一文搞懂Python Sklearn库使用
python sklearn库是一个丰富的机器学习库,里面包含内容太多,这里对一些工程里常用的操作做个简要的概述,以后还会根据自己用的进行更新。
简单来说 labelencoder 是对不连续的数字或者文本进行按序编号,可以用来生成属性/标签
from sklearn.preprocessing import labelencoder encoder=labelencoder() encoder.fit([1,3,2,6]) t=encoder.transform([1,6,6,2]) print(t)
输出: [0 3 3 1]
onehotencoder 用于将表示分类的数据扩维,将[[1],[2],[3],[4]]映射为 0,1,2,3的位置为1(高维的数据自己可以测试):
from sklearn.preprocessing import onehotencoder onehot=onehotencoder()#声明一个编码器 onehot.fit([[1],[2],[3],[4]]) print(onehot.transform([[2],[3],[1],[4]]).toarray())
输出:[[0. 1. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 1. 0.]
[1. 0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0. 1.]]
正如keras中的keras.utils.to_categorical(y_train, num_classes)
train_test_split是交叉验证中常用的函数,功能是从样本中随机的按比例选取train data和testdata,形式为:
x_train,x_test, y_train, y_test =train_test_split(train_data,train_target,test_size=0.2, train_size=0.8,random_state=0)
- train_data:所要划分的样本特征集
- train_target:所要划分的样本结果
- test_size:测试样本占比,如果是整数的话就是样本的数量
- random_state:是随机数的种子。
- 随机数种子:其实就是该组随机数的编号,在需要重复试验的时候,保证得到一组一样的随机数。比如你每次都填1,其他参数一样的情况下你得到的随机数组是一样的。但填0或不填,每次都会不一样。
- 种子不同,产生不同的随机数;种子相同,即使实例不同也产生相同的随机数。
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.datasets import load_iris iris=load_iris() train=iris.data target=iris.target # 避免过拟合,采用交叉验证,验证集占训练集20%,固定随机种子(random_state) train_x,test_x, train_y, test_y = train_test_split(train, target, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 0) print(train_y.shape)
得到的结果数据:train_x : 训练集的数据,train_y:训练集的标签,对应test 为测试集的数据和标签
本节参考与文章:用 pipeline 将训练集参数重复应用到测试集
pipeline 实现了对全部步骤的流式化封装和管理,可以很方便地使参数集在新数据集上被重复使用。
pipeline 可以用于下面几处:
- 模块化 feature transform,只需写很少的代码就能将新的 feature 更新到训练集中。
- 自动化 grid search,只要预先设定好使用的 model 和参数的候选,就能自动搜索并记录最佳的 model。
- 自动化 ensemble generation,每隔一段时间将现有最好的 k 个 model 拿来做 ensemble。
问题是要对数据集 breast cancer wisconsin 进行分类,
该数据集包含 569 个样本,第一列 id,第二列类别(m=恶性肿瘤,b=良性肿瘤),
第 3-32 列是实数值的特征。
我们要用 pipeline 对训练集和测试集进行如下操作:
- 先用 standardscaler 对数据集每一列做标准化处理,(是 transformer)
- 再用 pca 将原始的 30 维度特征压缩的 2 维度,(是 transformer)
- 最后再用模型 logisticregression。(是 estimator)
- 调用 pipeline 时,输入由元组构成的列表,每个元组第一个值为变量名,元组第二个元素是 sklearn 中的 transformer
- 或 estimator。
注意中间每一步是 transformer,即它们必须包含 fit 和 transform 方法,或者 fit_transform。
最后一步是一个 estimator,即最后一步模型要有 fit 方法,可以没有 transform 方法。
然后用 pipeline.fit对训练集进行训练,pipe_lr.fit(x_train, y_train)
再直接用 pipeline.score 对测试集进行预测并评分 pipe_lr.score(x_test, y_test)
import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import labelencoder from sklearn.preprocessing import standardscaler from sklearn.decomposition import pca from sklearn.linear_model import logisticregression from sklearn.pipeline import pipeline #需要联网 df = pd.read_csv('http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/breast-cancer-wisconsin/wdbc.data', header=none) # breast cancer wisconsin dataset x, y = df.values[:, 2:], df.values[:, 1] encoder = labelencoder() y = encoder.fit_transform(y) x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=.2, random_state=0) pipe_lr = pipeline([('sc', standardscaler()), ('pca', pca(n_components=2)), ('clf', logisticregression(random_state=1)) ]) pipe_lr.fit(x_train, y_train) print('test accuracy: %.3f' % pipe_lr.score(x_test, y_test))
例如用 selectkbest 选择特征,
分类器为 svm,
anova_filter = selectkbest(f_regression, k=5) clf = svm.svc(kernel='linear') anova_svm = pipeline([('anova', anova_filter), ('svc', clf)])
