BabylonJS文件格式---基于WebGL的H5 3D游戏引擎
Babylon.js 使用JSON文件格式来描述场景.
.babylon 文件使用下面的约定来定义基础类型:
Vector3: 一个含有3个浮点数([x, y, z])的数组. 例子: [1.1, 2.2, 3.3] Vector4: 一个含有4个浮点数([x, y, z, w])的数组. 例子: [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4] Color3: 一个含有3个浮点数 ([r, g, b])且每个数的值大小在0和1间的数组. 例子: [0.2, 0.3, 0.5] Matrix: 行优先(先按行存储)的含有16个浮点数的数组 Boolean: 真或假 全局结构体.babylon文件里的全局结构体是下面这样的:
{ "autoClear": boolean, "clearColor": color3, "ambientColor": color3, "gravity": vector3 (通常是[0,-9,0]), "cameras": 相机数组 (见下面), "activeCamera_": string, "lights": 光源数组(见下面), "materials": 材质数组 (见下面), "geometries": {...} (见下面), "meshes": 网格数组 (见下面), "multiMaterials": 多材质数组(见下面), "shadowGenerators": 阴影生成器数组 (见下面), "skeletons": 骨架数组 (见下面), "particleSystems": 例子系统弄个数组 (见下面), "lensFlareSystems": 镜头光晕数组 (见下面), "actions": 动作数组 (见下面), "sounds": 音效数组 (见下面), "workerCollisions": boolean, "collisionsEnabled": boolean, "physicsEnabled": boolean, "physicsGravity": vector3 (默认是[0,-9.81,0]), "physicsEngine": string ("oimo" 或 "cannon", 引擎默认为(oimo), "animations": 动画数组 (见下面,可以省略), "autoAnimate": boolean, "autoAnimateFrom": int, "autoAnimateTo": int, "autoAnimateLoop": boolean (可以省略), "autoAnimateSpeed": number (可以省略) }相机
{ "name": string, "id": string, "type": string, "tags": string, "parentId": string, "lockedTargetId": string, "position": vector3, "target": vector3, "alpha": float, // 仅仅支持ArcRotateCamera 和 AnaglyphArcRotateCamera "beta": float, // 仅仅支持 ArcRotateCamera 和 AnaglyphArcRotateCamera "radius": float, // 仅仅支持 ArcRotateCamera, FollowCamera 和 AnaglyphArcRotateCamera "eye_space": float, // 仅仅支持 AnaglyphFreeCamera 和 AnaglyphArcRotateCamera "heightOffset": float, // 仅仅支持 FollowCamera "rotationOffset": float, // 仅仅支持 FollowCamera "cameraRigMode": int (可以忽略), "fov": float (弧度单位), "minZ": float, "maxZ": float, "speed": float, "inertia": float (在0和1间), "checkCollisions": boolean, "applyGravity": boolean, "ellipsoid": vector3, "animations": Animations数组 (见下面,可以忽略), "autoAnimate": boolean, "autoAnimateFrom": int, "autoAnimateTo": int, "autoAnimateLoop": boolean (可以忽略), "autoAnimateSpeed": number (可以忽略), "inputmgr" : 相机的输入映射(可以忽略, 见下面) }相机的输入映射
{ "name": string, "id": string, "tags": string, "type": int (0表示点光,1表示方向光, 2表示聚光,3表示球面光), "position": vector3, "direction": vector3, "angle": float (用于点光源), "exponent": float (用于点光源), "groundColor": color3 (用于球面光光源), "intensity": float, "range": float, "diffuse": color3, "specular": color3, "excludedMeshesIds": array of string, "includedOnlyMeshesIds": array of string, "animations": array of Animations (见下面,可以忽略), "autoAnimate": boolean, "autoAnimateFrom": int, "autoAnimateTo": int, "autoAnimateLoop": boolean (可以忽略), "autoAnimateSpeed": number (可以忽略) }材质
{ "name": string, "id": string, "tags": string, "disableDepthWrite": boolean (可以忽略), "ambient": color3, "diffuse": color3, "specular": color3, "specularPower": float, "emissive": color3, "alpha": float, "backFaceCulling": boolean, "wireframe": boolean, "diffuseTexture": Texture (见下面), "ambientTexture": Texture (见下面), "opacityTexture": Texture (见下面, "reflectionTexture": Texture (见下面), "refractionTexture": Texture (见下面), "indexOfRefraction": float, "emissiveTexture": Texture (见下面), "specularTexture": Texture (见下面), "bumpTexture": Texture (见下面), "lightmapTexture": Texture (见下面), "useLightmapAsShadowmap": boolean, "checkReadyOnlyOnce": boolean "useReflectionFresnelFromSpecular": boolean (可以忽略), "useEmissiveAsIllumination": boolean (可以忽略), "diffuseFresnelParameters": 菲涅耳参数 (见下面), "opacityFresnelParameters": 菲涅耳参数 (见下面), "reflectionFresnelParameters": 菲涅耳参数 (见下面), "refractionFresnelParameters": 菲涅耳参数 (见下面), "emissiveFresnelParameters": 菲涅耳参数 (见下面) }菲涅耳参数
