2022-02-13 20:08:07
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Code Structure for Animation
struct JointPose {
Quaternion m_rot; //q
Vector3 m_trans; //t
F32 m_scale; //s
struct AnimationSample{
JointPose* m_aJointPose;
struct AnimationClip{
Skeleton* m_pSkeleton; //指向骨骼
F32 m_framePerSecond;
U32 m_frameCount;
AnimationSample* m_aSamples; //每帧的数据
bool m_isLooping;
len(m_aSamples) is m_frameCount+1 when m_isLooping == False, else m_frameCount;
Animation Retargeting
- Animation is usually compatible with only one skeleton
- But some closely related skeletons can use these animations
- Only if engine supports ignoring animation channels that cannot be found in skeleton being animated
- Advanced research on retargeting animations on totally different skeletons
Continuous Channel Functions
- According SQT data format for each sample,
- 10 scalar-valued functions per joint
- the time continuous functions per joint is a channel
- channel functions should be smooth and continuous across the entire animation clip
- many engines LERP bettwen the samples, making it piecewise linear approximations to the underlying continuous functions
- channels that do not have to do with posing
- but used to be synchronized with the animation
- event trigger channel
- sound, particle effects and so on
- animated locator
- special joint
- such as camera position, orientation, fov…
- texture coordinates scrolling
- texture animation
- animated parameter
- material
- lighting
Skinning and Matrix Palette Generation
Attaching the vertices of a 3D mesh to a posed skeleton is call skinning
Per-Vertex Skinning Information
- a skinned mesh is attached to a skeleton by means of its vertices.
- each vertex can be attached to one or multiple joints
- if multiple, the position becomes weighted average of the positions that it would have assumed had it bound to each joint independently
- so each vertex information should including
- the index of joints to which it is bound
- the weighting factor for each joint
- the maximal no of bound joints is usually 4
- data structure:
struct Skinned Vertex{ float m_position[3]; float m_normal[3]; float m_u, m_v; //u,v for texture cordinates U8 m_jointIndex[4]; float m_jointWeight[3]; }
Mathematics of Skinning
- Skinning matrix: transform vertices from original position in bind pose to current position that correspond to the current pose.
- always in model space
- One joint example
- (Kj)W = (B)-1C M
- V = VK
- Multiple Joints:
- V = wiVK
Animation Blending
more than 1 animation clip contribute to the final pose of character
LERP Blending
- (PLERP)j = LERP((PA)j, (PB)j, ) = (1 - )(PA)j + (PB)j
- P = { (PLERP)j } |
- is called the blending percentage or blend factor
- SQT format data is easy to blend, not as 4X4 matrix
- T and S: vector LERP, Q: LERP or SLERP
- independently on each joint, parallel calculated
Applications of LERP Blending
- Temporal Blending
- finding intermediate poses between sampled poses
- Motion continuity: Cross Fading
- clip transitions may pop, not smooth
- C0 continuity: path trace smooth
- C1 continuity: velocity smooth
- C2 continuity: second derivatives of the motion path smooth
- C3 and higher …
- LERP blending used in transitions to achieve C0 or C1 continuity is called cross fading
- overlap time, from 0 to 1
- types of cross fading
- smooth transition: Clip A and B play simultaneously, changes over time
- Frozen transition: A stops and B gradually takes over
- usually used in unrelated clips
- blend factor functions
- linear, cubic
- ease-in, ease-out
- Core poses
- every clip starts and ends in these poses
- C0 continuity: ensure two core poses match
- C1 continuity: authoring a single smooth animation into A end and B start
Directional Locomotion
pivotal movement: always face to where it turns
targeted movement: moving sideways, backward, forward, keeping its face to a target
- targeted movement
- forward, strafe left, strafe right
- LERP blend between two adjacent clips, according to angle
- backward not included because of legs crossing each other
- one feasible approach: use to hemispherical blends, one for forward and another for backward; explicit transition animation is played between hemisphere switch
- pivotal movement
- always play forward clips
- slightly leaning sideways when turning
- author three clips: move straight forward, extremely left turn, extremely right turn
- LERP blending between them to create desired turn pose
Complex LERP Blends (DELETE 583)
上一篇: animation 属性