当然也可以应用 k-fold cross validation:
pipeline 的工作方式:
当管道 pipeline 执行 fit 方法时,
首先 standardscaler 执行 fit 和 transform 方法,
然后将转换后的数据输入给 pca,
pca 同样执行 fit 和 transform 方法,
再将数据输入给 logisticregression,进行训练。
5 perdict 直接返回预测值
predict_proba返回每组数据预测值的概率,每行的概率和为1,如训练集/测试集有 下例中的两个类别,测试集有三个,则 predict返回的是一个 3*1的向量,而 predict_proba 返回的是 3*2维的向量,如下结果所示。
# conding :utf-8 from sklearn.linear_model import logisticregression import numpy as np x_train = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4], [2, 1, 2], [4, 5, 6], [3, 5, 3], [1, 7, 2]]) y_train = np.array([3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2]) x_test = np.array([[2, 2, 2], [3, 2, 6], [1, 7, 4]]) clf = logisticregression() clf.fit(x_train, y_train) # 返回预测标签 print(clf.predict(x_test)) # 返回预测属于某标签的概率 print(clf.predict_proba(x_test))
6 sklearn.metrics中的评估方法
1. sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(true_y. pred_proba_score, pos_labal)
计算roc曲线,roc曲线有三个属性:fpr, tpr,和阈值,因此该函数返回这三个变量,l
2. sklearn.metrics.auc(x, y, reorder=false):
计算auc值,其中x,y分别为数组形式,根据(xi, yi)在坐标上的点,生成的曲线,然后计算auc值;
import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve from sklearn.metrics import auc y = np.array([1,0,2,2]) pred = np.array([0.1, 0.4, 0.35, 0.8]) fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y, pred, pos_label=2) print(tpr) print(fpr) print(thresholds) print(auc(fpr, tpr))
3. sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(true_y, pred_proba_y)
直接根据真实值(必须是二值)、预测值(可以是0/1, 也可以是proba值)计算出auc值,中间过程的roc计算省略
7 gridsearchcv
classsklearn.model_selection.gridsearchcv(estimator,param_grid, scoring=none, fit_params=none, n_jobs=1, iid=true, refit=true,cv=none, verbose=0, pre_dispatch='2*n_jobs', error_score='raise',return_train_score=true)
estimator:所使用的分类器,如estimator=randomforestclassifier(min_samples_split=100,min_samples_leaf=20,max_depth=8,max_features='sqrt',random_state=10), 并且传入除需要确定最佳的参数之外的其他参数。每一个分类器都需要一个scoring参数,或者score方法。
param_grid:值为字典或者列表,即需要最优化的参数的取值,param_grid =param_test1,param_test1 = {'n_estimators':range(10,71,10)}。
scoring :准确度评价标准,默认none,这时需要使用score函数;或者如scoring='roc_auc',根据所选模型不同,评价准则不同。字符串(函数名),或是可调用对象,需要其函数签名形如:scorer(estimator, x, y);如果是none,则使用estimator的误差估计函数。
cv :交叉验证参数,默认none,使用三折交叉验证。指定fold数量,默认为3,也可以是yield训练/测试数据的生成器。
refit :默认为true,程序将会以交叉验证训练集得到的最佳参数,重新对所有可用的训练集与开发集进行,作为最终用于性能评估的最佳模型参数。即在搜索参数结束后,用最佳参数结果再次fit一遍全部数据集。
n_jobs: 并行数,int:个数,-1:跟cpu核数一致, 1:默认值。
model=lasso() alpha_can=np.logspace(-3,2,10) np.set_printoptions(suppress=true)#设置打印选项 print("alpha_can=",alpha_can) #cv :交叉验证参数,默认none 这里为5折交叉 # param_grid:值为字典或者列表,即需要最优化的参数的取值 lasso_model=gridsearchcv(model,param_grid={'alpha':alpha_can},cv=5)#得到最好的参数 lasso_model.fit(x_train,y_train) print('超参数:\n',lasso_model.best_params_) print("估计器\n",lasso_model.best_estimator_)
如果有transform,使用pipeline简化系统搭建流程,将transform与分类器串联起来(pipelineof transforms with a final estimator)
pipeline= pipeline([("features", combined_features), ("svm", svm)]) param_grid= dict(features__pca__n_components=[1, 2, 3], features__univ_select__k=[1,2], svm__c=[0.1, 1, 10]) grid_search= gridsearchcv(pipeline, param_grid=param_grid, verbose=10) grid_search.fit(x,y) print(grid_search.best_estimator_)
8 standardscaler