{ "isEnabled": boolean, "leftColor": color3, "rightColor": color3, "bias": float, "power": float }纹理
{ "name": string (文件名), "level": float (在0和1间), "hasAlpha": boolean, "getAlphaFromRGB": boolean, "coordinatesMode": int (0 = 显式, 1 = 球, 2 = 平面, 3 = 立方, 4 = 投影, 5 = 天空盒), "uOffset": float, "vOffset": float, "uScale": float, "vScale": float, "uAng": float, "vAng": float, "wAng": float, "wrapU": boolean, "wrapV": boolean, "coordinatesIndex": int, "animations": array of Animations (见下面,可以忽略), "base64String": string (可以忽略) }多纹理
{ "name": string, "id": string, "tags": string, "materials": string数组 (都是子纹理的ID) }几何体
{ "boxes": array of Boxes (见下面), "spheres": array of Spheres (见下面), "cylinders": array of Cylinders (见下面), "toruses": array of Toruses (见下面), "grounds": array of Grounds (见下面), "planes": array of Planes (见下面), "torusKnots": array of TorusKnots (见下面), "vertexData": array of VertexData (见下面) }盒子
{ "id": string, "size": float, "canBeRegenerated": bool, "tags": string }球体
{ "id": string, "segments": float, "diameter": float, "canBeRegenerated": bool, "tags": string }圆柱体
{ "id": string, "height": float, "diameterTop": float, "diameterBottom": float, "tessellation": float, "subpisions": integer, "canBeRegenerated": bool, "tags": string }环形体
{ "id": string, "diameter": float, "thickness": float, "tessellation": float, "canBeRegenerated": bool, "tags": string }地面
{ "id": string, "width": float, "height": float, "subpisions": float, "canBeRegenerated": bool, "tags": string }平面
{ "id": string, "size": float, "canBeRegenerated": bool, "tags": string }环形节
{ "id": string, "radius": float, "tube": float, "radialSegments": float, "tubularSegments": float, "p": float, "q": float, "canBeRegenerated": bool, "tags": string }顶点数据
{ "id": string, "updatable": bool, "positions": array of floats (每顶点3个数值), "normals": array of floats (每顶点3个数值), "uvs": array of floats (每顶点2个数值), "uv2s": array of floats (每顶点2个数值) 第2个纹理坐标 (可以忽略), "uv3s": array of floats (每顶点2个数值) 第3个纹理坐标 (可以忽略), "uv4s": array of floats (每顶点2个数值) 第4个纹理坐标 (可以忽略), "uv5s": array of floats (每顶点2个数值) 第5个纹理坐标 (可以忽略), "uv6s": array of floats (每顶点2个数值) 第6个纹理坐标 (可以忽略), "colors": array of floats (每顶点3个数值)每个顶点的颜色 (可以忽略), "matricesIndices": array of ints (每顶点4个数值) 骨骼数据在矩阵数组里的索引 (可以忽略), "matricesWeights": array of floats (每顶点4个数值) 骨骼数据在矩阵数组里的权重 (可以忽略), "indices": array of ints (每面点3个数值), "tags": string }实例
{ "name": string, "tags": string, "position": vector3, "rotation": vector3 (可以忽略), "rotationQuaternion": vector4 (可以忽略), "scaling": vector3 }网格
