charindex(s.word, p.cpath) = 0 and p.level + 1 <= 5--限制成语的个数为5个 --and p.is_recycle = 0 ) select * from cte_get_path --where cte_get_path.word = @ce;