# coding=utf-8 # 统计训练集的 mean 和 std 信息 from sklearn.preprocessing import standardscaler import numpy as np def test_algorithm(): np.random.seed(123) print('use standardscaler') # 注:shape of data: [n_samples, n_features] data = np.random.randn(3, 4) scaler = standardscaler() scaler.fit(data) trans_data = scaler.transform(data) print('original data: ') print(data) print('transformed data: ') print(trans_data) print('scaler info: scaler.mean_: {}, scaler.var_: {}'.format(scaler.mean_, scaler.var_)) print('\n') print('use numpy by self') mean = np.mean(data, axis=0) std = np.std(data, axis=0) var = std * std print('mean: {}, std: {}, var: {}'.format(mean, std, var)) # numpy 的广播功能 another_trans_data = data - mean # 注:是除以标准差 another_trans_data = another_trans_data / std print('another_trans_data: ') print(another_trans_data) if __name__ == '__main__': test_algorithm()
9 polynomialfeatures
它是使用多项式的方法来进行的,如果有a,b两个特征,那么它的2次多项式为(1,a,b,a^2,ab, b^2)。
interaction_only: 默认为false,如果指定为true,那么就不会有特征自己和自己结合的项,上面的二次项中没有a^2和b^2。
include_bias:默认为true。如果为true的话,那么就会有上面的 1那一项。
import pandas as pd from sklearn.neighbors import kneighborsclassifier from sklearn.model_selection import gridsearchcv from sklearn.pipeline import pipeline path = r"activity_recognizer\1.csv" # 数据在https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/activity+recognition+from+single+chest-mounted+accelerometer df = pd.read_csv(path, header=none) df.columns = ['index', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'activity'] knn = kneighborsclassifier() knn_params = {'n_neighbors': [3, 4, 5, 6]} x = df[['x', 'y', 'z']] y = df['activity'] from sklearn.preprocessing import polynomialfeatures poly = polynomialfeatures(degree=2, include_bias=false, interaction_only=false) x_ploly = poly.fit_transform(x) x_ploly_df = pd.dataframe(x_ploly, columns=poly.get_feature_names()) print(x_ploly_df.head())
x0 x1 x2 x0^2 x0 x1 x0 x2 x1^2 \
0 1502.0 2215.0 2153.0 2256004.0 3326930.0 3233806.0 4906225.0
1 1667.0 2072.0 2047.0 2778889.0 3454024.0 3412349.0 4293184.0
2 1611.0 1957.0 1906.0 2595321.0 3152727.0 3070566.0 3829849.0
3 1601.0 1939.0 1831.0 2563201.0 3104339.0 2931431.0 3759721.0
4 1643.0 1965.0 1879.0 2699449.0 3228495.0 3087197.0 3861225.0
x1 x2 x2^2
0 4768895.0 4635409.0
1 4241384.0 4190209.0
2 3730042.0 3632836.0
3 3550309.0 3352561.0
4 3692235.0 3530641.0
sklearn api:http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/classes.html#module-sklearn.ensemble
4.1 生成数据
import numpy as np np.random.seed(10) %matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from sklearn.datasets import make_classification from sklearn.linear_model import logisticregression from sklearn.ensemble import (randomtreesembedding, randomforestclassifier, gradientboostingclassifier) from sklearn.preprocessing import onehotencoder from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve,accuracy_score,recall_score from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.calibration import calibration_curve import copy print(__doc__) from matplotlib.colors import listedcolormap from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import standardscaler from sklearn.datasets import make_moons, make_circles, make_classification from sklearn.neural_network import mlpclassifier from sklearn.neighbors import kneighborsclassifier from sklearn.svm import svc from sklearn.gaussian_process import gaussianprocessclassifier from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import rbf from sklearn.tree import decisiontreeclassifier from