{ "name": string, "id": string, "tags": string, "parentId": string, "materialId": string, "geometryId": string (可以忽略), "position": vector3, "rotation": vector3 (可以忽略), "rotationQuaternion": vector4 (可以忽略), "scaling": vector3, "pivotMatrix": matrix, "freezeWorldMatrix": boolean (可以忽略), "infiniteDistance": boolean, "showBoundingBox": boolean, "showSubMeshesBoundingBox": boolean, "isVisible": boolean, "isEnabled": boolean, "pickable": boolean, "applyFog": boolean, "alphaIndex": int, "checkCollisions": boolean, "billboardMode": int (0 = None, 1 = X, 2 = Y, 4 = Z, 7 = All), "receiveShadows": boolean, "physicsImpostor": int (0 = None, 1 = Box, 2 = Sphere), "physicsMass": float, "physicsFriction": float, "physicsRestitution": float, "positions": array of floats (每顶点3个数值), "normals": array of floats (每顶点3个数值), "uvs": array of floats (每顶点2个数值), "uvs2": array of floats (每顶点2个数值) 第2个纹理坐标(可以忽略), "uv3s": array of floats (每顶点2个数值) 第3个纹理坐标 (可以忽略), "uv4s": array of floats (每顶点2个数值) 第5个纹理坐标 (可以忽略), "uv5s": array of floats (每顶点2个数值) 第6个纹理坐标 (可以忽略), "uv6s": array of floats (每顶点2个数值) 第7个纹理坐标 (可以忽略), "colors": array of floats (每顶点4个数值) 每个顶点的颜色 (可以忽略), "hasVertexAlpha": 指明颜色是否包含透明信息的值(可以忽略), "matricesIndices": array of ints (每顶点4个数值) 骨骼数据在矩阵数组里的索引 (可以忽略), "matricesWeights": array of floats (每顶点4个数值) 骨骼数据在矩阵数组里的权重 (可以忽略), "indices": array of ints (每面3个数值, "subMeshes": array of SubMeshes (见下面), "animations": array of Animations (见下面, 可以忽略), "autoAnimate": boolean, "autoAnimateFrom": int, "autoAnimateTo": int, "autoAnimateLoop": boolean, "autoAnimateSpeed": number (可以忽略) "instances": array of Instances (见下面, 可以忽略), "actions": array of actions (见下面) }
{ "materialIndex": int, "verticesStart": int, "verticesCount": int, "indexStart": int, "indexCount": int }动画
{ "dataType": int (0 = 浮点, 1 = 3元量, 2 = 4元量, 3 = 矩阵), "framePerSecond": int, "loopBehavior": int (0 = 相对, 1 = 周期, 2 = 常量), "name": string, "property": string, "keys": array of AnimationKeys (见下面), "autoAnimate": boolean, "autoAnimateFrom": int, "autoAnimateTo": int, "autoAnimateLoop": boolean }动画关键帧
{ "frame": int, "values": array of float (取决于播放的值) }阴影生成器
{ "useBlurVarianceShadowMap": boolean, "useVarianceShadowMap": boolean, "usePoissonSampling": boolean, "mapSize": int (在64和2048之间, 必须是2的幂), "bias": float, "forceBackFacesOnly": float, "lightId": string, "renderList": array of string (网格的ID) }骨架
{ "name": string, "id": string, "bones": array of Bones (见下面) "needInitialSkinMatrix": boolean }骨骼
{ "parentBoneIndex": int, "name": string, "matrix": matrix, "animations": array of Animations (必须是个矩阵类型) }粒子系统
{ "emitterId": string, "gravity": vector3, "direction1": vector3, "direction2": vector3, "minEmitBox": vector3, "maxEmitBox": vector3, "color1": color3, "color2": color3, "colorDead": color3, "deadAlpha": float, "emitRate": float, "updateSpeed": float, "targetStopFrame": int, "minEmitPower": int, "maxEmitPower": float, "minLifeTime": float, "maxLifeTime": float, "minSize": float, "maxSize": float, "minAngularSpeed": float, "maxAngularSpeed": float, "textureName": string, "blendMode": int, "capacity": int, "textureMask": color4, "linkToEmitter": bool, "animations": Animations数组 (见下面,可以省略), "autoAnimate": boolean, "autoAnimateFrom": int, "autoAnimateTo": int, "autoAnimateLoop": boolean (可以省略), "autoAnimateSpeed": number (可以忽略) }镜头光晕系统
{ "emitterId": string, "borderLimit": int, "flares": array of LensFlares (见下面) }镜头光晕
{ "position": float, "size": float, "color": color3, "textureName": string }音效
