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spring boot实现自动输出word文档功能的实例代码

程序员文章站 2022-06-27 07:59:59
spring boot实现自动输出word文档功能本文用到apache poi组件组件依赖在pom.xml文件中添加

spring boot实现自动输出word文档功能

本文用到apache poi组件



import lombok.data;

// 选择题实体
public class multiquestion {
    private integer questionid;

    private string subject;

    private string section;

    private string answera;

    private string answerb;

    private string answerc;

    private string answerd;

    private string question;

    private string level;

    private string rightanswer;

    private string analysis; //题目解析

    private integer score;
import lombok.data;

public class fillquestion {
    private integer questionid;

    private string subject;

    private string question;

    private string answer;

    private integer score;

    private string level;

    private string section;

    private string analysis; //题目解析
import lombok.data;

public class judgequestion {
    private integer questionid;

    private string subject;

    private string question;

    private string answer;

    private string level;

    private string section;

    private integer score;

    private string analysis; //题目解析


public interface multiquestionmapper {
     * select * from multiquestions where questionid in (
     * 	select questionid from papermanage where questiontype = 1 and paperid = 1001
     * )
    @select("select * from multi_question where questionid in (select questionid from paper_manage where questiontype = 1 and paperid = #{paperid})")
    list<multiquestion> findbyidandtype(integer paperid);

    @select("select * from multi_question")
    ipage<multiquestion> findall(page page);

     * 查询最后一条记录的questionid
     * @return multiquestion
    @select("select questionid from multi_question order by questionid desc limit 1")
    multiquestion findonlyquestionid();

    @options(usegeneratedkeys = true,keyproperty = "questionid")
    @insert("insert into multi_question(subject,question,answera,answerb,answerc,answerd,rightanswer,analysis,section,level) " +
    int add(multiquestion multiquestion);

    @select("select questionid from multi_question  where subject =#{subject} order by rand() desc limit #{pageno}")
    list<integer> findbysubject(string subject,integer pageno);

public interface fillquestionmapper {

    @select("select * from fill_question where questionid in (select questionid from paper_manage where questiontype = 2 and paperid = #{paperid})")
    list<fillquestion> findbyidandtype(integer paperid);

    @select("select * from fill_question")
    ipage<fillquestion> findall(page page);

     * 查询最后一条questionid
     * @return fillquestion
    @select("select questionid from fill_question order by questionid desc limit 1")
    fillquestion findonlyquestionid();

    @options(usegeneratedkeys = true,keyproperty ="questionid" )
    @insert("insert into fill_question(subject,question,answer,analysis,level,section) values " +
    int add(fillquestion fillquestion);

    @select("select questionid from fill_question where subject = #{subject} order by rand() desc limit #{pageno}")
    list<integer> findbysubject(string subject,integer pageno);

public interface judgequestionmapper {

    @select("select * from judge_question where questionid in (select questionid from paper_manage where questiontype = 3 and paperid = #{paperid})")
    list<judgequestion> findbyidandtype(integer paperid);

    @select("select * from judge_question")
    ipage<judgequestion> findall(page page);

     * 查询最后一条记录的questionid
     * @return judgequestion
    @select("select questionid from judge_question order by questionid desc limit 1")
    judgequestion findonlyquestionid();

    @insert("insert into judge_question(subject,question,answer,analysis,level,section) values " +
    int add(judgequestion judgequestion);

    @select("select questionid from judge_question  where subject=#{subject}  order by rand() desc limit #{pageno}")
    list<integer> findbysubject(string subject,integer pageno);


public interface judgequestionservice {

    list<judgequestion> findbyidandtype(integer paperid);

    ipage<judgequestion> findall(page<judgequestion> page);

    judgequestion findonlyquestionid();

    int add(judgequestion judgequestion);

    list<integer> findbysubject(string subject,integer pageno);
public class judgequestionserviceimpl implements judgequestionservice {

    private judgequestionmapper judgequestionmapper;

    public list<judgequestion> findbyidandtype(integer paperid) {
        return judgequestionmapper.findbyidandtype(paperid);

    public ipage<judgequestion> findall(page<judgequestion> page) {
        return judgequestionmapper.findall(page);

    public judgequestion findonlyquestionid() {
        return judgequestionmapper.findonlyquestionid();

    public int add(judgequestion judgequestion) {
        return judgequestionmapper.add(judgequestion);

    public list<integer> findbysubject(string subject, integer pageno) {
        return judgequestionmapper.findbysubject(subject,pageno);


    public void exportword(int examcode, httpservletresponse response) throws filenotfoundexception{
    //由于题目应于考试信息对应 所以需要先查出考试信息后根据pageid来查找对应的组卷信息
        exammanage res = exammanageservice.findbyid(examcode);
        int paperid = res.getpaperid();
        list<multiquestion> multiquestionres = multiquestionservice.findbyidandtype(paperid);   //选择题题库 1
        list<fillquestion> fillquestionsres = fillquestionservice.findbyidandtype(paperid);     //填空题题库 2
        list<judgequestion> judgequestionres = judgequestionservice.findbyidandtype(paperid);
        xwpfdocument document= new xwpfdocument();
        xwpfparagraph firstparagraph = document.createparagraph();
        xwpfrun run = firstparagraph.createrun();
        int i = 1;
        run.settext("一、选择题" + "\r\n"); //换行
        for (multiquestion multiquestion : multiquestionres) {
            string str = multiquestion.getquestion();
            string str1 = multiquestion.getanswera();
            string str2 = multiquestion.getanswerb();
            string str3 = multiquestion.getanswerc();
            string str4 = multiquestion.getanswerd();
            run.settext(i + ". " + str + "\r\n");
            run.settext("a. " + str1 + "\r\n");
            run.settext("b. " + str2 + "\r\n");
            run.settext("c. " + str3 + "\r\n");
            run.settext("d. " + str4 + "\r\n");
        run.settext("二、填空题" + "\r\n");
        for (fillquestion fillquestion : fillquestionsres) {
            string str = fillquestion.getquestion();
            run.settext(i + ". " + str + "\r\n");
        run.settext("三、判断题" + "\r\n");
        for (judgequestion judgequestion : judgequestionres) {
            string str = judgequestion.getquestion();
            run.settext(i + ". " + str + "\r\n");

        try {
            this.setresponseheader(response, res.getsource() + "试卷.doc");
            outputstream os = response.getoutputstream();
        } catch (exception e) {

     * 发送响应流方法
    private void setresponseheader(httpservletresponse response, string filename) {
        try {
            try {
                filename = urlencoder.encode(filename, "utf-8");
            } catch (unsupportedencodingexception e) {
            response.setheader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename="+ filename);
            response.addheader("pargam", "no-cache");
            response.addheader("cache-control", "no-cache");
        } catch (exception ex) {


spring boot实现自动输出word文档功能的实例代码

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