sklearn.ensemble import randomforestclassifier, adaboostclassifier from sklearn.naive_bayes import gaussiannb from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import quadraticdiscriminantanalysis # 数据 x, y = make_classification(n_samples=100000) x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.2,random_state = 4000) # 对半分 x_train, x_train_lr, y_train, y_train_lr = train_test_split(x_train, y_train, test_size=0.2,random_state = 4000) print(x_train.shape, x_test.shape, y_train.shape, y_test.shape) def ylabel(y_pred): y_pred_f = copy.copy(y_pred) y_pred_f[y_pred_f>=0.5] = 1 y_pred_f[y_pred_f<0.5] = 0 return y_pred_f def acc_recall(y_test, y_pred_rf): return {'accuracy': accuracy_score(y_test, ylabel(y_pred_rf)), \ 'recall': recall_score(y_test, ylabel(y_pred_rf))}
4.2 八款主流机器学习模型
h = .02 # step size in the mesh names = ["nearest neighbors", "linear svm", "rbf svm", "decision tree", "neural net", "adaboost", "naive bayes", "qda"] # 去掉"gaussian process",太耗时,是其他的300倍以上 classifiers = [ kneighborsclassifier(3), svc(kernel="linear", c=0.025), svc(gamma=2, c=1), #gaussianprocessclassifier(1.0 * rbf(1.0)), decisiontreeclassifier(max_depth=5), #randomforestclassifier(max_depth=5, n_estimators=10, max_features=1), mlpclassifier(alpha=1), adaboostclassifier(), gaussiannb(), quadraticdiscriminantanalysis()] predicteight = {} for name, clf in zip(names, classifiers): predicteight[name] = {} predicteight[name]['prob_pos'],predicteight[name]['fpr_tpr'],predicteight[name]['acc_recall'] = [],[],[] predicteight[name]['importance'] = [] print('\n --- start model : %s ----\n'%name) %time clf.fit(x_train, y_train) # 一些计算决策边界的模型 计算decision_function if hasattr(clf, "decision_function"): %time prob_pos = clf.decision_function(x_test) # # the confidence score for a sample is the signed distance of that sample to the hyperplane. else: %time prob_pos= clf.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1] prob_pos = (prob_pos - prob_pos.min()) / (prob_pos.max() - prob_pos.min()) # 需要归一化 predicteight[name]['prob_pos'] = prob_pos # 计算roc、acc、recall predicteight[name]['fpr_tpr'] = roc_curve(y_test, prob_pos)[:2] predicteight[name]['acc_recall'] = acc_recall(y_test, prob_pos) # 计算准确率与召回 # 提取信息 if hasattr(clf, "coef_"): predicteight[name]['importance'] = clf.coef_ elif hasattr(clf, "feature_importances_"): predicteight[name]['importance'] = clf.feature_importances_ elif hasattr(clf, "sigma_"): predicteight[name]['importance'] = clf.sigma_ # variance of each feature per class 在朴素贝叶斯之中体现
automatically created module for ipython interactive environment
--- start model : nearest neighbors ----
cpu times: user 103 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 103 ms
wall time: 103 ms
cpu times: user 2min 8s, sys: 3.43 ms, total: 2min 8s
wall time: 2min 9s
--- start model : linear svm ----
cpu times: user 25.4 s, sys: 149 ms, total: 25.6 s
wall time: 25.6 s
cpu times: user 3.47 s, sys: 1.23 ms, total: 3.47 s
wall time: 3.47 s
4.3 树模型 - 随机森林