{ "name": string, (要加载的文件名) "volume": float, (如果忽略则为1) "autoplay": bool, (可忽略) "loop": bool, (可忽略) "soundTrackId": int, (可忽略) "spatialSound": bool, (启用3维音效,可忽略) "position": vector3, (如果忽略则为0,0,0) "refDistance": float, (可忽略, 默认为1) "rolloffFactor": float, (可忽略, 默认为1) "maxDistance": float, (可忽略, 默认为100) "distanceModel": string, (可忽略, 默认为线性的,其它值: 倒数或指数) "panningModel": string, (可忽略, 默认为HRTF, 其它值: 等幂) "isDirectional": bool, (启用方向椎体) "coneInnerAngle": float, (可忽略,用来设置有向音效) "coneOuterAngle": float, (可忽略,用来设置有向音效) "coneOuterGain": float, (可忽略,用来设置有向音效) "connectedMeshId": string, (网格附着对象的ID) "localDirectionToMesh": vector3 (可忽略,默认1,0,0) }动作
动作通过如下的JSON格式定义. 动作可以包含多个子的动作.
{ "type": number, (动作类型. 0 = 触发式, 1 = 动作, 2 = 流控制) "name": string, (触发式或流程的动作名) "detached": boolean, (节点是否挂载上. 如果detached === true意味着不会被计算) "properties": array of properties, (见下面) "children": array of Actions, "combine": array of Actions (用于组合动画. 例如 name = "CombineAction". 可以为null) }
属性通过如下JSON格式定义. 属性值总是字符串
{ "name": string, (属性名) "value": string, (属性值. 例如: name = "target" 和 value = "Plane001") "targetType": string (BabylonJS动作创建器内部使用的, 指明在哪找到"propertyPath"属性的) }例子
{ "autoClear": true, "clearColor": [0, 0, 0], "ambientColor": [0, 0, 0], "gravity": [0, -9.81, 0], "cameras": [{ "name": "Camera", "id": "Camera", "position": [7.4811, 5.3437, -6.5076], "target": [-0.3174, 0.8953, 0.3125], "fov": 0.8576, "minZ": 0.1, "maxZ": 100, "speed": 1, "inertia": 0.9, "checkCollisions": false, "applyGravity": false, "ellipsoid": [0.2, 0.9, 0.2] }], "activeCamera": "Camera", "lights": [{ "name": "Sun", "id": "Sun", "type": 1, "position": [0.926, 7.3608, 14.1829], "direction": [-0.347, -0.4916, -0.7987], "intensity": 1, "diffuse": [1, 1, 1], "specular": [1, 1, 1] }], "materials": [{ "name": "Material", "id": "Material", "ambient": [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], "diffuse": [0.64, 0.64, 0.64], "specular": [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], "specularPower": 50, "emissive": [0, 0, 0], "alpha": 1, "backFaceCulling": true, "diffuseTexture": { "name": "Metal1.png", "level": 1, "hasAlpha": 1, "coordinatesMode": 0, "uOffset": 0, "vOffset": 0, "uScale": 1, "vScale": 1, "uAng": 0, "vAng": 0, "wAng": 0, "wrapU": true, "wrapV": true, "coordinatesIndex": 0 } }, { "name": "Material.001", "id": "Material.001", "ambient": [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], "diffuse": [0.64, 0.64, 0.64], "specular": [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], "specularPower": 50, "emissive": [0, 0, 0], "alpha": 1, "backFaceCulling": true, "diffuseTexture": { "name": "concrete5.png", "level": 1, "hasAlpha": 1, "coordinatesMode": 0, "uOffset": 0, "vOffset": 0, "uScale": 5, "vScale": 5, "uAng": 0, "vAng": 0, "wAng": 0, "wrapU": true, "wrapV": true, "coordinatesIndex": 0 } }], "geometries": { "boxes": [{ "id": "BoxPrimitive", "size": 2, "canBeRegenerated": true, "tags": "Box Primitive Cube CanBeRegenerated" }], "vertexData": [{ "id": "CubeGeometry", "updatable": false, "positions": [ 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1], "normals": [0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, -0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773], "uvs": [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 0, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5], "indices": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1, 17, 2, 4, 18, 5, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 10, 12, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28] }] }, "meshes": [{ "name": "Plane", "id": "Plane", "materialId": "Material.001", "position": [0.0172, -2.9787, -0.5184], "rotation": [0, 0, 0], "scaling": [87.1479, 0.8635, 87.1479], "isVisible": true, "isEnabled": true, "checkCollisions": false, "billboardMode": 0, "receiveShadows": true, "positions": [-1, 0, -1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1], "normals": [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], "uvs": [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.9999, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.9999, 0.9999, 0.9999], "indices": [0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2], "subMeshes": [{ "materialIndex": 0, "verticesStart": 0, "verticesCount": 4, "indexStart": 0, "indexCount": 6 }] }, { "name": "Cube", "id": "Cube", "materialId": "Material", "geometryId": "CubeGeometry", "position": [0, 0, 0], "rotation": [0, 0, 0], "scaling": [1, 1, 1], "isVisible": true, "isEnabled": true, "checkCollisions": false, "billboardMode": 0, "receiveShadows": false, "subMeshes": [{ "materialIndex": 0, "verticesStart": 0, "verticesCount": 29, "indexStart": 0, "indexCount": 36 }], "animations": [{ "dataType": 1, "framePerSecond": 30, "loopBehavior": 1, "name": "position animation", "property": "position", "keys": [{ "frame": 0, "values": [0,0,0.0291] }, { "frame": 1, "values": [0,0,0.0291] }, { "frame": 30, "values": [0,0,10] }, { "frame": 60, "values": [0,0,9.975] }, { "frame": 90, "values": [0,0,0] }, { "frame": 250, "values": [0,0,0] }] }, { "dataType": 1, "framePerSecond": 30, "loopBehavior": 1, "name": "rotation animation", "property": "rotation", "keys": [{ "frame": 0, "values": [-0.016, 0, 0] }, { "frame": 30, "values": [-0.016, 0, 0] }, { "frame": 60, "values": [-6.2832, 0, 0] }, { "frame": 250, "values": [-6.2832, 0, 0] }] }], "autoAnimate": true, "autoAnimateFrom": 0, "autoAnimateTo": 250, "autoAnimateLoop": true }, { "name": "Cube2", "id": "Cube2", "materialId": "Material", "geometryId": "CubeGeometry", "position": [10, 0, 0], "rotation": [0, 0, 0], "scaling": [1, 1, 1], "isVisible": true, "isEnabled": true, "checkCollisions": false, "billboardMode": 0, "receiveShadows": false, "subMeshes": [{ "materialIndex": 0, "verticesStart": 0, "verticesCount": 29, "indexStart": 0, "indexCount": 36 }] }, { "name": "Cube3", "id": "Cube3", "materialId": "Material", "geometryId": "BoxPrimitive", "position": [-10, 0, 0], "rotation": [0, 0, 0], "scaling": [1, 1, 1], "isVisible": true, "isEnabled": true, "checkCollisions": false, "billboardMode": 0, "receiveShadows": false, "subMeshes": [{ "materialIndex": 0, "verticesStart": 0, "verticesCount": 29, "indexStart": 0, "indexCount": 36 }] }], "multiMaterials": [], "shadowGenerators": [{ "useVarianceShadowMap": true, "mapSize": 1024, "lightId": "Sun", "renderList": ["Cube", "Cube2", "Cube3"] }], "skeletons": [], "sounds": [{ "name": "violons11.wav", "volume": 1, "autoplay": true, "loop": true, "soundTrackId": 1 "spatialSound": true, "position": [0, 0, 0] "refDistance": 1.0, "rolloffFactor": 1.0, "maxDistance": 100, "distanceModel": "linear", "panningModel": "equalpower", "isDirectional": false, "coneInnerAngle": 90, "coneOuterAngle": 180, "coneOuterGain": 0, "connectedMeshId": 0, "localDirectionToMesh": [1, 0, 0] }] }
上一篇: html5(二)canvas绘图渐变