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2010:State-of-the-art in Heterogeneous Computing

程序员文章站 2022-06-26 11:54:38


[1] Brodtkorb A R ,  Christopher D ,  Hagen T R , et al. State-of-the-Art in Heterogeneous Computing[J]. Scientific Programming, 2010, 18(1):1-33.


  • Node level heterogeneous architectures have become attractive
  • compared to traditional symmetric CPUs,
    • high peak performance
    • energy and/or cost efficient.

  • With the increase of fine-grained parallelism in high-performance computing,
    • the introduction of parallelism in workstations,
  • acute need for a good overview and understanding of these architectures.

  • give an overview of the state-of-the-art in heterogeneous computing,
    • focusing on three commonly found architectures:
    • the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture,
    • graphics processingunits (GPUs),
    • (FPGAs)

  • present are view of hardware,
  • available softwaretools,
  • an overview of state-of-the-art techniques and algorithms.

  • a qualitative and quantitative comparison of the architectures,
  • give our view on the future of heterogeneous computing.

  • Power-efficient architectures,
  • parallel computer architecture,
  • stream or vector architectures,
  • energy and power consumption,
  • microprocessor performance
相关标签: # pr体系结构