''' model 0 : lm logistic ''' print('lm 开始计算...') lm = logisticregression() %time lm.fit(x_train, y_train) y_pred_lm = lm.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1] fpr_lm, tpr_lm, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_lm) lm_ar = acc_recall(y_test, y_pred_lm) # 计算准确率与召回 ''' model 1 : rt + lm 无监督变换 + lg ''' # unsupervised transformation based on totally random trees print('随机森林编码+lm 开始计算...') rt = randomtreesembedding(max_depth=3, n_estimators=n_estimator, random_state=0) # 数据集的无监督变换到高维稀疏表示。 rt_lm = logisticregression() pipeline = make_pipeline(rt, rt_lm) %time pipeline.fit(x_train, y_train) y_pred_rt = pipeline.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1] fpr_rt_lm, tpr_rt_lm, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_rt) rt_lm_ar = acc_recall(y_test, y_pred_rt) # 计算准确率与召回 ''' model 2 : rf / rf+lm ''' print('\n 随机森林系列 开始计算... ') # supervised transformation based on random forests rf = randomforestclassifier(max_depth=3, n_estimators=n_estimator) rf_enc = onehotencoder() rf_lm = logisticregression() rf.fit(x_train, y_train) rf_enc.fit(rf.apply(x_train)) # rf.apply(x_train)-(1310, 100) x_train-(1310, 20) # 用100棵树的信息作为x,载入做lm模型 %time rf_lm.fit(rf_enc.transform(rf.apply(x_train_lr)), y_train_lr) y_pred_rf_lm = rf_lm.predict_proba(rf_enc.transform(rf.apply(x_test)))[:, 1] fpr_rf_lm, tpr_rf_lm, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_rf_lm) rf_lm_ar = acc_recall(y_test, y_pred_rf_lm) # 计算准确率与召回 ''' model 2 : grd / grd + lm ''' print('\n 梯度提升树系列 开始计算... ') grd = gradientboostingclassifier(n_estimators=n_estimator) grd_enc = onehotencoder() grd_lm = logisticregression() grd.fit(x_train, y_train) grd_enc.fit(grd.apply(x_train)[:, :, 0]) %time grd_lm.fit(grd_enc.transform(grd.apply(x_train_lr)[:, :, 0]), y_train_lr) y_pred_grd_lm = grd_lm.predict_proba( grd_enc.transform(grd.apply(x_test)[:, :, 0]))[:, 1] fpr_grd_lm, tpr_grd_lm, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_grd_lm) grd_lm_ar = acc_recall(y_test, y_pred_grd_lm) # 计算准确率与召回 # the gradient boosted model by itself y_pred_grd = grd.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1] fpr_grd, tpr_grd, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_grd) grd_ar = acc_recall(y_test, y_pred_grd) # 计算准确率与召回 # the random forest model by itself y_pred_rf = rf.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1] fpr_rf, tpr_rf, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_rf) rf_ar = acc_recall(y_test, y_pred_rf) # 计算准确率与召回
lm 开始计算...
随机森林编码+lm 开始计算...
cpu times: user 591 ms, sys: 85.5 ms, total: 677 ms
wall time: 574 ms
随机森林系列 开始计算...
cpu times: user 76 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 76 ms
wall time: 76 ms
梯度提升树系列 开始计算...
cpu times: user 60.6 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 60.6 ms
wall time: 60.6 ms
4.4 一些结果展示:每个模型的准确率与召回率
# 8款常规模型 for x,y in predicteight.items(): print('\n ----- the model : %s , -----\n '%(x) ) print(predicteight[x]['acc_recall']) # 树模型 names = ['lm','lm + rt','lm + rf','gbt + lm','gbt','rf'] ar_list = [lm_ar,rt_lm_ar,rf_lm_ar,grd_lm_ar,grd_ar,rf_ar] for x,y in zip(names,ar_list): print('\n --- %s 准确率与召回为: ---- \n '%x,y)
----- the model : linear svm , -----
{'recall': 0.84561049445005043, 'accuracy': 0.89100000000000001}
---- the model : decision tree , -----
{'recall': 0.90918264379414737, 'accuracy': 0.89949999999999997}
----- the model : adaboost , -----
{'recall': 0.028254288597376387, 'accuracy': 0.51800000000000002}
----- the model : neural net , -----
{'recall': 0.91523713420787078, 'accuracy': 0.90249999999999997}
----- the model : naive bayes , -----
{'recall': 0.91523713420787078, 'accuracy': 0.89300000000000002}
4.5 结果展示:校准曲线
calibration curves may also be referred to as reliability diagrams.
# ############################################################################# # plot calibration plots names = ["nearest neighbors", "linear svm", "rbf svm", "decision tree", "neural net", "adaboost", "naive bayes", "qda"] plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=2) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (2, 0)) ax1.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], "k:", label="perfectly calibrated") for prob_pos, name in [[predicteight[n]['prob_pos'],n] for n in names] + [(y_pred_lm,'lm'), (y_pred_rt,'rt + lm'), (y_pred_rf_lm,'rf + lm'), (y_pred_grd_lm,'gbt + lm'), (y_pred_grd,'gbt'), (y_pred_rf,'rf')]: prob_pos = (prob_pos - prob_pos.min()) / (prob_pos.max() - prob_pos.min()) fraction_of_positives, mean_predicted_value = calibration_curve(y_test, prob_pos, n_bins=10) ax1.plot(mean_predicted_value, fraction_of_positives, "s-", label="%s" % (name, )) ax2.hist(prob_pos, range=(0, 1), bins=10, label=name, histtype="step", lw=2) ax1.set_ylabel("fraction of positives") ax1.set_ylim([-0.05, 1.05]) ax1.legend(loc="lower right") ax1.set_title('calibration plots (reliability curve)') ax2.set_xlabel("mean predicted value") ax2.set_ylabel("count") ax2.legend(loc="upper center", ncol=2) plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
fraction_of_positives,每个概率片段,正数的比例= 正数/总数
mean predicted value,每个概率片段,正数的平均值
4.6 模型的结果展示:重要性输出
# 重要性 print('\n -------- radomfree importances ------------\n') print(rf.feature_importances_) print('\n -------- gradientboosting importances ------------\n') print(grd.feature_importances_) print('\n -------- logistic coefficient ------------\n') lm.coef_ # 其他几款模型的特征选择 [[predicteight[n]['importance'],n] for n in names if predicteight[n]['importance'] != [] ]
decision tree decision.feature_importances_
adaboost adaboost.feature_importances_
、 svm svm.coef_
naive bayes得到的是:naivebayes.sigma_
解释为:variance of each feature per class
4.7 roc值的计算与plot
plt.figure(1) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--') plt.plot(fpr_lm, tpr_lm, label='lr') plt.plot(fpr_rt_lm, tpr_rt_lm, label='rt + lr') plt.plot(fpr_rf, tpr_rf, label='rf') plt.plot(fpr_rf_lm, tpr_rf_lm, label='rf + lr') plt.plot(fpr_grd, tpr_grd, label='gbt') plt.plot(fpr_grd_lm, tpr_grd_lm, label='gbt + lr') # 8 款模型 for (fpr,tpr),name in [[predicteight[n]['fpr_tpr'],n] for n in names] : plt.plot(fpr, tpr, label=name) plt.xlabel('false positive rate') plt.ylabel('true positive rate') plt.title('roc curve') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.show() plt.figure(2) plt.xlim(0, 0.2) plt.ylim(0.4, 1) # ylim改变 # matt plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--') plt.plot(fpr_lm, tpr_lm, label='lr') plt.plot(fpr_rt_lm, tpr_rt_lm, label='rt + lr') plt.plot(fpr_rf, tpr_rf, label='rf') plt.plot(fpr_rf_lm, tpr_rf_lm, label='rf + lr') plt.plot(fpr_grd, tpr_grd, label='gbt') plt.plot(fpr_grd_lm, tpr_grd_lm, label='gbt + lr') for (fpr,tpr),name in [[predicteight[n]['fpr_tpr'],n] for n in names] : plt.plot(fpr, tpr, label=name) plt.xlabel('false positive rate') plt.ylabel('true positive rate') plt.title('roc curve (zoomed in at top left)') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.show()
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